Jacques Brisson

Professeur titulaire,
Université de Montréal

Institut de recherche en biologie végétale
Courriel: jacques.brisson@umontreal.ca
Page web de l'institution


Postdoctorat en écologie végétale, 1996 (Université de Montréal)
Ph.D. en écologie, 1994 (University of California, Davis et San Diego State University).
M.Sc. en sciences biologiques, 1986 (Université de Montréal).
B.Sc. en sciences biologiques, 1983 (Université de Montréal)


  • Écologie des populations.
  • Compétition pour l'espace.
  • Maîtrise intégrée de la végétation.
  • Espèces envahissantes.
  • Capacité naturelle d'épuration des eaux par les plantes aquatiques.

  • Les travaux de recherche du laboratoire de dynamique végétale portent sur l'identification et la quantification des mécanismes de la compétition intra- et inter-spécifique pour l'espace. Sur le plan fondamental, l'objectif poursuivi consiste à intégrer la plasticité de croissance chez les végétaux au phénomène de compétition entre plantes voisines et d'en évaluer les conséquences sur la dynamique végétale. L'expertise acquise par le laboratoire sur la compétition et l'occupation de l'espace par les plantes est mise à profit dans le cadre de travaux de nature appliquée visant à solutionner des problèmes d'ordre environnemental, comme la maîtrise des plantes envahissantes ou l’épuration des eaux usées par l’utilisation de macrophytes à croissance rapide.

    Étudiants CSBQ

    Hannah Brown

    (Début: 2023, Fin: 2025)
    Autre (co-)superviseur membre du CSBQ: Danielle Dagenais
    Impacts du ruissellement salin sur la vitalité des arbres urbains

    Anciens étudiants (depuis 2009)

    Margit Koiv

    Postdoctoral fellow
    Autre (co-)superviseur: Yves Comeau, Ècole Polytechnique de Montréal
    (Début: 2010, Fin: 2012)
    Traitement de boues piscicoles sur lit à macrophyte et filtres réactifs - BOUES-LiMi

    Jaume Puigagut

    Postdoctoral fellow
    (Début: 2008, Fin: 2009)
    Traitement des boues par lit de séchage à macrophytes

    Sara Yavari

    Postdoctoral fellow
    (Début: 2019, Fin: 2020)
    Nutrient-Assisted Multispecies Phytoremediation of Mixed-Contaminated Soils

    Arnaud Albert

    (Début: 2010, Fin: 2016)
    Autre (co-)superviseur membre du CSBQ: Claude Lavoie
    Mode de dispersion et d’établissement du roseau commun (Phragmites australis)
    Page personnelle

    henry beral

    Autre (co-)superviseur: KÕIV-VAINIK Margit
    (Début: 2019, Fin: 2022)
    Autre (co-)superviseur membre du CSBQ: Danielle Dagenais
    Effet de la vegetation sur performances des cellules de bioretention en climat froid

    Anne-Laure Biang

    (Début: 2011, Fin: 2015)
    Rôle des végétaux en lit de séchage des boues piscicoles : écophysiologie, morphologie et faune bactérienne associée

    Chaeho Byun

    (Début: 2009, Fin: 2015)
    Autre (co-)superviseur membre du CSBQ: Sylvie de Blois
    Wetland restoration for inhibiting common reed (Phragmites australis) seedling establishment

    Tristan Charles-Dominique

    (Début: 2009, Fin: 2011)
    Relations entre la plasticité architecturale des buissons et leur capacité invasive

    Adrien Frémont

    Autre (co-)superviseur: Frédéric Pitre, Université de Montréal
    (Début: 2017, Fin: 2023)
    Les Racines Cachées de la Phytoremédiation : Une Approche Métabolomique pour Décrypter les Mécanismes d’Exsudation Racinaire Impliqués dans la Tolérance à l’Arsenic

    Vincent Gagnon

    Autre (co-)superviseur: F. Chazarenc (École des mines de Nantes)
    (Début: 2007, Fin: 2012)
    Rôle des végétaux dans le traitement des boues piscicoles par lit de séchage à macrophytes

    Vlad Parasquive

    (Début: 2018, Fin: 2021)
    Autre (co-)superviseur membre du CSBQ: Etienne Laliberté
    Le rôle des champignons mycorhiziens dans l'établissement d'arbres en végétation herbacée

    Mariana Rodriguez

    (Début: 2010, Fin: 2015)
    Biodiversité végétale et service écologique : le cas des marais filtrants


    (Début: 2018, Fin: 2023)
    Autre (co-)superviseur membre du CSBQ: Pierre-Luc Chagnon
    Revégétaliser les sols mis à nu pour limiter l’établissement des espèces indésirables


    (Début: 2019, Fin: 2021)
    Effet des macrophytes et du biochar sur la performance des marais filtrants pour le traitement du ruissellement agricole

    Emmanuelle Demers

    (Début: 2013, Fin: 2015)

    Jean-Francois Denis

    (Début: 2008, Fin: 2011)
    Autre (co-)superviseur membre du CSBQ: Sylvie de Blois
    Dynamique du Roseau common (Phragmites australis) dans les marais d’eau douce du Québec

    Valérie Desrochers

    Autre (co-)superviseur: Michel Labrecque, Université de Montréal
    (Début: 2017, Fin: 2019)
    Étude sur les micro-boutures de saule comme technique de recouvrement de sols perturbés

    Chloé Frédette

    Autre (co-)superviseur: Yves Comeau, Polytechnique Montréal
    (Début: 2016, Fin: 2018)
    Adapter l’utilisation de la technologie «zéro-rejets» par lit de saules au traitement de lixiviats contaminés

    Philippe Heine

    Autre (co-)superviseur: Michel Labrecque, Université de Montréal
    (Début: 2016, Fin: 2018)
    Détermination de plantes indigènes optimales pour la phytoremédiation des sols contaminés.

    Sam Karathanos

    (Début: 2013, Fin: 2015)
    Autre (co-)superviseur membre du CSBQ: Claude Lavoie
    Lutte intégrée au roseau commun : prévention, confinement et éradication
    Page personnelle

    Marie Lapointe

    (Début: 2006, Fin: 2009)
    Les facteurs écologiques influençant la dynamique entre une espèce exotique envahissante, Acer platanoides, et un congénère indigène, A. saccharum, dans une forêt urbaine du sud du Québec

    Amélie Perez

    Autre (co-)superviseur: Marc Mazerolle
    (Début: 2009, Fin: 2011)
    Impact du roseau commun (Phragmites australis) sur la diversité des amphibiens

    Valérie Teasdale

    (Début: 2015, Fin: 2017)
    Autre (co-)superviseur membre du CSBQ: Claude Lavoie
    Détermination d'un mélange de semence pouvant inhiber l'établissement de la Berce du Caucase

    Exemples d'espèces étudiées

    Acer platanoides
    Acer saccharum
    Phragmites australis
    Salix viminalis
    Populus nigra
    Fagus grandifolia
    Aristida basiramea
    Tsuga canadensis
    Pinus rigida
    Larrea tridentata
    Rhamnus cathartica
    Râle jaune
    Salix interior
    Trifolium pratense
    Schoenoplectus californicus


    124- Influence of free-floating plant species richness and composition on water quality improvement
    Journal Article
    Rodriguez M , Brisson J ,
    2025 Plant Ecology and Diversity (Date Added: 2025-02-10)

    123- Bioaugmentation in constructed wetlands for performance enhancement
    Book Book Chapter
    Tondera K , Chagnon P , Brisson J ,
    2024 Emerging Developments in Constructed Wetlands (Date Added: 2025-01-01)

    122- Undesirable woody establishment is driven by herbaceous cover phylogenetics and abiotic conditions
    Journal Article
    Trejo-Pérez R , Chagnon P , Gervais-Bergeron B , Boivin P , Brisson J ,
    2024 Plant Ecology (Date Added: 2024-11-11)

    121- Limited impact of soil inocula from arbuscular and ectomycorrhizal-dominated sites on root morphology and growth of four tree seedling species from a temperate deciduous forest
    Journal Article
    Parasquive V , Brisson J , Laliberté E , Chagnon P L ,
    2024 Plant and Soil (Date Added: 2024-11-07)

    120- Arsenic stress triggers active exudation of arsenic–phytochelatin complexes from Lupinus albus roots
    Journal Article
    Frémont A , Sas E , Sarrazin M , Brisson J , Pitre F E , Brereton N J B ,
    2024 Journal of Experimental Botany (Date Added: 2024-10-06)

    119- Small-scale experiments: Using mesocosms and microcosms for testing hypotheses in treatment wetland research
    Journal Article
    Brisson J , Carvalho P , Stein O , Weber K , Brix H , Zhao Y , Zurita F ,
    2024 Ecological Engineering (Date Added: 2024-09-04)

    118- Arbuscular and ectomycorrhizal tree seedling growth is inhibited by competition from neighboring roots and associated fungal hyphae
    Journal Article
    Parasquive V , Brisson J , Laliberté E , Chagnon P L ,
    2024 Plant and Soil (Date Added: 2024-06-05)

    117- Resistance against tree encroachment is driven by richness and identity of herbaceous resident speces
    Journal Article
    Trejo‐Pérez R , Chagnon P , Boivin P , Brisson J ,
    2024 Applied Vegetation Science (Date Added: 2024-05-26)

    116- Impact of de-icing salt runoff in spring on bioretention efficiency
    Journal Article
    Beral H , Dagenais D , Brisson J , Kõiv-Vainik M ,
    2023 Blue-Green Systems (Date Added: 2023-12-18)

    115- Thermal properties of treatment wetlands operated under freezing conditions
    Journal Article
    Grebenshchykova Z , Forquet N , Brisson J , Lachapelle-T X , Comeau Y , Chazarenc F ,
    2023 Water science and technology : a journal of the International Association on Water Pollution Research (Date Added: 2023-11-10)

    114- Contrasted root trait responses between saplings of an arbuscular and an ectomycorrhizal tree species in open field compared to forest conditions
    Journal Article
    Parasquive V , Brisson J , Guilbeault‐Mayers X , Laliberté E , Chagnon P L ,
    2023 Journal of Ecology (Date Added: 2023-06-18)

    113- Plant species contribution to bioretention performance under a temperate climate
    Journal Article
    Beral H , Dagenais D , Brisson J , Kõiv-Vainik M ,
    2023 Science of the Total Environment (Date Added: 2023-01-04)

    112- Structure and impact of root-associated fungi in treatment wetland mesocosms
    Journal Article
    Tondera K , Chazarenc F , Brisson J , Chagnon P ,
    2023 Science of the Total Environment (Date Added: 2023-01-03)

    111- Stressful, isolated, yet diverse: Green roofs have rich microbiomes that are not dominated by oligotrophic taxa
    Journal Article
    Hénault A , Heim A , Brisson J , Dagenais D , De Bellis T , Chagnon P ,
    2022 Environmental Microbiology Reports (Date Added: 2022-09-15)

    110- Effects of macrophyte species and biochar on the performance of treatment wetlands for the removal of glyphosate from agricultural runoff
    Journal Article
    Boucher-Carrier O , Brisson J , Abas K , Duy S V , Sauvé S , Kõiv-Vainik M ,
    2022 Science of the Total Environment (Date Added: 2022-06-11)

    109- Effects of plants and biochar on the performance of treatment wetlands for removal of the pesticide chlorantraniliprole from agricultural runoff
    Journal Article
    Abas K , Brisson J , Amyot M , Brodeur J , Storck V , Montiel-León J M , Duy S V , Sauvé S , Kõiv-Vainik M ,
    2022 Ecological Engineering (Date Added: 2022-03-28)

    108- Design of a zero liquid discharge leachate treatment system using an evapotranspiration willow bed
    Journal Article
    Frédette C , Comeau Y , Brisson J ,
    2022 Water Research (Date Added: 2022-01-06)

    107- Phytochelatin and coumarin enrichment in root exudates of arsenic-treated white lupin
    Conference Article
    Frémont A , Sas E , Sarrazin M , Gonzalez E , Brisson J , Pitre F E , Brereton N J B ,
    2021 Plant Cell and Environment (Date Added: 2021-09-13)

    106- Evaluation of long-term phosphorus uptake by Schoenoplectus californicus and Phragmites australis plants in pilot-scale constructed wetlands
    Journal Article
    Carrillo V , Collins C , Brisson J , Vidal G ,
    2021 International Journal of Phytoremediation (Date Added: 2021-08-20)

    105- Nutrient-assisted phytoremediation of wood preservative–contaminated technosols with co-planting of Salix interior and Festuca arundinacea
    Journal Article
    Yavari S , Courchesne F , Brisson J ,
    2021 Environmental Science and Pollution Research (Date Added: 2021-06-20)

    104- Bioaugmentation of treatment wetlands – A review
    Journal Article
    Tondera K , Chazarenc F , Chagnon P , Brisson J ,
    2021 Science of the Total Environment (Date Added: 2021-03-06)

    103- Using Native Woody Plants for Phytomanagement of Urban Technosols Contaminated by Wood Pole Preservatives
    Journal Article
    Heine P , Yavari S , Frenette‐Dussault C , Zagury G J , Brisson J , Labrecque M ,
    2021 Clean - Soil, Air, Water (Date Added: 2021-02-23)

    102- Macrophyte potential to treat leachate contaminated with wood preservatives: Plant tolerance and bioaccumulation capacity
    Journal Article
    Demers E , Kõiv-Vainik M , Yavari S , Mench M , Marchand L , Vincent J , Frédette C , Comeau Y , Brisson J ,
    2020 Plants (Date Added: 2020-12-29)

    101- Co-planting of Salix interior and Trifolium pratense for phytoremediation of trace elements from wood preservative contaminated soil
    Journal Article
    Lachapelle A , Yavari S , Pitre F E , Courchesne F , Brisson J ,
    2020 International Journal of Phytoremediation (Date Added: 2020-12-06)

    100- Plant Cover Restoration to Inhibit Seedling Emergence, Growth or Survival of an Exotic Invasive Plant Species
    Journal Article
    Brisson J , Teasdale V , Boivin P , Lavoie C ,
    2020 Ecoscience (Date Added: 2020-09-13)

    99- Effect of Plant Species and Nutrient Loading Rates in Treatment Wetlands for Polluted River Water Under a Subtropical Climate
    Journal Article
    Tondera K , Shang K , Vincent G , Chazarenc F , Hu Y , Brisson J ,
    2020 Water, Air, and Soil Pollution (Date Added: 2020-09-13)

    98- Restoring functionally diverse communities enhances invasion resistance in a freshwater wetland
    Journal Article
    Byun C , de Blois S , Brisson J ,
    2020 Journal of Ecology (Date Added: 2020-06-26)

    97- Two-year performance of single-stage vertical flow treatment wetlands planted with willows under cold-climate conditions
    Journal Article
    Grebenshchykova Z , Brisson J , Chazarenc F , Comeau Y ,
    2020 Ecological Engineering (Date Added: 2020-06-04)

    96- Using willow microcuttings for ecological restoration: An alternative method for establishing dense plantations
    Journal Article
    Desrochers V , Frenette-Dussault C , Guidi Nissim W , Brisson J , Labrecque M ,
    2020 Ecological Engineering (Date Added: 2020-05-01)

    95- Plant diversity effect on water quality in wetlands: a meta-analysis based on experimental systems
    Journal Article
    Brisson, J, Rodriguez, M, Martin, CA, Proulx, R
    2020 Ecological Applications (Date Added: 2020-03-06)

    94- Establishment and potential use of woody species in treatment wetlands
    Journal Article
    Grebenshchykova Z , Frédette C , Chazarenc F , Comeau Y , Brisson J ,
    2019 International Journal of Phytoremediation (Date Added: 2019-09-15)

    93- Ecophysiological Responses of a Willow Cultivar (Salix miyabeana ‘SX67’) Irrigated with Treated Wood Leachate
    Journal Article
    Frédette C , Comeau Y , Brisson J ,
    2019 Water, Air, and Soil Pollution (Date Added: 2019-09-04)

    92- Long-term impact of a major ice storm on tree mortality in an old-growth forest
    Journal Article
    Deschênes ,
    2019 Forest Ecology and Management (Date Added: 2019-07-05)

    91- Willows for environmental projects: A literature review of results on evapotranspiration rate and its driving factors across the genus Salix
    Journal Article
    Frédette C , Labrecque M , Comeau Y , Brisson J ,
    2019 Journal of Environmental Management (Date Added: 2019-06-24)

    90- Evapotranspiration of a willow cultivar (Salix miyabeana SX67) grown in a full-scale treatment wetland
    Journal Article
    Frédette C , Grebenshchykova Z , Comeau Y , Brisson J ,
    2019 Ecological Engineering (Date Added: 2019-02-23)

    89- The role of plants in bioretention systems; does the science underpin current guidance?
    Journal Article
    Dagenais D , Brisson J , Fletcher T D ,
    2018 Ecological Engineering (Date Added: 2018-07-28)

    88- How well does bordering forest composition predict tree establishment in utility corridors?
    Journal Article
    Boivin, P, De Blois, S, Brisson, J
    2018 Applied Ecology and Environmental Research (Date Added: 2018-06-29)

    87- Plant growth and nutrient uptake in treatment wetlands for water with low pollutant concentration
    Journal Article
    Vincent G , Shang K , Zhang G , Chazarenc F , Brisson J ,
    2018 Water Science and Technology (Date Added: 2018-03-14)

    86- Complementarity of three distinctive phytoremediation crops for multiple-trace element contaminated soil
    Journal Article
    Desjardins D , Brereton N J , Marchand L , Brisson J , Pitre F E , Labrecque M ,
    2018 Science of the Total Environment (Date Added: 2018-03-03)

    85- Treatment of a mixed wood preservative leachate by a hybrid constructed wetland and a willow planted filter
    Journal Article
    Lévesque S , Demers E , Brisson J , Comeau Y ,
    2017 Water Science and Technology (Date Added: 2017-12-16)

    84- The role of mycorrhizal symbioses in phytotechnology
    Journal Article
    Chagnon P , Brisson J ,
    2017 Botany (Date Added: 2017-11-19)

    83- Management of invasive plants through ecological resistance
    Journal Article
    Byun C , de Blois S , Brisson J ,
    2017 Biological Invasions (Date Added: 2017-08-10)

    82-Commentaires du Centre de la Science de la Biodiversité du Québec sur le projet de loi pour la conservation et l’utilisation durable des milieux humides et hydriques
    Lavallée, S, S Pellerin, M Poulin, J Brisson, J Cimon-Morin, S De Blois, C Lavoie, C Roberge,
    2016 Ministre du Développement durable, de l’Environnement et de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques du Québec ( Date Added: 2018-05-22)

    81-Efficacité des approches de phytotraitement par marais filtrant à l’essai sur le site de la cour d'entreposage de Laval
    Sophie Lévesque, S
    2016 Polytechnique Montréal ( Date Added: 2016-06-22)

    80- Light acclimation strategies change from summer green to spring ephemeral as wild-leek plants age
    Journal Article
    Dion, P-P, Brisson, J, Fontaine, B, Lapointe, L
    2016 American Journal of Botany (Date Added: 2016-06-06)

    79- Use of two spatially separated plant species alters microbial community function in horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetlands
    Journal Article
    Button, M, Rodriguez, M, Brisson, J, Weber, KP
    2016 Ecological Engineering (Date Added: 2016-04-20)

    78- Does the combination of two plant species improve removal efficiency in treatment wetlands?
    Journal Article
    Rodriguez, M, Brisson, J
    2016 Ecological Engineering (Date Added: 2016-03-21)

    77- Strategies for a successful plant invasion: the reproduction of_Phragmites australis_in north-eastern North America
    Journal Article
    Albert, A, Brisson, J, Belzile, F, Turgeon, J, Lavoie, C, Alpert, P
    2015 Journal of Ecology (Date Added: 2016-07-06)

    76- Pollutant removal efficiency of native versus exotic common reed (Phragmites australis) in North American treatment wetlands
    Journal Article
    Rodríguez, M, Brisson, J
    2015 Ecological Engineering (Date Added: 2016-07-06)

    75-Expérimentation de méthodes de contrôle hivernal de l’Aulne rugueux pour favoriser le maintien d’habitats de qualité du Râle jaune et du Troglodyte à bec court à la réserve nationale de faune du Lac-Saint-François (RNFLSF)
    Karathanos, S, P Boivin , Brisson, J
    2015 Plan de contrôle de l'Aulne rugueux ( Date Added: 2016-06-22)

    74- Training Environmental Managers to Control Invasive Plants: Acting to Close the Knowing–Doing Gap
    Journal Article
    Lavoie, C, Brisson, J
    2015 Invasive Plant Science and Management (Date Added: 2016-06-06)

    73- Interactions between abiotic constraint, propagule pressure, and biotic resistance regulate plant invasion
    Journal Article
    Byun, C, de Blois, S, Brisson, J
    2015 Oecologia (Date Added: 2015-09-03)

    72- Using intra-individual variation in shrub architecture to explain population cover
    Journal Article
    Charles-Dominique, T, Edelin, C, Bouchard, A, Legendre, P, Brisson, J
    2015 Oikos (Date Added: 2015-06-15)

    71- Floating treatment wetlands for heavy metal removal in highway stormwater ponds
    Journal Article
    Ladislas, S, Gérente, C, Chazarenc, F, Brisson, J, Andrès, Y
    2015 Ecological Engineering (Date Added: 2014-11-17)

    70-Pour la phytothecnologie: Roseau exotique ou indigene?
    Magazine Article
    Brisson, J
    2014 Quatre-Temps ( Date Added: 2016-07-11)

    69- Nitrogen resorption in Acer platanoides and Acer saccharum: influence of light exposure and leaf pigmentation
    Journal Article
    Duan, B, Paquette, A, Juneau, P, Brisson, J, Fontaine, B, Berninger, F
    2014 Acta Physiologiae Plantarum (Date Added: 2014-11-17)

    68- Interspecific Competition for Space Between Wetland Plants with Clonal Growth
    Journal Article
    Paradis, , Bellavance, M-, Fontaine, B, Brisson, J
    2014 Wetlands (Date Added: 2014-08-05)

    67- Common reed (Phragmites australis) invasion and amphibian distribution in freshwater wetlands
    Journal Article
    Mazerolle, MJ, Perez, A, Brisson, J
    2014 Wetlands Ecology and Management (Date Added: 2014-05-30)

    66- Catabolic profiles of microbial communities in relation to plant identity and diversity in free-floating plant treatment wetland mesocosms
    Journal Article
    Bissegger, S, Rodriguez, M, Brisson, J, Weber, KP
    2014 Ecological Engineering (Date Added: 2014-05-21)

    65-Exotiques, belles, mais envahissantes.
    Magazine Article
    Brisson, J&dB
    2013 Quatre-Temps ( Date Added: 2016-07-11)

    64- Physiological ecology and functional traits of North American native and Eurasian introduced Phragmites australis lineages
    Journal Article
    Mozdzer, TJ, Brisson, J, Hazelton, ELG
    2013 AoB PLANTS (Date Added: 2016-07-06)

    63- Do Woody Plants Prevent the Establishment of Common Reed along Highways? Insights from Southern Quebec
    Journal Article
    Albert, A, Brisson, J, Dubé, J, Lavoie, C
    2013 Invasive Plant Science and Management (Date Added: 2014-01-06)

    62- Inventaire des macromycètes d’une forêt ancienne de la région du Haut-Saint-Laurent
    Langlois, A, Archambault, R, Lebeuf, R, Turgon, J-P, McNeil, R, Brisson, J
    2013 Le Naturaliste canadien (Date Added: 2013-11-26)

    61-Impact of climate and human activities on the populations of Anabasis arctioides, a Saharan xerophytic plant
    Journal Article
    Khedache, Z, Brisson, J, Touffet, J, Nedjraoui, D
    2013 Revue d'Ecologie (La Terre et la Vie) ( Date Added: 2013-07-02)

    60- Effects of exotic common reed ( Phragmites australis ) on wood frog ( Lithobates sylvaticus ) tadpole development and food availability
    Journal Article
    Perez, A, Mazerolle, MJ, Brisson, J
    2013 Journal of Freshwater Ecology (Date Added: 2013-06-03)

    59- Effect of plant species on sludge dewatering and fate of pollutants in sludge treatment wetlands
    Journal Article
    Gagnon, V, Chazarenc, F, Comeau, Y, Brisson, J
    2013 Ecological Engineering (Date Added: 2013-04-15)

    58- Performances of Two Macrophytes Species in Floating Treatment Wetlands for Cadmium, Nickel, and Zinc Removal from Urban Stormwater Runoff
    Journal Article
    Ladislas, S, Gérente, C, Chazarenc, F, Brisson, J, Andrès, Y
    2013 Water, Air, & Soil Pollution (Date Added: 2013-01-17)

    57-Le roseau envahisseur : la dynamique, l’impact et le contrôle d’une invasion d’envergure
    Lavoie, C
    2012 Le Naturaliste Canadien ( Date Added: 2016-07-11)

    56- Architectural strategies of _Rhamnus cathartica_ (Rhamnaceae) in relation to canopy openness
    Journal Article
    Charles-Dominique, T, Edelin, C, Brisson, J, Bouchard, A
    2012 Botany (Date Added: 2016-07-06)

    55- Norway maple displays greater seasonal growth and phenotypic plasticity to light than native sugar maple
    Journal Article
    Paquette, A, Fontaine, B, Berninger, F, Dubois, K, Lechowicz, MJ, Messier, C, Posada, JM, Valladares, F, Brisson, J
    2012 Tree Physiology (Date Added: 2016-07-06)

    54- Plant functional group identity and diversity determine biotic resistance to invasion by an exotic grass
    Journal Article
    Byun, C, de Blois, S, Brisson, J
    2012 Journal of Ecology (Date Added: 2012-12-03)

    53- Effect of plant species on water quality at the outlet of a sludge treatment wetland
    Journal Article
    Gagnon, V, Chazarenc, F, Kõiv, M, Brisson, J
    2012 Water Research (Date Added: 2012-09-28)

    52- Are ciliated protozoa communities affected by macrophyte species, date of sampling and location in horizontal sub-surface flow constructed wetlands?
    Journal Article
    Puigagut, J, Maltais-Landry, G, Gagnon, V, Brisson, J
    2012 Water Research (Date Added: 2012-09-12)

    50- Water Quality Improvement of a Reservoir Invaded by an Exotic Macrophyte
    Journal Article
    Rodríguez, M, Brisson, J, Rueda, G, Rodríguez, MS
    2012 Invasive Plant Science and Management (Date Added: 2012-07-27)

    49- Comment on "Present-day expansion of American beech in northeastern hardwood forests: Does soil base status matter?"
    Journal Article
    Messier, C, Bélanger, N, Brisson, J, Lechowicz, MJ, Gravel, D
    2011 Canadian Journal of Forest Research (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

    48- Increasing phosphorus removal in willow and poplar vegetation filters using arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi
    Journal Article
    Fillion, M, Brisson, J, Guidi, W, Labrecque, M
    2011 Ecological Engineering (Date Added: 2011-08-26)

    47-Homogeneous light in shade-house experiment overestimates carbon gains in Norway maple seedlings
    Journal Article
    Paquette, A, Fontaine, B, Messier, C, Brisson, J
    2010 Journal of Horticulture and Forestry ( Date Added: 2012-03-28)

    45- Modeling the effect of plants and peat on evapotranspiration in constructed wetlands
    Journal Article
    Chazarenc, F, Naylor, S, Comeau, Y, Merlin, G, Brisson, J
    2010 International Journal of Chemical Engineering (Date Added: 2011-08-26)

    44- Seasonal and spatial changes of microorganism communities in constructed wetlands: A community level physiological profiling analysis
    Journal Article
    Chazarenc, F, Brisson, J, Merlin, G
    2010 International Journal of Chemical Engineering (Date Added: 2011-08-26)

    43- Treatment of hydroponics wastewater using constructed wetlands in winter conditions
    Journal Article
    Gagnon, V, Maltais-Landry, G, Puigagut, J, Chazarenc, F, Brisson, J
    2010 Water, Air, and Soil Pollution (Date Added: 2011-08-26)

    42- Roadside as invasion pathway for common reed (Phragmites australis)
    Journal Article
    Brisson, J, De Blois, S, Lavoie, C
    2010 Invasive Plant Science and Management (Date Added: 2011-04-20)

    41- The relative impact of human disturbances on the vegetation of a large wetland complex
    Journal Article
    Tousignant, M-, Pellerin, S, Brisson, J
    2010 Wetlands (Date Added: 2011-04-15)

    40- Érablière à caryer
    Book Chapter
    Brisson, J
    2009 Manuel de foresterie. (Date Added: 2012-09-12)

    39- Greenhouse gas production and efficiency of planted and artificially aerated constructed wetlands
    Journal Article
    Maltais-Landry, G, Maranger, R, Brisson, J, Chazarenc, F
    2009 Environmental Pollution (Date Added: 2012-03-28)

    38- Nitrogen transformations and retention in planted and artificially aerated constructed wetlands
    Journal Article
    Maltais-Landry, G, Maranger, R, Brisson, J, Chazarenc, F
    2009 Water Research (Date Added: 2012-03-28)

    37- Resource and non-resource root competition effects of grasses on early- versus late-successional trees
    Journal Article
    Messier, C, Coll, L, Poitras-Larivière, A, Bélanger, N, Brisson, J
    2009 Journal of Ecology (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    36- Microbial processes influencing performance of treatment wetlands: A review
    Journal Article
    Faulwetter, JL, Gagnon, V, Sundberg, C, Chazarenc, F, Burr, MD, Brisson, J, Camper, AK, Stein, OR
    2009 Ecological Engineering (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    35- Performance of Salix viminalis and Populus nigra × Populus maximowiczii in short rotation intensive culture under high irrigation
    Journal Article
    Fillion, M, Brisson, J, Teodorescu, TI, Sauvé, S, Labrecque, M
    2009 Biomass and Bioenergy (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    34- Maximizing pollutant removal in constructed wetlands: Should we pay more attention to macrophyte species selection?
    Journal Article
    Brisson, J, Chazarenc, F
    2009 Science of the Total Environment (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    33- Effect of plant and artificial aeration on solids accumulation and biological activities in constructed wetlands
    Journal Article
    Chazarenc, F, Gagnon, V, Comeau, Y, Brisson, J
    2009 Ecological Engineering (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    32- Effect of artificial aeration and macrophyte species on nitrogen cycling and gas flux in constructed wetlands
    Journal Article
    Maltais-Landry, G, Maranger, R, Brisson, J
    2009 Ecological Engineering (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    30- Effect of a major canopy disturbance on the coexistence of Acer saccharum and Fagus grandifolia in the understorey of an old-growth forest
    Journal Article
    Beaudet, M, Brisson, J, Gravel, D, Messier, C
    2007 Journal of Ecology (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

    29- Effect of a major ice storm on understory light conditions in an old-growth Acer-Fagus forest: Pattern of recovery over seven years
    Journal Article
    Beaudet, M, Brisson, J, Messier, C, Gravel, D
    2007 Forest Ecology and Management (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

    28- Lac Croche understory vegetation data set (1998-2006): Ecological Archives E088-197
    Journal Article
    Paquette, A, Laliberté, E, Bouchard, A, De Blois, S, Legendre, P, Brisson, J
    2007 Ecology (Date Added: 2011-04-20)

    27- Effect of loading rate on performance of constructed wetlands treating an anaerobic supernatant
    Book Whole
    Chazarenc, F, Maltais-Landry, G, Troesch, S, Comeau, Y, Brisson, J
    2007 (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    26- Influence of macrophyte species on microbial density and activity in constructed wetlands
    Book Whole
    Gagnon, V, Chazarenc, F, Comeau, Y, Brisson, J
    2007 (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    25- Effects of artificial aeration, macrophyte species, and loading rate on removal efficiency in constructed wetland mesocosms treating fish farm wastewater
    Journal Article
    Maltais-Landry, G, Chazarenc, F, Comeau, Y, Troesch, S, Brisson, J
    2007 Journal of Environmental Engineering and Science (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    24- Slag columns for upgrading phosphorus removal from constructed wetland effluents
    Book Whole
    Chazarenc, F, Brisson, J, Comeau, Y
    2007 (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    23- Orientation relaxation study on poly(ethylene oxide)-poly(vinyl phenol) blends by polarization modulation infrared linear dichroism
    Journal Article
    Lapointe, F, Pézolet, M, Brisson, J
    2007 Polymer (Date Added: 2011-04-08)

    22- Controlling speckled alder (Alnus incana ssp. rugosa) invasion in a wetland reserve of Southern Québec
    Journal Article
    Brisson, J, Cogliastro, A, Robert, M
    2006 Natural Areas Journal (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    21- Artificial aeration to increase pollutant removal efficiency of constructed wetlands in cold climate
    Journal Article
    Ouellet-Plamondon, C, Chazarenc, F, Comeau, Y, Brisson, J
    2006 Ecological Engineering (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    20- Herbaceous covers to control tree invasion in rights-of-way: Ecological concepts and applications
    Journal Article
    De Blois, S, Brisson, J, Bouchard, A
    2004 Environmental Management (Date Added: 2011-04-20)

    19- Effect of macrophyte species on subsurface flow wetland performance in cold climate
    Conference Article
    Ouellet-Plamondon, CM, Brisson, J, Comeau, Y
    2004 Proceedings of the 2004 Self-Sustaining Solutions for Streams, Wetlands, and Watersheds Conference (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    18- Forked three-awned grass, Aristida basiramea Engelm. ex Vasey: A new addition to the flora of Quebec
    Journal Article
    Brisson, J
    2004 Canadian Field-Naturalist (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    17- Treatment of freshwater fish farm effluent using constructed wetlands: The role of plants and substrate
    Journal Article
    Naylor, S, Brisson, J, Labelle, MA, Drizo, A, Comeau, Y
    2003 Water Science and Technology (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    16- Old-growth forests in the temperate deciduous zone of Quebec: Identification and evaluation for conservation and research purposes
    Journal Article
    Villeneuve, N, Brisson, J
    2003 Forestry Chronicle (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    15- A modelling approach to assess the long-term impact of beech bark disease in northern hardwood forest
    Journal Article
    Le Guerrier, C, Marceau, DJ, Bouchard, A, Brisson, J
    2003 Canadian Journal of Forest Research (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    13- Microfungal biodiversity on Fagus grandifolia in an old-growth forest of Eastern North-America
    Journal Article
    Vujanovic, V, Brisson, J
    2002 Phyton - Annales Rei Botanicae (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    12- Neighborhood competition and crown asymmetry in Acer saccharum
    Journal Article
    Brisson, J
    2001 Canadian Journal of Forest Research (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    11- Dendroclimatic analysis of Acer saccharum, Fagus grandifolia, and Tsuga canadensis from an old-growth forest, southwestern Quebec
    Journal Article
    Tardif, J, Brisson, J, Bergeron, Y
    2001 Canadian Journal of Forest Research (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    10- The microfungal biodiversity of Fagus grandifolia in an old forest: Bioindicators and mycosociologic structure
    Journal Article
    Vujanovic, V, Brisson, J
    2001 Canadian Field-Naturalist (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    9- Phosphorus removal from trout farm effluents by constructed wetlands
    Journal Article
    Comeau, Y, Brisson, J, Réville, J-P, Forget, C, Drizo, A
    2001 Water Science and Technology (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    8- A new species Polynema muirii on Fagus grandifolia
    Journal Article
    Vujanovic, V, St-Arnaud, M, Neumann, P, Fortin, JA, Brisson, J
    1999 Mycologia (Date Added: 2011-04-14)

    7- Possible mechanisms of sugar maple regeneration failure and replacement by beech in the Boise-des-Muir old-growth forest, Quebec
    Journal Article
    Beaudet, M, Messier, C, Paré, D, Brisson, J, Bergeron, Y
    1999 Ecoscience (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    6- Effects of compensatory growth on population processes: A simulation study
    Journal Article
    Brisson, J, Reynolds, JF
    1997 Ecology (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    5- Ecological analyses of the northernmost population of pitch pine (Pinus rigida)
    Journal Article
    Meilleur, A, Brisson, J, Bouchard, A
    1997 Canadian Journal of Forest Research (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    4- Beech-maple dynamics in an old-growth forest in southern Quebec, Canada
    Journal Article
    Brisson, J, Bergeron, Y, Bouchard, A, Leduc, A
    1994 Ecoscience (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    3- The effect of neighbors on root distribution in a creosotebush (Larrea tridentata) population
    Journal Article
    Brisson, J, Reynolds, JF
    1994 Ecology (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    2- Fire regime in red pine stands at the northern limit of the species' range
    Journal Article
    Bergeron, Y, Brisson, J
    1990 Ecology (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    1- Secondary succession on mesic sites in the upper St. Lawrence River, Quebec, Canada
    Journal Article
    Brisson, J, Bergeron, Y, Bouchard, A
    1988 Canadian Journal of Botany (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

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    Recipients of the 2014 Pehr-Kalm Award
    IRBV 2015-01-23

    L'érable de Norvège
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    Jacques Brisson et Michel Labrecque s'attaquent aux eaux et aux sols contaminé à Shanghai
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    Jacques Brisson construit des marais en Chine
    UdeM Nouvelles (Sauvé, Mathieu-Robert) 2014-10-27

    Des roseaux qui purifient nos eaux
    UdeMNouvelles (Mathieu-Robert Sauvé) 2014-04-24

    Relève au laboratoire de Jacques Brisson : une jeune étudiante de 10 ans démontre la capacité de la jacinthe d’eau à épurer l’eau contaminée
    publications IRBV 2014-04-02

    L’université idéale verra-t-elle le jour en Équateur?
    Radio Canada International (Lachance, Adrien) 2014-01-28

    Comment mettre sur pied une université en Amazonie?
    UdeMNouvelles (Sauvé, Mathieu-Robert) 2014-01-20

    Attention plantes au travail
    Metro (Brisson, Jacques) 2014-01-10

    Une nouvelle plante envahissante et préoccupante dans la Saint-Charles
    Journal L'Actuel 2013-06-10

    Passion-science : Jacques Brisson : L'hypothèse
    Découverte 2013-04-21

    Renouvellement du mandat de trois membres et nomination d'un vice-président - Jacques Brisson est nommé vice-président du Conseil du patrimoine de Montréal
    Réseau de l'information municipale 2012-10-12

    Jacques Brisson est nommé vice-président du Conseil du patrimoine de Montréal
    CNW Telbec 2012-10-11

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    L'UdeM rend hommage à des enseignants exceptionnels - UdeMNouvelles
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    Jacques Brisson – prix 2012 d’excellence en enseignement
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    Platane : nouvelle espèce
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    Franc succès du 7e colloque du groupe PHRAGMITES
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    Plantes envahissantes - Ennemi végétal numéro un
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    Le carex faux-lupulina menacé?
    La Presse (Lacoursière, Ariane) 2011-06-10

    Le mont Royal, terrain de recherche
    Techno-Science (, Isabelle) 2011-05-12

    Y a-t-il des moyens écologiques et efficaces de se débarrasser des pissenlits au printemps? Le courrier des 'Années lumière'
    Les années lumière (Blondin, Sophie-Andrée) 2011-05-08

    Une forêt sous haute surveillance
    La Terre de chez nous (Normandin, Céline) 2011-02-02

    Les effets du réchauffement climatique menacent la forêt québécoise
    Forum (Sauvé, Mathieu-Robert) 2011-01-31

    Protéger les lignes électriques avec la verge d'or
    Bulletins Electroniques BE Canada 375 (Bézy, Céline) 2010-11-12

    La verge d'or pour protéger les lignes électriques
    Forum (Baril, Daniel) 2010-10-31

    Éradiquer des plantes pour laisser croître des jeunes
    Canoë Infos (Dionne, Laurent) 2010-10-08

    Un nouvel arbre identifié en sol québécois !
    Agence Science-Presse (ASPQuebec) 2010-09-17

    Un nouvel arbre au Québec
    La Presse (Gingras, Pierre) 2010-09-14