Frederic Guichard

Associate Professor,
McGill University

Department of Biology
Institution page
Personal page


Postdoctoral fellow. Princeton University (NJ, USA). 2000-2002
Ph.D. Biology. Université Laval (Québec, Canada). 1993-2000.
B.Sc. Biology. Université de Montréal (Montréal, Canada). 09/1990 - 05/1993


I am interested in the study ecosystems as complex systems and in problems of scale in ecology. Among these problems I am interested in understanding (1) how large scale patterns of biological diversity develop and are maintained from local interactions among individuals, (2) how biological diversity is influenced by global changes, (3) the role of biological diversity for community structure and dynamics, and (4) how environmental complexity interact with biotic processes to maintain variability and diversity in communities. I address these questions by combining empirical (experiments, remote sensing) and theoretical (spatially-explicit modeling) approaches in order to link patterns and processes across scales. More precisely, much of my research is focused on understanding how diversity and other properties of marine communities emerge from local interactions among individuals.

One of the main goal of my research is to understand how the aggregation of species and space into functional groups or ``community elements'' can provide nontrivial information about community dynamics. I develop spatially-explicit models and simulations implementing local processes tested in the field. One of the questions underlying this work is to determine conditions maintaining communities in a critical state where scale invariance (i.e. power law relationships) are observed, and to understand the role of functional diversity in that process. I also use models to explore the role of metacommunity dynamics (large scale interactions among communities through larval dispersal) along biogeographic physical gradients for the maintenance of local and regional diversity. The development of metacommunity models is of great interest in coastal habitats in order to understand the influence of global changes on biological diversity. Another advantage of large-scale models is their use as a tool for the design of marine reserves. Linking patterns and processes responsible for creating a

QCBS students

Jake Harvey

(Start: 2022)
Higher-Order Interactions for Synthesizing Trophic and Non-Trophic Ecology

Previous students (since 2009)

Pierre Chuard

Postdoctoral fellow
(Start: 2017, End: 2018)
The effects of ocean acidification on predator and prey behaviour
Personal page

Geoffrey Cook

Postdoctoral fellow
(Start: 2011, End: 2012)
Metapopulation persistence under climate change

Philippe Girard

Postdoctoral fellow
(Start: 2011, End: 2013)
Other QCBS (co-)supervisor: Denis Réale
Individual-based modelling of stream salamanders in the context of climate change (Covey Hill, Quebec)

Dominique Gravel

Postdoctoral fellow
(Start: 2007, End: 2009)
trophic and spatial aspects of coexistence in metacommunities

Tri Nguyen Quang

Postdoctoral fellow
(Start: 2007, End: 2012)
the ecological control of spatial instabilities in metacommunities

Ridouan Bani

(Start: 2014, End: 2017)
Spatio-temporal connectivity: Implications for metapopulation, metacommunity and marine protected areas.
Personal page

Aline Fouard

(Start: 2010, End: 2012)
Meta-ecosystem dynamics in marine coastal habitats

Tarik Gouhier

(Start: 2006, End: 2010)
Marine metacommunity dynamics and reserve design theories

Kecia Kerr

(Start: 2006, End: 2012)
Dispersal limitation and large-scale persistence of tropical invertebrates

Nicolas Le Corre

Other (co-)supervisor: Ladd E. Johnson, Université Laval
(Start: 2007, End: 2013)
Variability of recruitment and connectivity within a marine metapopulation

Eric Pedersen

(Start: 2009, End: 2015)
metapopuation persistence under fluctuating connectivity
Personal page

Oscar Puebla

(Start: 2003, End: 2009)
Molecular and community ecology of hamlet fish in the Caribbean.

Charlotte Roby

(Start: 2007, End: 2009)
Génétique de population de la moule bleue dans l'estuaire du Saint-Laurent

Christian Brazeau

(Start: 2005, End: 2009)
community and ecosystem dynamics of enbobenthic communities in mussel beds

César Largaespada

(Start: 2007, End: 2011)
Metaecosystem dynamics in mussel bed habitats

Nicolaas Love

Other (co-)supervisor: Philipe Archambault
(Start: 2018, End: 2020)
Coupling Structural and Functional Stability in Ecosystem Engineered Environments

Julien Massé Jodoin

(Start: 2014, End: 2017)
Assessing the impact of local biotic-abiotic interactions on the stability of a simple coastal ecosystem

Laurence Paquette

Other (co-)supervisor: Philippe Archambault
(Start: 2012, End: 2015)
Effect of perimeter and area of mussel beds on the structure of their associated community and the ecosystem fluxes

Flor Santiago

Other (co-)supervisor: Harilaos Lessios, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute
(Start: 2015, End: 2017)
Patterns of aggregation of sea cucumbers and their relation to the broacast component Allee effect

Examples of species studied

Tetrahymena pyriformis
Hypoplectrus puella
Homarus americanus
Carybdea xaymacana


101- A hybrid dynamical system approach to predicting the resilience of community dynamics with seasonal migrations under climate change
Journal Article
Hutchison C , Gravel D , Guichard F ,
2024 Theoretical Ecology (Date Added: 2024-06-16)

100- Early warning indicators capture catastrophic transitions driven by explicit rates of environmental change
Journal Article
Arumugam R , Guichard F , Lutscher F ,
2024 Ecology (Date Added: 2024-03-04)

99- Supply-driven evolution: Mutation bias and trait-fitness distributions can drive macro-evolutionary dynamics
Journal Article
Xue Z P , Chindelevitch L , Guichard F ,
2023 Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution (Date Added: 2023-02-07)

98- The significance of partial migration for food web and ecosystem dynamics
Journal Article
Peller T , Guichard F , Altermatt F ,
2022 Ecology Letters (Date Added: 2022-12-10)

97- Traits affecting nutrient recycling by mobile consumers can explain coexistence and spatially heterogeneous trophic regulation across a meta-ecosystem
Journal Article
Peller T , Marleau J N , Guichard F ,
2021 Ecology Letters (Date Added: 2022-01-22)

96- Coupled phase-amplitude dynamics in heterogeneous metacommunities
Journal Article
Milne R , Guichard F ,
2021 Journal of Theoretical Biology (Date Added: 2021-05-07)

95- Dynamic larval dispersal can mediate the response of marine metapopulations to multiple climate change impacts
Journal Article
Bani R , Marleau J , Fortin M , Daigle R M , Guichard F ,
2021 Oikos (Date Added: 2021-04-26)

94- Tracking unstable states: ecosystem dynamics in a changing world
Journal Article
Arumugam R , Lutscher F , Guichard F ,
2021 Oikos (Date Added: 2021-02-11)

93- A global meta-analysis of temperature effects on marine fishes’ digestion across trophic groups
Journal Article
Knight N S , Guichard F , Altieri A H ,
2021 Global Ecology and Biogeography (Date Added: 2021-02-05)

92- From Marine Metacommunities to Meta-ecosystems: Examining the Nature, Scale and Significance of Resource Flows in Benthic Marine Environments
Journal Article
Peller T , Andrews S , Leroux S J , Guichard F ,
2020 Ecosystems (Date Added: 2020-11-18)

91- Converting Ecological Currencies: Energy, Material, and Information Flows
Journal Article
Marleau J N , Peller T , Guichard F , Gonzalez A ,
2020 Trends in Ecology and Evolution (Date Added: 2020-09-17)

90- Seasonal food webs with migrations: multi-season models reveal indirect species interactions in the Canadian Arctic tundra
Journal Article
Hutchison C , Guichard F , Legagneux P , Gauthier G , Bêty J , Berteaux D , Fauteux D , Gravel D ,
2020 Philosophical transactions. Series A, Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences (Date Added: 2020-09-10)

89- Persistence and extinction dynamics driven by the rate of environmental change in a predator–prey metacommunity
Journal Article
Arumugam R , Guichard F , Lutscher F ,
2020 Theoretical Ecology (Date Added: 2020-07-28)

88- Coupled networks of permanent protected areas and dynamic conservation areas for biodiversity conservation under climate change
Journal Article
2019 Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution (Date Added: 2020-09-23)

86- Non-resource effects of foundation species on meta-ecosystem stability and function
Journal Article
Massé Jodoin J , Guichard F ,
2019 Oikos (Date Added: 2019-11-13)

85- Understanding maladaptation by uniting ecological and evolutionary perspectives
Journal Article
Brady S P , Bolnick D I , Barrett R D H , Chapman L , Crispo E , Derry A M , Eckert C G , Fraser D J , Fussmann G F , Gonzalez A , Guichard F , Lamy T , Lane J , McAdam A G , Newman A E M , Paccard A , Robertson B , Rolshausen G , Schulte P M , Simons A M , Vellend M , Hendry A ,
2019 American Naturalist (Date Added: 2019-09-15)

84- Causes of maladaptation
Journal Article
Brady S P , Bolnick D I , Angert A L , Gonzalez A , Barrett R D , Crispo E , Derry A M , Eckert C G , Fraser D J , Fussmann G F , Guichard F , Lamy T , McAdam A G , Newman A E , Paccard A , Rolshausen G , Simons A M , Hendry A P ,
2019 Evolutionary Applications (Date Added: 2019-08-31)

83- Phenotype–environment mismatch in metapopulations—Implications for the maintenance of maladaptation at the regional scale
Journal Article
Negrín Dastis J O , Milne R , Guichard F , Derry A M ,
2019 Evolutionary Applications (Date Added: 2019-08-22)

82- Meta-ecosystem processes alter ecosystem function and can promote herbivore-mediated coexistence
Journal Article
Marleau J N , Guichard F ,
2019 Ecology (Date Added: 2019-05-03)

81- Ocean acidification causes mortality in the medusa stage of the cubozoan Carybdea xaymacana
Journal Article
Chuard P J C , Johnson M D , Guichard F ,
2019 Scientific Reports (Date Added: 2019-04-22)

80- From habitat geometry to ecosystem functions in marine mussel beds
Journal Article
Paquette L , Archambault P , Guichard F ,
2019 Marine Ecology Progress Series (Date Added: 2019-01-20)

79- Correction to: The emergence of phase asynchrony and frequency modulation in metacommunities (Theoretical Ecology, (2018), 10.1007/s12080-018-0398-8)
Journal Article
Guichard F , Zhang Y , Lutscher F ,
2018 Theoretical Ecology (Date Added: 2019-01-09)

78- The emergence of phase asynchrony and frequency modulation in metacommunities
Journal Article
Guichard F , Zhang Y , Lutscher F ,
2018 Theoretical Ecology (Date Added: 2018-11-26)

77- Effect of diversity on growth, mortality, and loss of resilience to extreme climate events in a tropical planted forest experiment
Journal Article
Hutchison, C, Gravel, D, Guichard, F, Potvin, C
2018 Scientific Reports (Date Added: 2018-10-30)

76- Dispersal traits interact with dynamic connectivity to affect metapopulation growth and stability
Journal Article
Bani R , Fortin M , Daigle R M , Guichard F ,
2018 Theoretical Ecology (Date Added: 2018-09-29)

75- A multiple-species framework for integrating movement processes across life stages into the design of marine protected areas
Journal Article
Cassidy C D Aloiaa, RMD
2017 Biological Conservation (Date Added: 2018-04-13)

74- Experimental evidence for concentration-dependence and intraspecific variation of movement behaviour in american lobster (Homarus americanus) larvae
Journal Article
Pedersen, EJ, Stanley, RRE, Snelgrove, PVR, Guichard, F
2017 Canadian Journal of Zoology (Date Added: 2017-10-24)

73- Regular patterns link individual behavior to population persistence
Journal Note
Guichard F ,
2017 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (Date Added: 2017-08-06)

72- Signatures of the collapse and incipient recovery of an overexploited marine ecosystem
Journal Article
Pedersen, EJ, Thompson, PL, Ball, RA, Fortin, M-J, Gouhier, TC, Link, H, Moritz, C, Nenzen, H, Stanley, RRE, Taranu, ZE, Gonzalez, A, Guichard, F, Pepin, P
2017 Royal Society Open Science (Date Added: 2017-07-12)

71- Transferability and scalability of species distribution models: A test with sedentary marine invertebrates
Journal Article
Eger A M , Curtis J M , Fortin M , Côté I M , Guichard F ,
2017 Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (Date Added: 2017-07-05)

70- Recent advances in metacommunities and meta-ecosystem theories
Journal Article
Guichard F ,
2017 F1000Research (Date Added: 2017-05-29)

69- Reciprocal feedbacks between spatial subsidies and reserve networks in coral reef meta-ecosystems
Journal Article
Spiecker, B, Gouhier, TC, Guichard, F
2016 Ecological Applications (Date Added: 2016-11-25)

68- A Trait-based framework for mutation bias as a driver of long-term evolutionary trends
Journal Article
Xue, JZ, Costopoulos, A, Guichard, F
2016 Complexity (Date Added: 2016-11-25)

67- At what scales does aggregated dispersal lead to coexistence?
Journal Article
Pedersen, EJ, Guichard, F
2016 Oikos (Date Added: 2016-11-18)

66- Effect of shipping traffic on biofouling invasion success at population and community levels
Journal Article
Lacoursière-Roussel, A, Bock, DG, Cristescu, ME, Guichard, F, McKindsey, CW
2016 Biological Invasions (Date Added: 2016-08-29)

65- Nonhierarchical Dispersal Promotes Stability and Resilience in a Tritrophic Metacommunity
Journal Article
Pedersen, EJ, Marleau, JN, Granados, M, Moeller, HV, Guichard, F
2016 The American Naturalist (Date Added: 2016-05-05)

64- Importance of Rhodococcus strains in a bacterial consortium degrading a mixture of hydrocarbons, gasoline, and diesel oil additives revealed by metatranscriptomic analysis
Journal Article
Auffret, MD, Yergeau, E, Labbé, D, Fayolle-Guichard, F, Greer, CW
2015 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (Date Added: 2016-01-21)

63- How robust is dispersal-induced spatial synchrony?
Journal Article
Zhang, Y, Lutscher, F, Guichard, F
2015 Chaos (Woodbury, N.Y.) (Date Added: 2016-01-11)

62- Emergence of nutrient co-limitation through movement in stoichiometric meta-ecosystems
Journal Article
Marleau, JN, Guichard, F, Loreau, M
2015 Ecology Letters (Date Added: 2015-10-19)

61- The effect of predator avoidance and travel time delay on the stability of predator-prey metacommunities
Journal Article
Zhang, Y, Lutscher, F, Guichard, F
2015 Theoretical Ecology (Date Added: 2015-09-30)

60- Planktonic predation risk: effects of diel state, season and prey life history stage
Journal Article
Kerr, KA, Cornejo, A, Guichard, F, Crespi Abril, AC, Collin, R
2015 Journal of Plankton Research (Date Added: 2015-05-04)

59- Fidelity drive: A mechanism for chaperone proteins to maintain stable mutation rates in prokaryotes over evolutionary time
Journal Article
Xue, JZ, Kaznatcheev, A, Costopoulos, A, Guichard, F
2015 Journal of Theoretical Biology (Date Added: 2014-10-27)

58- Synchrony: quantifying variability in space and time
Journal Article
Gouhier, TCaG
2014 Methods in Ecology and Evolution (Date Added: 2016-06-22)

57- Planktonic predation risk varies with prey life history stage and diurnal phase
Journal Article
Kerr K A , CA
2014 Marine Ecology Progress Series (Date Added: 2016-06-22)

56- Meta-ecosystem dynamics and functioning on finite spatial networks
Journal Article
Marleau JN, GF
2014 Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences (Date Added: 2016-06-22)

55- Timing reproduction when temperature varies: behavioral mechanisms in fiddler crabs
Journal Article
Kerr , KC
2014 PLoS One (Date Added: 2016-06-22)

54- The Paradox of Enrichment in Metaecosystems
Journal Article
Gounand, I, Mouquet, N, Canard, E, Guichard, F, Hauzy, C, Gravel, D
2014 The American Naturalist (Date Added: 2014-12-15)

53- Non-equilibrium spatial dynamics of ecosystems
Journal Article
Guichard, F, Gouhier, TC
2014 Mathematical Biosciences (Date Added: 2014-09-12)

52- Reproducing on Time When Temperature Varies: Shifts in the Timing of Courtship by Fiddler Crabs
Journal Article
Kerr, KA, Christy, JH, Joly-Lopez, Z, Luque, J, Collin, R, Guichard, F
2014 PLoS ONE (Date Added: 2014-06-17)

51- Designing effective marine reserve networks for non-equilibrium metacommunities
Journal Article
Gouhier, TC
2013 Ecological Applications (Date Added: 2016-06-22)

50- Synchronization in ecological systems by weak dispersal coupling with time delay
Journal Article
Wall, E, Guichard, F, Humphries, AR
2013 Theoretical Ecology (Date Added: 2013-11-14)

49- Variation in recruitment: Differentiating the roles of primary and secondary settlement of blue mussels Mytilus spp.
Journal Article
Le Corre, N, Martel, AL, Guichard, F, Johnson, LE
2013 Marine Ecology Progress Series (Date Added: 2013-05-22)

48- Unifying sources and sinks in ecology and Earth sciences
Journal Article
Loreau, M, Daufresne, T, Gonzalez, A, Gravel, D, Guichard, F, Leroux, SJ, Loeuille, N, Massol, F, Mouquet, N
2013 Biological Reviews (Date Added: 2013-04-15)

46- Competition-Colonization Trade-offs, competitive Uncertainty, and the Evolutionary Assembly of Species
Journal Article
Pillai, PaG
2012 PLoS One (Date Added: 2016-06-22)

45- Pairing dynamics and the origin of species
Journal Article
Puebla, O
2012 Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences (Date Added: 2016-06-22)

43-Connectivity as a tool to manage coastal 
ecosystems in changing oceans
Book Chapter
Le Corre, N
2012 Oceanography ( Date Added: 2016-06-22)

42- Modeling biofouling from boat and source characteristics: a comparative study between Canada and New Zealand
Journal Article
Lacoursière-Roussel, A, Forrest, BM, Guichard, F, Piola, RF, McKindsey, CW
2012 Biological Invasions (Date Added: 2012-10-23)

41- Disentangling invasion processes in a dynamic shipping-boating network
Journal Article
Lacoursière-Roussel, A, Bock, DG, Cristescu, ME, Guichard, F, Girard, P, Legendre, P, McKindsey, CW
2012 Molecular Ecology (Date Added: 2012-09-14)

40- Persistence Increases with Diversity and Connectance in Trophic Metacommunities
Journal Article
Gravel, D, Canard, E, Guichard, F, Mouquet, N
2011 PLoS ONE (Date Added: 2012-09-17)

39- Choosing Fitness-Enhancing Innovations Can Be Detrimental under Fluctuating Environments
Journal Article
Xue, JZ, Costopoulos, A, Guichard, F
2011 PLoS ONE (Date Added: 2011-12-05)

38- Perspective: Matching, Mate Choice, and Speciation
Journal Article
Puebla, O, Bermingham, E, Guichard, F
2011 Integrative and Comparative Biology (Date Added: 2011-09-26)

37- Species coexistence in a variable world
Journal Article
Gravel, D, Guichard, F, Hochberg, ME
2011 Ecology Letters (Date Added: 2011-07-08)

36-Spatial Pattern Formation of Motile 
Microorganisms:from Gravitactic Bioconvection to Protozoan Culture Dynamics
Book Chapter
Nguyen-Quang, T
2010 Porous 
Media: Applications in Biological Systems and Biotechnology ( Date Added: 2016-06-22)

35-The influence of temperature on courtship timing and incubation period in fiddler crabs (Uca)
Journal Article
Kerr, K
2010 Integrative and Comparative Biology ( Date Added: 2016-06-22)

34- Source and sink dynamics in meta-ecosystems
Journal Article
Gravel, D, Guichard, F, Loreau, M, Mouquet, N
2010 Ecology (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

33- Patch dynamics, persistence, and species coexistence in metaecosystems
Journal Article
Gravel, D, Mouquet, N, Loreau, M, Guichard, F
2010 American Naturalist (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

32- Ecological Systems as Complex Systems: Challenges for an Emerging Science
Journal Article
Anand, M, Gonzalez, A, Guichard, F, Kolasa, J, Parrott, L
2010 Diversity (Date Added: 2011-08-08)

31- Synchrony and stability of food webs in metacommunities
Journal Article
Gouhier, TC, Guichard, F, Gonzalez, A
2010 American Naturalist (Date Added: 2011-04-08)

30- The role of bioconvection in plankton population with thermal stratification
Journal Article
Nguyen-Quang, T, Guichard, F
2010 International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos (Date Added: 2011-04-08)

29- Nutrient flows between ecosystems can destabilize simple food chains
Journal Article
Marleau, JN, Guichard, F, Mallard, F, Loreau, M
2010 Journal of Theoretical Biology (Date Added: 2011-04-08)

28- Ecological processes can synchronize marine population dynamics over continental scales
Journal Article
Gouhier, TC, Guichard, F, Menge, BA
2010 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (Date Added: 2011-04-08)

27- Comparative analysis of marine ecosystems: Workshop on predator-prey interactions
Journal Article
Bailey, KM, Ciannelli, L, Hunsicker, M, Rindorf, A, Neuenfeldt, S, Möllmann, C, Guichard, F, Huse, G
2010 Biology Letters (Date Added: 2011-04-08)

26-Estimating dispersal from genetic isolation 
by distance in a coral reef fish (Hypoplectrus puella)
Journal Article
Puebla, O
2009 Ecology ( Date Added: 2016-06-22)

25-The importance of cross-scale interactions in coupled social-ecological systems
Book Chapter
Guichard, FePG
2009 Managing for resilience: New 
directions for marine ecosystem-based management ( Date Added: 2016-06-22)

24- Using spatial statistics to infer scales of demographic connectivity between populations of the blue mussel, Mytilus spp.
Journal Article
Smith, GK, Guichard, F, Petrovi?, F, McKindsey, CW
2009 Limnology and Oceanography (Date Added: 2011-04-08)

23- Two-dimensional gravitactic bioconvection in a protozoan (Tetrahymena pyriformis) culture
Journal Article
Nguyen-Quang, T, Nguyen, TH, Guichard, F, Nicolau, A, Szatmari, G, LePalec, G, Dusser, M, Lafossee, J, Bonnet, JL, Bohatier, J
2009 Zoological Science (Date Added: 2011-04-08)

22-Two dimensional gravitactic bioconvection 
of Tetrahymena pyriformis protozoan culture
Journal Article
Nguyen Quang, T
2008 Zoological Science ( Date Added: 2016-06-22)

21- Intrinsic and extrinsic causes of spatial variability across scales in a metacommunity
Journal Article
Guichard, F, Steenweg, R
2008 Journal of Theoretical Biology (Date Added: 2011-04-08)

20- Scales of Mytilus spp. population dynamics: Importance of adult displacement and aggregation
Journal Article
Petrovi?, F, Guichard, F
2008 Marine Ecology Progress Series (Date Added: 2011-04-08)

18- Influence of acute and chronic disturbance on macrophyte landscape zonation
Journal Article
Tewfik, A, Guichard, F, McCann, KS
2007 Marine Ecology Progress Series (Date Added: 2011-04-08)

17- Colour pattern as a single trait driving speciation in Hypoplectrus coral reef fishes?
Journal Article
Puebla, O, Bermingham, E, Guichard, F, Whiteman, E
2007 Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences (Date Added: 2011-04-08)

16- Weak trophic interactions and the balance of enriched metacommunities
Journal Article
Maser, GL, Guichard, F, McCann, KS
2007 Journal of Theoretical Biology (Date Added: 2011-04-08)

15- Local disturbance cycles and the maintenance of heterogeneity across scales in marine metapopulations
Journal Article
Gouhier, TC, Guichard, F
2007 Ecology (Date Added: 2011-04-08)

14- Criticality and disturbance in spatial ecological systems
Journal Article
Pascual, M, Guichard, F
2005 Trends in Ecology and Evolution (Date Added: 2011-04-08)

13- Interaction strength and extinction risk in a metacommunity
Journal Article
Guichard, F
2005 Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences (Date Added: 2011-04-08)

12- Time-scale change detection applied to real-time abnormal stationarity monitoring
Journal Article
Aubert, D, Guichard, F, Bouchafa, S
2004 Real-Time Imaging (Date Added: 2011-04-08)

11- Competition landscapes: Scaling up local biotic and abiotic processes in heterogeneous environments
Journal Article
Guichard, F
2004 Theoretical Population Biology (Date Added: 2011-04-08)

10- Toward a dynamic metacommunity approach to marine reserve theory
Journal Article
Guichard, F, Levin, SA, Hastings, A, Siegel, D
2004 BioScience (Date Added: 2011-04-08)

9- A note on two classical enhancement filters and their associated PDE's
Journal Article
Guichard, F, Morel, J-M
2003 International Journal of Computer Vision (Date Added: 2011-04-08)

8- Mussel disturbance dynamics: Signatures of oceanographic forcing from local interactions
Journal Article
Guichard, F, Halpin, PM, Allison, GW, Lubchenco, J, Menge, BA
2003 American Naturalist (Date Added: 2011-04-08)

7- Cluster size distributions: Signatures of self-organization in spatial ecologies
Journal Article
Pascual, M, Roy, M, Guichard, F, Flierl, G
2002 Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences (Date Added: 2011-04-08)

6- Scaling the influence of topographic heterogeneity on intertidal benthic communities: Alternate trajectories mediated by hydrodynamics and shading
Journal Article
Guichard, F, Bourget, E, Robert, J-L
2001 Marine Ecology Progress Series (Date Added: 2011-04-08)

5- Scale-space from a level lines tree
Journal Article
Monasse, P, Guichard, F
2000 Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation (Date Added: 2011-04-08)

4- High-resolution remote sensing of intertidal ecosystems: A low-cost technique to link scale-dependent patterns and processes
Journal Article
Guichard, F, Bourget, E, Agnard, J-P
2000 Limnology and Oceanography (Date Added: 2011-04-08)

3- Fast computation of a contrast-invariant image representation
Journal Article
Monasse, P, Guichard, F
2000 IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (Date Added: 2011-04-08)

2- Topographic heterogeneity, hydrodynamics, and benthic community structure: A scale-dependent cascade
Journal Article
Guichard, F, Bourget, E
1998 Marine Ecology Progress Series (Date Added: 2011-04-08)

1- A general meta-ecosystem model to predict ecosystem functions at landscape extents
Journal Article
Harvey, E, Marleau, JN, Gounand, I, Leroux, SJ, Firkowski, CR, Altermatt, F, Guillaume Blanchet, F, Cazelles, K, Chu, C, D'Aloia, CC, Donelle, L, Gravel, D, Guichard, F, McCann, K, Ruppert, JLW, Ward, C, Fortin, M-J
Ecography (Date Added: 2024-02-26)

In the media

Des bélugas toujours en détresse
Canoë Infos (Desjardins, Josiane) 2011-08-06

Journée Mondiale des Océans: Des bélugas toujours en détresse
24h Montréal (Desjardins, Josianne) 2011-06-13

I Heard the Mussels Call My Name
Maritime Noon (MacLeod, Norma Lee) 2010-05-07

Ecologie marine: l’effet bivalve
Techno-Science (Michel) 2010-05-06

The bivalve effect
Science Centric 2010-05-04

The bivalve effect
EurekAlert (Raillant-Clark, William) 2010-05-03

The Bivalve Effect : New Understanding of Marine Ecology Will Enable Better Management of Resources
NewsWise 2010-05-03