HQP fund’s purpose is to foster emerging research that promotes interdisciplinary research and scientific collaboration.


QCBS is offering a new HQP fund to foster the emergence of new collaborative research among QCBS members and their partners. 

The fund’s purpose is to foster emerging research that promotes interdisciplinary research and scientific collaboration. 

This fund can be complementary to working group funds but not exclusively.

The support requested shall be aligned on the following:

  • Foster the emergence of novel research themes requiring the input of additional expertise, as well as the establishment of a new collaboration.
  • Support the collaboration between researchers in several disciplines from multiple institutions with complementary training and expertise aiming at making the whole group more competitive at both national and international levels.
  • Improve training environment quality for highly qualified personnel in biodiversity science, and the development of innovative research opportunities able to attract promising students.

The HQP fund may co fund Postdoc or research professionals at the level of 40% limited to a maximum 30,000$ (per fiscal year)

The HQP fund is subject to an annual call for application: Deadline March 15th of every year

Applying for an HQP fund

The following paragraphs describe guidelines on information to be provided when applying for a HQP fund. Following the guidelines will greatly facilitate the evaluation process.

HQP fund application must contain the following items:

a) Cover letter (maximum 1 page)

The cover letter must include the following information: Names of all applicants and identification of the Principal Investigator, which will be the contact person, her/his academic institution, and email address. The cover letter should be brief and summarize the purpose of the request, elaborated in the following sections.

b) Description of proposed project for which you need HQP support (maximum 1/2 page)

The proposal should include the following items: Context, rationale, and general and specific objectives for the hiring of a HQP.

c) The list of collaborators for the proposed project (1 table)

The list should include and clearly identify both the QCBS members as well as the external collaborators.

d) Estimated budget (1 table)

HQP total budget plus benefit clearly indicating the amount requested from the QCBS.  QCBS contribution is limited to 40% or 30,000$ maximum.

e) Criteria for evaluation

The Scientific Committee will evaluate applications according to the following criteria:

Eligibility of HQP fund request;

Link between HQP fund request and the QCBS research axis and themes;

Likelihood that the proposed HQP fund request will lead to a new line of collaborative research;

Likelihood that the HQP fund request will stimulate collaboration among axes;

Contribution to the training of our graduate students and postdoctoral fellows.

f) HQP fund proposal selection and allocation

Following the review of HQP fund request by the selection committee, successful applicants will receive an email notification from the QCBS, detailing the amount allocated. Following award decisions, recipients will have to follow the administrative procedures for fund transfer established by QCBS.

The final fund allocation may be made only after the principal investigator will answer any eventual questions from the selection committee.

g) Communication of activities and report

Communication:  The PI must ensure there is a proper visibility of the QCBS for the HQP fund allocation. The HQP should be referred as QCBS Postdoc or QCBS research professional.

Report:  In place of summary report it is requested that the HQP contribute to the Beagle blog.


by | Sep 25, 2018