Murray Humphries
Professeur agrégé,McGill University
Department of Natural Resource Sciences
Courriel: murray.humphries@mcgill.ca
Page web de l'institution
Étudiants CSBQNathan BadryPh.D. Jackie HamiltonPh.D. Mikaela Borgeaud LeBlancM.Sc. Jonathan DiamondM.Sc. Eleanor SternM.Sc. Richard BoivinB.Sc. Anciens étudiants (depuis 2009)Jeremy BrammerPh.D. Vincent CareauPh.D. Quinn FletcherPh.D. Xavier Giroux-BougardPh.D. Xavier Giroux-BougardPh.D. Paul JensenPh.D. Melanie-Louise LeblancPh.D. Sebastien LemieuxPh.D. Marianne MarcouxPh.D. Tim MuhichPh.D. Jason SamsonPh.D. Emily StuddPh.D. Duncan WarltierPh.D. Devan ArchibaldM.Sc. Victoria ChangM.Sc. Marianne GagnonM.Sc. Mikhaela NeelinM.Sc. Emily StuddM.Sc. Amy ThompsonM.Sc. Implication au sein du CSBQ
Thèmes de recherche du CSBQ pertinentsExemples d'espèces étudiéesTamias striatus Monodon monoceros Cuterebra emasculator Delphinapterus leucas Tamiasciurus hudsonicus Ondatra zibethicus Americanus Lynx canadensis Branta bernicla hrota Publications165- A mixed method evaluation of ecosystem services and services-to-ecosystems illuminates culturally important trees in a settled landscape Journal Article Hamilton J , Humphries M M , Bennett E M , 2025 Ecosystems and People (Date Added: 2025-02-10) 164- Relational place-based solutions for environmental policy misalignments Journal Article , 2024 Trends in Ecology and Evolution (Date Added: 2025-03-16) 163- Relational place-based solutions for environmental policy misalignments Journal Article , 2024 Trends in Ecology and Evolution (Date Added: 2025-03-16) 162- Relational place-based solutions for environmental policy misalignments Journal Article , 2024 Trends in Ecology and Evolution (Date Added: 2025-03-16) 161- Cree knowledge, fuzzy cognitive maps, and the social-ecology of moose habitat quality under an adapted forestry regime Journal Article MacMillan G , Badry N , Sarmiento I , Grant E , Hickey G , Humphries M , 2024 Ecology and Society (Date Added: 2024-12-21) 160- Managing environmental knowledge networks to navigate complexity Journal Article Holzer J , Awada T , Baird J , Bennett E , Borer E , Calderon-Contreras R , Groffman P , Grove J M , Harvey B , Hickey G , Hobbs I , Humphries M , Metzger M , Orenstein D , Robinson B , Watt A , Winkler K , Asif F , 2024 Ecology and Society (Date Added: 2024-11-03) 159- Boundary Spanning Methodological Approaches for Collaborative Moose Governance in Eeyou Istchee Journal Article Badry N A , MacMillan G A , Stern E R , Landry-Cuerrier M , Hickey G M , Humphries M M , 2023 Environmental Management (Date Added: 2024-01-01) 158- Chipping in: functional morphology of the American beaver under range expansion Journal Article Diamond J , Humphries M M , Millien V , 2023 Journal of Zoology (Date Added: 2023-12-17) 157- Community-led non-invasive polar bear monitoring in the Eeyou Marine Region of James Bay, Canada: insights on distribution and body condition during the ice-free season Journal Article Langwieder A , Coxon A , Louttit N , Varty S , Boulanger F , Diamond S , Lameboy J , Jolly A , Natawapineskum G , Okimaw D , Humphries M M , 2023 Facets (Date Added: 2023-08-11) 156- Hunting and seagrass affect fall stopover Canada goose distribution in eastern Canada Journal Article Leblanc M , Hanson A , Leblon B , LaRocque A , Humphries M M , 2023 Journal of Wildlife Management (Date Added: 2023-06-18) 155- Focus Issue: Weaving Together Knowledges - Collaborations in Support of the Wellbeing of Mountain Peoples and Regions Journal Article Mathez-Stiefel S , Dubé M , Humphries M , Kassi N , Olivier N , 2022 Mountain Research and Development (Date Added: 2023-07-12) 154- Tabusintac Bay (New Brunswick, Canada): an important spring migratory stopover for Atlantic Brant (Branta bernicla hrota) Journal Article Leblanc M , Hanson A , LaRocque A , Leblon B , Humphries M , 2022 Canadian Field-Naturalist (Date Added: 2023-03-26) 153- Braiding Knowledges: The Canadian Mountain Network Experience Journal Article Kassi N , Humphries M M , Dubé M , Dragon J , Olivier N , Bowser K , Berry M , 2022 Mountain Research and Development (Date Added: 2023-03-20) 152- Coat color mismatch improves survival of a keystone boreal herbivore: Energetic advantages exceed lost camouflage Journal Article Kennah J L , Peers M J L , Vander Wal E , Majchrzak Y N , Menzies A K , Studd E K , Boonstra R , Humphries M M , Jung T S , Kenney A J , Krebs C J , Boutin S , 2022 Ecology (Date Added: 2022-12-10) 151- Behavioural adjustments of predators and prey to wind speed in the boreal forest Journal Article Studd E K , Peers M J L , Menzies A K , Derbyshire R , Majchrzak Y N , Seguin J L , Murray D L , Dantzer B , Lane J E , McAdam A G , Humphries M M , Boutin S , 2022 Oecologia (Date Added: 2022-10-19) 150- Weighing the importance of animal body size in traditional food systems Journal Article Brammer J R , Menzies A K , Carter L S , Giroux-Bougard X , Landry-Cuerrier M , Leblanc M , Neelin M N , Studd E K , Humphries M M , 2022 Facets (Date Added: 2022-05-23) 149- Activity, heart rate, and energy expenditure of a cold-climate mesocarnivore, the Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis) Journal Article Menzies A K , Studd E K , Seguin J L , Derbyshire R E , Murray D L , Boutin S , Humphries M M , 2022 Canadian Journal of Zoology (Date Added: 2022-04-19) 148- Interweaving local, expert, and Indigenous knowledge into quantitative wildlife analyses: A systematic review Journal Article Stern E R , Humphries M M , 2022 Biological Conservation (Date Added: 2022-04-02) 147- Balancing food acquisition and predation risk drives demographic changes in snowshoe hare population cycles Journal Article Majchrzak Y N , Peers M J L , Studd E K , Menzies A K , Walker P D , Shiratsuru S , McCaw L K , Boonstra R , Humphries M , Jung T S , Kenney A J , Krebs C J , Murray D , Boutin S , 2022 Ecology Letters (Date Added: 2022-02-26) 146- Nine Maxims for the Ecology of Cold-Climate Winters Journal Article , 2021 BioScience (Date Added: 2022-03-21) 145- Valuation of country food in nunavut based on energy and protein replacement Journal Article Warltier D W , Landry-Cuerrier M , Humphries M M , 2021 Arctic (Date Added: 2021-12-13) 144- Frozen out: Unanswered questions about winter biology Journal Article Sutton A O , Studd E K , Fernandes T , Bates A E , Bramburger A J , Cooke S J , Hayden B , Henry H A , Humphries M M , Martin R , McMeans B , Moise E , O’Sullivan A M , Sharma S , Templer P H , 2021 Environmental Reviews (Date Added: 2021-12-13) 143- City-scale energetics: window on adaptive thermal insulation in North American cities Journal Article , 2021 Journal of Comparative Physiology B: Biochemical, Systemic, and Environmental Physiology (Date Added: 2021-10-30) 142- Food availability and long-term predation risk interactively affect antipredator response Journal Article Shiratsuru S , Majchrzak Y N , Peers M J L , Studd E K , Menzies A K , Derbyshire R , Humphries M M , Krebs C J , Murray D L , Boutin S , 2021 Ecology (Date Added: 2021-07-31) 141- Using Landsat Time-Series to Monitor and Inform Seagrass Dynamics: A Case Study in the Tabusintac Estuary, New Brunswick, Canada Journal Article Leblanc M , LaRocque A , Leblon B , Hanson A , Humphries M M , 2021 Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing (Date Added: 2021-07-25) 140- Ecosystem services and the resilience of agricultural landscapes Book Chapter Bennett E M , Baird J , Baulch H , Chaplin-Kramer R , Fraser E , Loring P , Morrison P , Parrott L , Sherren K , Winkler K J , Cimon-Morin J , Fortin M , Kurylyk B L , Lundholm J , Poulin M , Rieb J T , Gonzalez A , Hickey G M , Humphries M , Krishna K , Lapen D , 2021 Advances in Ecological Research (Date Added: 2021-02-25) 139- Eastern Coyotes (Canis latrans var.) consuming large ungulates in a multi-ungulate system Journal Article Balluffi-Fry J , Nowell L B , Humphries M M , 2020 Canadian Field-Naturalist (Date Added: 2021-08-06) 138- The Canadian Mountain Network: Advancing Innovative, Solutions-Based Research to Inform Decision-Making Journal Article Kassi N , Humphries M M , McDowell G , 2020 Mountain Research and Development (Date Added: 2021-07-25) 137- Torpor expression is associated with differential spermatogenesis in hibernating eastern chipmunks Journal Article Gagnon M F , Lafleur C , Landry-Cuerrier M , Humphries M M , Kimmins S , 2020 American journal of physiology. Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology (Date Added: 2020-10-27) 136- Decoupling the effects of food and density on life-history plasticity of wild animals using field experiments: Insights from the steward who sits in the shadow of its tail, the North American red squirrel Journal Article Dantzer B , McAdam A G , Humphries M M , Lane J E , Boutin S , 2020 Journal of Animal Ecology (Date Added: 2020-10-27) 135- Climate change increases predation risk for a keystone species of the boreal forest Journal Article Peers M J L , Majchrzak Y N , Menzies A K , Studd E K , Bastille-Rousseau G , Boonstra R , Humphries M , Jung T S , Kenney A J , Krebs C J , Murray D L , Boutin S , 2020 Nature Climate Change (Date Added: 2020-09-29) 134- Body temperature, heart rate, and activity patterns of two boreal homeotherms in winter: Homeostasis, allostasis, and ecological coexistence Journal Article Menzies A K , Studd E K , Majchrzak Y N , Peers M J L , Boutin S , Dantzer B , Lane J E , McAdam A G , Humphries M M , 2020 Functional Ecology (Date Added: 2020-08-31) 133- Sex- and context-specific associations between personality and a measure of fitness but no link with life history traits Journal Article Haines J A , Nason S E , Skurdal A M , Bourchier T , Boutin S , Taylor R W , McAdam A G , Lane J E , Kelley A D , Humphries M M , Gorrell J C , Dantzer B , Coltman D W , Hämäläinen A , 2020 Animal Behaviour (Date Added: 2020-07-29) 132- Culture and the social-ecology of local food use by indigenous communities in northern North America Journal Article Tremblay R , Landry-Cuerrier M , Humphries M M , 2020 Ecology and Society (Date Added: 2020-07-17) 131- Thermal imaging and physiological analysis of cold-climate caribou-skin clothing Journal Article Hill R W , Tattersall G J , Campbell K L , Reinfort B , Breit A M , Riewe R R , Humphries M M , 2020 Arctic (Date Added: 2020-07-17) 130- Optimisation of energetic and reproductive gains explains behavioural responses to environmental variation across seasons and years Journal Article Studd E K , Menzies A K , Siracusa E R , Dantzer B , Lane J E , McAdam A G , Boutin S , Humphries M M , 2020 Ecology Letters (Date Added: 2020-03-27) 129- Hierarchical Classification of Narwhal Subpopulations Using Social Distance Journal Article Charry B , Marcoux M , Cardille J A , Giroux‐Bougard X , Humphries M M , 2019 Journal of Wildlife Management (Date Added: 2019-12-20) 128- Abiotic conditions mediate intraguild interactions between mammalian carnivores Journal Article Jensen P G , Humphries M M , 2019 Journal of Animal Ecology (Date Added: 2019-07-09) 127- Use of acceleration and acoustics to classify behavior, generate time budgets, and evaluate responses to moonlight in free-ranging snowshoe hares Journal Article , 2019 Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution (Date Added: 2019-06-17) 126- North American red squirrels mitigate costs of territory defence through social plasticity Journal Article Siracusa E R , Wilson D R , Studd E K , Boutin S , Humphries M M , Dantzer B , Lane J E , McAdam A G , 2019 Animal Behaviour (Date Added: 2019-04-06) 125- Behavioral classification of low-frequency acceleration and temperature data from a free-ranging small mammal Journal Article Studd E K , Landry-Cuerrier M , Menzies A K , Boutin S , McAdam A G , Lane J E , Humphries M M , 2019 Ecology and Evolution (Date Added: 2019-02-27) 124- Individual variation in the dear enemy phenomenon via territorial vocalizations in red squirrels Journal Article Robertson J G , Boutin S , Humphries M M , Dantzer B , Lane J E , McAdam A G , 2018 Behaviour (Date Added: 2019-03-31) 123- Is biasing offspring sex ratio adaptive? A test of Fisher’s principle across multiple generations of a wild mammal in a fluctuating environment Journal Article Wishart A E , Williams C T , McAdam A G , Boutin S , Dantzer B , Humphries M M , Coltman D W , Lane J E , 2018 Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences (Date Added: 2018-12-07) 122- Aerial photographic identification of narwhal (Monodon monoceros) newborns and their spatial proximity to the nearest adult female Journal Article Charry, B, Marcoux, M, Humphries, MM 2018 Arctic Science (Date Added: 2018-05-15) 121- Phenological shifts in North American red squirrels: disentangling the roles of phenotypic plasticity and microevolution Journal Article Lane, JE, McAdam, AG, McFarlane, SE, Williams, CT, Humphries, MM, Coltman, DW, Gorrell, JC, Boutin, S 2018 Journal of Evolutionary Biology (Date Added: 2018-05-15) 120- Classifying and combining herd surface activities and individual dive profiles to identify summer behaviours of beluga (_Delphinapterus__leucas_) from the St. Lawrence Estuary, Canada Journal Article Lemieux Lefebvre, S, Lesage, V, Michaud, R, Humphries, MM 2018 Canadian Journal of Zoology (Date Added: 2018-05-15) 119- Identifying the critical habitat of Canadian vertebrate species at risk Journal Article Lemieux Lefebvre S , Landry-Cuerrier M , Humphries M , 2018 Canadian Journal of Zoology (Date Added: 2018-04-23) 118- Sexually selected infanticide by male red squirrels in advance of a mast year Journal Article Haines J A , Coltman D W , Dantzer B , Gorrell J C , Humphries M M , Lane J E , McAdam A G , Boutin S , 2018 Ecology (Date Added: 2018-03-23) 117-Traditional Animal Foods of Indigenous Peoples of Northern North America Journal Article Kuhnlein, HV, M M Humphries, 2017 Centre for Indigenous Peoples’ Nutrition and Environment ( Date Added: 2018-05-17) 116- Seasonal, spatial, and maternal effects on gut microbiome in wild red squirrels Journal Article Ren, T, Boutin, S, Humphries, MM, Dantzer, B, Gorrell, JC, Coltman, DW, McAdam, AG, Wu, M 2017 Microbiome (Date Added: 2018-05-15) 115- Understanding Evolutionary Impacts of Seasonality: An Introduction to the Symposium Journal Article Williams, CM, Ragland, GJ, Betini, G, Buckley, LB, Cheviron, ZA, Donohue, K, Hereford, J, Humphries, MM, Lisovski, S, Marshall, KE, Schmidt, PS, Sheldon, KS, Varpe, O, Visser, ME 2017 Integrative and Comparative Biology (Date Added: 2018-05-15) 114- To Everything There Is a Season: Summer-to-Winter Food Webs and the Functional Traits of Keystone Species Journal Article Humphries, MM, Studd, EK, Menzies, AK, Boutin, S 2017 Integrative and Comparative Biology (Date Added: 2018-05-15) 113- Red squirrel territorial vocalizations deter intrusions by conspecific rivals Journal Article Siracusa E , Morandini M , Boutin S , Humphries M , Dantzer B , Lane J , McAdam A , 2017 Behaviour (Date Added: 2018-03-12) 112- Embracing heterothermic diversity: non-stationary waveform analysis of temperature variation in endotherms Journal Article Levesque D L , Menzies A K , Landry-Cuerrier M , Larocque G , Humphries M M , 2017 Journal of Comparative Physiology B: Biochemical, Systemic, and Environmental Physiology (Date Added: 2017-12-15) 111- Personality is correlated with natal dispersal in North American red squirrels (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus) Journal Article Cooper E , Taylor R , Kelley A , Martinig A , Boutin S , Humphries M , Dantzer B , Lane J , McAdam A , 2017 Behaviour (Date Added: 2017-11-08) 110- How can research partnerships better support local development? Stakeholder perceptions on an approach to understanding research partnership outcomes in the Canadian Arctic Journal Article Brunet N D , Hickey G M , Humphries M M , 2017 Polar Record (Date Added: 2017-11-06) 109- Familiarity with neighbours affects intrusion risk in territorial red squirrels Journal Article Siracusa E , Boutin S , Humphries M M , Gorrell J C , Coltman D W , Dantzer B , Lane J E , McAdam A G , 2017 Animal Behaviour (Date Added: 2017-10-19) 108- Fitness consequences of peak reproductive effort in a resource pulse system Journal Article Hämäläinen A , McAdam A G , Dantzer B , Lane J E , Haines J A , Humphries M M , Boutin S , 2017 Scientific Reports (Date Added: 2017-09-07) 107- Multilevel and sex-specific selection on competitive traits in North American red squirrels Journal Article Fisher D N , Boutin S , Dantzer B , Humphries M M , Lane J E , McAdam A G , 2017 Evolution (Date Added: 2017-06-19) 106- Using playback of territorial calls to investigate mechanisms of kin discrimination in red squirrels Journal Article Shonfield, J, Gorrel, JC, Coltman, DW, Boutin, S, Humphries, MM, Wilson, DR, McAdam, AG 2017 Behavioral Ecology (Date Added: 2017-06-19) 105- Individual variation in energy-saving heterothermy affects survival and reproductive success Journal Article Dammhahn M , Landry-Cuerrier M , Réale D , Garant D , Humphries M M , 2016 Functional Ecology (Date Added: 2017-02-10) 104- Nest attendance of lactating red squirrels (_Tamiasciurus hudsonicus_): influences of biological and environmental correlates Journal Article Studd, EK, Boutin, S, McAdam, AG, Humphries, MM 2016 Journal of Mammalogy (Date Added: 2016-09-02) 103- The role of digital data entry in participatory environmental monitoring Journal Article Brammer, JR, Brunet, ND, Burton, AC, Cuerrier, A, Danielsen, F, Dewan, K, Herrmann, TM, Jackson, M, Kennett, R, Larocque, G, Mulrennan, M, Pratihast, AK, Saint-Arnaud, M, Scott, C, Humphries, MM 2016 Conservation Biology (Date Added: 2016-07-05) 102- Local participation and partnership development in Canada's Arctic research: challenges and opportunities in an age of empowerment and self-determination Journal Article Brunet, ND, Hickey, GM, Humphries, MM 2016 Polar Record (Date Added: 2016-01-26) 101- Among-individual correlations between energy expenditure and personality in wild chipmunks Journal Article Careau, V, Montiglio, PO, Garant, G, Pelletier F , Speakman, JR, Humphries M M , Réale, D 2015 Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology (Date Added: 2016-06-27) 100- Food Web Structure in Temporally-Forced Ecosystems Journal Article McMeans, BC, McCann, KS, Humphries, M, Rooney, N, Fisk, AT 2015 Trends in Ecology & Evolution (Date Added: 2015-11-16) 99- Changes in wild red squirrel personality across ontogeny: activity and aggression regress towards the mean Journal Article Humphries, MM, McAdam, AG, Boutin, S, Kelley, AD 2015 Behaviour (Date Added: 2015-08-11) 98- Red squirrels use territorial vocalizations for kin discrimination Journal Article Wilson, DR, Goble, AR, Boutin, S, Humphries, MM, Coltman, DW, Gorrell, JC, Shonfield, J, McAdam, AG 2015 Animal Behaviour (Date Added: 2015-07-23) 97- Post-weaning parental care increases fitness but is not heritable in North American red squirrels Journal Article Lane, JE, McAdam, AG, Charmantier, A, Humphries, MM, Coltman, DW, Fletcher, Q, Gorrell, JC, Boutin, S 2015 Journal of Evolutionary Biology (Date Added: 2015-07-07) 96- The nature of nurture in a wild mammal's fitness Journal Article McFarlane, SE, Gorrell, JC, Coltman, DW, Humphries, MM, Boutin, S, McAdam, AG 2015 Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences (Date Added: 2015-05-04) 95- Energy expenditure and personality in wild chipmunks Journal Article Careau, V, Montiglio, P-O, Garant, D, Pelletier, F, Speakman, JR, Humphries, MM, Réale, D 2015 Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology (Date Added: 2015-02-18) 94- Predators, energetics and fitness drive neonatal reproductive failure in red squirrels Journal Article Studd, EK 2014 Journal of Animal Ecology (Date Added: 2016-06-22) 93- Very low levels of direct additive genetic variance in fitness and fitness components in a red squirrel population Journal Article McFarlane, SE 2014 Ecology and Evolution (Date Added: 2016-06-22) 92- Metabolic ecology Journal Article Humphries, MM 2014 Journal of Animal Ecology (Date Added: 2016-06-22) 91- Understanding community-researcher partnerships in the natural sciences: A case study from the Arctic Journal Article Brunet, ND, Hickey, GM, Humphries, MM 2014 Journal of Rural Studies (Date Added: 2015-12-15) 90- Selection on female behaviour fluctuates with offspring environment Journal Article Taylor, RW, Boutin, S, Humphries, MM, McAdam, AG 2014 Journal of Evolutionary Biology (Date Added: 2015-04-08) 89- Daily energy expenditure during lactation is strongly selected in a free-living mammal Journal Article Fletcher, QE, Speakman, JR, Boutin, S, Lane, JE, McAdam, AG, Gorrell, JC, Coltman, DW, Humphries, MM 2014 Functional Ecology (Date Added: 2014-08-05) 88- The evolution of local participation and the mode of knowledge production in Arctic research Journal Article Brunet, ND, Hickey, GM, Humphries, MM 2014 Ecology and Society (Date Added: 2014-07-17) 87- Reproductive phenology of a food-hoarding mast-seed consumer: resource- and density-dependent benefits of early breeding in red squirrels Journal Article Williams, CT, Lane, JE, Humphries, MM, McAdam, AG, Boutin, S 2014 Oecologia (Date Added: 2014-05-01) 86- City scale expansion of the costs of human thermoregulation Journal Article Hill, RW 2013 PLoS ONE (Date Added: 2016-06-22) 85- Sex-specific hoarding behavior in North American Red Squirrels (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus) Journal Article Archibald, DW 2013 Journal of Mammalogy (Date Added: 2016-06-22) 84- Elevated oxidative stress is an energetic cost of reproduction in a free-ranging mammal Journal Article Fletcher, QE 2013 Evolution (Date Added: 2016-06-22) 83- Disruptive viability selection on adult exploratory behaviour in eastern chipmunks Journal Article Bergeron, P, Montiglio, P-O, Réale, D, Humphries, MM, Gimenez, O, Garant, D 2013 Journal of Evolutionary Biology (Date Added: 2015-09-29) 82- The energetic and survival costs of growth in free-ranging chipmunks Journal Article Careau, V, Bergeron, P, Garant, D, Reale, D, Speakman, JR, Humphries, MM 2013 Oecologia (Date Added: 2015-09-25) 81- Anticipatory reproduction in squirrels can succeed in the absence of extra food Journal Article Boutin, S, McAdam, A, Humphries, M 2013 New Zealand Journal of Zoology (Date Added: 2014-01-06) 80- Reproductive timing and reliance on hoarded capital resources by lactating red squirrels Journal Article Fletcher, QE, Landry-Cuerrier, M, Boutin, S, McAdam, AG, Speakman, JR, Humphries, MM 2013 Oecologia (Date Added: 2013-12-18) 79- Linking intraspecific variation in territory size, cone supply, and survival of North American red squirrels Journal Article LaMontagne, JM, Williams, CT, Donald, JL, Humphries, MM, McAdam, AG, Boutin, S 2013 Journal of Mammalogy (Date Added: 2013-11-04) 78- Context-dependent correlation between resting metabolic rate and daily energy expenditure in wild chipmunks Journal Article Careau, V, Réale, D, Garant, D, Pelletier, F, Speakman, JR, Humphries, MM 2013 The Journal of Experimental Biology (Date Added: 2013-10-15) 77- A global heterothermic continuum in mammals: Global patterns of heterothermy in mammals Journal Article Boyles, JG, Thompson, AB, McKechnie, AE, Malan, E, Humphries, MM, Careau, V 2013 Global Ecology and Biogeography (Date Added: 2013-08-26) 76- Density Triggers Maternal Hormones That Increase Adaptive Offspring Growth in a Wild Mammal Journal Article Dantzer, B, Newman, AEM, Boonstra, R, Palme, R, Boutin, S, Humphries, MM, McAdam, AG 2013 Science (Date Added: 2013-07-02) 75- Communal nesting in an ‘asocial’ mammal: social thermoregulation among spatially dispersed kin Journal Article Williams, CT, Gorrell, JC, Lane, JE, McAdam, AG, Humphries, MM, Boutin, S 2013 Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology (Date Added: 2013-04-25) 74- Behavioural impacts of torpor expression: A transient effect in captive eastern chipmunks (Tamias striatus) Journal Article Thompson, AB, Montiglio, P-O, Humphries, MM 2013 Physiology and Behavior (Date Added: 2013-02-20) 73- Low heritabilities of personality traits, but strong maternal effects on red
squirrel behavioural syndromes Journal Article Taylor R W , BAK 2012 Journal of Evolutionary Biology (Date Added: 2016-06-27) 72- Territorial defence behaviour in red squirrels is influenced by local density Journal Article Shonfield, J 2012 Behaviour (Date Added: 2016-06-22) 71- Stress-induced hyperthermia is repeatable and positively correlated to ambient temperature, body mass and energy expenditure in Tamias striatus Journal Article Careau V , DR 2012 Journal of Comparative Physiology (Date Added: 2016-06-22) 70- Responses of marten and fisher to fluctuations in prey populations and mast crops in northern hardwood forest Journal Article Jensen, PG 2012 Journal of Wildlife Management (Date Added: 2016-06-22) 69- Bateman gradients in a promiscuous mating system Journal Article Bergeron, P, Montiglio, P-O, Réale, D, Humphries, MM, Garant, D 2012 Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology (Date Added: 2015-09-25) 68- Oxidative damage increases with reproductive energy expenditure and is reduced by food-supplementation Journal Article Fletcher, QE, Selman, C, Boutin, S, McAdam, AG, Woods, SB, Seo, AY, Leeuwenburgh, C, Speakman, JR, Humphries, MM 2012 Evolution (Date Added: 2013-05-13) 67- Demographic Amplification of Climate Change Experienced by the Contiguous United States Population during the 20th Century Journal Article Samson, J, Berteaux, D, McGill, BJ, Humphries, MM 2012 PLoS ONE (Date Added: 2012-10-25) 66- Variability and context specificity of narwhal (Monodon monoceros) whistles and pulsed calls Journal Article Marcoux, M, Auger-Méthé, M, Humphries, MM 2012 Marine Mammal Science (Date Added: 2012-10-19) 65- Free-ranging eastern chipmunks (Tamias striatus) infected with bot fly (Cuterebra emasculator) larvae have higher resting but lower maximum metabolism Journal Article Careau, V, Garant, D, Humphries, MM 2012 Canadian Journal of Zoology (Date Added: 2012-09-15) 64- Stress-induced rise in body temperature is repeatable in free-ranging Eastern chipmunks (Tamias striatus) Journal Article Careau, V, Réale, D, Garant, D, Speakman, J, Humphries, M 2012 Journal of Comparative Physiology B: Biochemical, Systemic, and Environmental Physiology (Date Added: 2012-09-15) 63- Seasonal stage differences overwhelm environmental and individual factors as determinants of energy expenditure in free-ranging red squirrels Journal Article Fletcher, QE, Speakman, JR, Boutin, S, McAdam, AG, Woods, SB, Humphries, MM 2012 Functional Ecology (Date Added: 2012-05-28) 62- Within-Season Synchrony of a Masting Conifer Enhances Seed Escape Journal Article Archibald, DW, McAdam, AG, Boutin, S, Fletcher, QE, Humphries, MM 2012 The American Naturalist (Date Added: 2012-05-28) 61- Behavioral responses of territorial red squirrels to natural and experimental variation in population density Journal Article Dantzer, B, Boutin, S, Humphries, MM, McAdam, AG 2012 Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology (Date Added: 2012-05-28) 60-Environment, energetics and fitness: a symposium honoring Donald W. Thomas. Introduction to the symposum Journal Article Wojciechowski, M 2011 Comparative Biology ( Date Added: 2016-06-23) 59-Anticipation and response to fluctuating pulsed resources drive population dynamics in eastern chipmunks Journal Article Bergeron, P 2011 Ecology ( Date Added: 2016-06-22) 58-The heritability of multiple male mating in a promiscuous mammal Journal Article McFarlane, SE 2011 Biology Letters ( Date Added: 2016-06-22) 57- Anticipation and tracking of pulsed resources drive population dynamics in eastern chipmunks Journal Article Bergeron, P, Réale, D, Humphries, MM, Garant, D 2011 Ecology (Date Added: 2015-09-29) 56- The energetic and oxidative costs of reproduction in a free-ranging rodent: Physiological costs of chipmunk reproduction Journal Article Bergeron, P, Careau, V, Humphries, MM, Réale, D, Speakman, JR, Garant, D 2011 Functional Ecology (Date Added: 2015-09-29) 55- Evidence of multiple paternity and mate selection for inbreeding avoidance in wild eastern chipmunks Journal Article Bergeron, P, Reale, D, Humphries, MM, Garant, D 2011 Journal of Evolutionary Biology (Date Added: 2015-09-29) 54-Environmental change and traditional use of the Old Crow Flats in northern Canada: An IPY opportunity to meet the challenges of the new northern research paradigm Journal Article Wolfe, BB, Humphries, MM, Pisaric, MFJ, Balasubramaniam, AM, Burn, CR, Chan, L, Cooley, D, Froese, DG, Graupe, S, Hall, RI 2011 Arctic ( Date Added: 2011-11-22) 53- Heat for Nothing or Activity for Free? Evidence and Implications of Activity-Thermoregulatory Heat Substitution Journal Article Humphries, MM, Careau, V 2011 Integrative and Comparative Biology (Date Added: 2011-11-21) 52- Maternal androgens and behaviour in free-ranging North American red squirrels Journal Article Dantzer, B, McAdam, AG, Palme, R, Humphries, MM, Boutin, S, Boonstra, R 2011 Animal Behaviour (Date Added: 2011-11-21) 51-Local passive acoustic monitoring of narwhal presence in the Canadian Arctic: A pilot project Journal Article Marcoux, M, Auger-Méthé, M, Chmelnitsky, EG, Ferguson, SH, Humphries, MM 2011 Arctic ( Date Added: 2011-11-21) 50- Geographic disparities and moral hazards in the predicted impacts of climate change on human populations Journal Article Samson, J, Berteaux, D, McGill, BJ, Humphries, MM 2011 Global Ecology and Biogeography (Date Added: 2011-06-28) 49-From global change to regional conservation: effects of climate change on Quebec biodiversity Journal Article Berteaux, D 2010 Diversity ( Date Added: 2016-06-22) 48- Adopting kin enhances inclusive fitness in asocial red squirrels Journal Article Gorrell, JC 2010 Nature Communications (Date Added: 2016-06-22) 47- Personality and the emergence of the pace-of-life syndrome concept at the population level Journal Article Réale, D, Garant, D, Humphries, MM, Bergeron, P, Careau, V, Montiglio, P-O 2010 Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences (Date Added: 2015-09-29) 46- The CC-Bio Project: Studying the Effects of Climate Change on Quebec Biodiversity Journal Article Berteaux, D, Blois, Sd, Angers, J-F, Bonin, J, Casajus, N, Darveau, M, Fournier, F, Humphries, MM, McGill, B, Larivée, J, Logan, T, Nantel, P, Périé, C, Poisson, F, Rodrigue, D, Rouleau, S, Siron, R, Thuiller, W, Vescovi, L 2010 Diversity (Date Added: 2012-09-14) 45- ENDOTHERM METABOLISM TOO HOT TO HANDLE Journal Article Humphries, MM 2010 Journal of Experimental Biology (Date Added: 2011-11-22) 44- Associations between over-winter survival and resting metabolic rate in juvenile North American red squirrels Journal Article Larivée, ML, Boutin, S, Speakman, JR, McAdam, AG, Humphries, MM 2010 Functional Ecology (Date Added: 2011-11-22) 43- The pace of life under artificial selection: personality, energy expenditure, and longevity are correlated in domestic dogs Journal Article Careau, V, Réale, D, Humphries, MM, Thomas, DW 2010 The American Naturalist (Date Added: 2011-11-22) 42- Energetic costs of male reproduction in a scramble competition mating system Journal Article Lane, JE, Boutin, S, Speakman, JR, Humphries, MM 2010 Journal of Animal Ecology (Date Added: 2011-11-22) 41- Statistical analysis of animal observations and associated marks distributed in time using Ripley's functions Journal Article Marcoux, M, Larocque, G, Auger-Méthé, M, Dutilleul, P, Humphries, MM 2010 Animal behaviour (Date Added: 2011-11-22) 40- Fecal cortisol metabolite levels in free-ranging North American red squirrels: Assay validation and the effects of reproductive condition Journal Article Dantzer, B, McAdam, AG, Palme, R, Fletcher, QE, Boutin, S, Humphries, MM, Boonstra, R 2010 General and Comparative Endocrinology (Date Added: 2011-11-22) 39- Energetic cost of bot fly parasitism in free-ranging eastern chipmunks Journal Article Careau, V, Thomas, DW, Humphries, MM 2010 Oecologia (Date Added: 2011-11-22) 38- The importance of aquatic vegetation in beaver diets and the seasonal and habitat specificity of aquatic-terrestrial ecosystem linkages in a subarctic environment Journal Article Milligan, HE, Humphries, MM 2010 Oikos (Date Added: 2011-11-21) 37- The functional response of a hoarding seed predator to mast seeding Journal Article Fletcher, QE, Boutin, S, Lane, JE, LaMontagne, JM, McAdam, AG, Krebs, CJ, Humphries, MM 2010 Ecology (Date Added: 2011-11-21) 36- Stable Isotope Differentiation of Freshwater and Terrestrial Vascular Plants in Two Subarctic Regions Journal Article Milligan, HE, Pretzlaw, TD, Humphries, MM 2010 Ecoscience (Date Added: 2011-11-21) 35-Mammal ecology as an indicator of climate change Book Chapter Humphries MM, 2009 Climate Change: Observed Impacts on Planet Earth ( Date Added: 2016-06-22) 34- Encounter frequencies and grouping patterns of narwhals in Koluktoo Bay, Baffin Island Journal Article Marcoux, M, Auger-Méthé, M, Humphries, M 2009 Polar Biology (Date Added: 2012-06-18) 33- Exploration strategies map along fast-slow metabolic and life-history continua in muroid rodents Journal Article Careau, V, Bininda-Emonds, ORP, Thomas, DW, Réale, D, Humphries, MM 2009 Functional Ecology (Date Added: 2012-03-07) 32- The cold shoulder: free-ranging snowshoe hares maintain a low cost of living in cold climates Journal Article Sheriff, MJ, Speakman, JR, Kuchel, L, Boutin, S, Humphries, MM 2009 Canadian Journal of Zoology (Date Added: 2011-11-22) 31- Lactating red squirrels experiencing high heat load occupy less insulated nests Journal Article Guillemette, CU, Fletcher, QE, Boutin, S, Hodges, RM, McAdam, AG, Humphries, MM 2009 Biology Letters (Date Added: 2011-04-14) 30- Estimated dietary exposure to fluorinated compounds from traditional foods among Inuit in Nunavut, Canada Journal Article Ostertag, SK, Tague, BA, Humphries, MM, Tittlemier, SA, Chan, HM 2009 Chemosphere (Date Added: 2011-04-14) 29- Variation in abundance across a species' range predicts climate change responses in the range interior will exceed those at the edge: A case study with North American beaver Journal Article Jarema, SI, Samson, J, McGill, BJ, Humphries, MM 2009 Global Change Biology (Date Added: 2011-04-14) 28- Seasonal metabolic acclimatization in a northern population of free-ranging snowshoe hares, Lepus Americanus Journal Article Sheriff, MJ, Kuchel, L, Boutin, S, Humphries, MM 2009 Journal of Mammalogy (Date Added: 2011-04-14) 27- Energy metabolism and animal personality Journal Article Careau, V, Thomas, D, Humphries, MM, Re?ale, D 2008 Oikos (Date Added: 2012-03-07) 26- Teeth as biomonitors of selenium concentrations in tissues of beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas) Journal Article Kinghorn, A, Humphries, MM, Outridge, P, Chan, HM 2008 Science of the Total Environment (Date Added: 2011-04-14) 25- Extreme suppression of aboveground activity by a food-storing hibernator, the eastern chipmunk (Tamias striatus) Journal Article Munro, D, Thomas, DW, Humphries, MM 2008 Canadian Journal of Zoology (Date Added: 2011-04-14) 24- Climate and resource determinants of fundamental and realized metabolic niches of hibernating chipmunks Journal Article Landry-Cuerrier, M, Munro, D, Thomas, DW, Humphries, MM 2008 Ecology (Date Added: 2011-04-14) 23- Filtering Environmental Variability: Activity Optimization, Thermal Refuges, and the Energetic Responses of Endotherms to Temperature Book Chapter Humphries, MM, Umbanhowar, J 2007 The Impact of Environmental Variability on Ecological Systems (Date Added: 2011-11-22) 22- Persistent maternal effects on juvenile survival in North American red squirrels Journal Article Kerr, TD, Boutin, S, LaMontagne, JM, McAdam, AG, Humphries, MM 2007 Biology Letters (Date Added: 2011-04-14) 21- Resource tracking by eastern chipmunks: The sampling of renewing patches Journal Article Hall, CL, Humphries, MM, Kramer, DL 2007 Canadian Journal of Zoology (Date Added: 2011-04-14) 20- Life histories of female red squirrels and their contributions to population growth and lifetime fitness Journal Article McAdam, AG, Boutin, S, Sykes, AK, Humphries, MM 2007 Ecoscience (Date Added: 2011-04-14) 19- Reconstructing historical mercury exposure from Beluga whale consumption among inuit in the Mackenzie Delta Journal Article Kinghorn, A, Humphries, M, Outridge, P, Man Chan, H 2006 Journal of Ethnobiology (Date Added: 2011-11-22) 18- Constraints to projecting the effects of climate change on mammals Journal Article Berteaux, D, Humphries, MM, Krebs, CJ, Lima, M, McAdam, AG, Pettorelli, N, Réale, D, Saitoh, T, Tkadlec, E, Weladji, RB, Stenseth, NC 2006 Climate Research (Date Added: 2011-04-14) 17- Red squirrels (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus) feeding on spruce bark beetles (Dendroctonus rufipennis): Energetic and ecological implications Journal Article Pretzlaw, T, Trudeau, C, Humphries, MM, LaMontagne, JM, Boutin, S 2006 Journal of Mammalogy (Date Added: 2011-04-14) 16- Anticipatory reproduction and population growth in seed predators Journal Article Boutin, S, Wauters, LA, McAdam, AG, Humphries, MM, Tosi, G, Dhondt, AA 2006 Science (Date Added: 2011-04-14) 15-The role of space, time, and variability in food web dynamics Book Chapter McCann, K, Rasmussen, J, Umbanhowar, J, Humphries, M 2005 Dynamic Food Webs: Multispecies Assemblages, Ecosystem Development and Environmental Change. Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands ( Date Added: 2011-11-22) 14- Expenditure freeze: The metabolic response of small mammals to cold environments Journal Article Humphries, MM, Boutin, S, Thomas, DW, Ryan, JD, Selman, C, McAdam, AG, Berteaux, D, Speakman, JR 2005 Ecology Letters (Date Added: 2011-04-14) 13- Torpor patterns of hibernating eastern chipmunks Tamias striatus vary in response to the size and fatty acid composition of food hoards Journal Article Munro, D, Thomas, DW, Humphries, MM 2005 Journal of Animal Ecology (Date Added: 2011-04-14) 12- Bioenergetic prediction of climate change impacts on northern mammals Journal Article Humphries, MM, Umbanhowar, J, McCann, KS 2004 Integrative and Comparative Biology (Date Added: 2011-04-14) 11- The role of energy availability in mammalian hibernation: A cost-benefit approach Journal Article Humphries, MM, Thomas, DW, Kramer, DL 2003 Physiological and Biochemical Zoology (Date Added: 2011-04-14) 10- The role of energy availability in mammalian hibernation: An experimental test in free-ranging eastern chipmunks Journal Article Humphries, MM, Kramer, DL, Thomas, DW 2003 Physiological and Biochemical Zoology (Date Added: 2011-04-14) 9- Climate-mediated energetic constraints on the distribution of hibernating mammals Journal Article Humphries, MM, Thomas, DW, Speakman, JR 2002 Nature (Date Added: 2011-04-14) 8- The energetics of autumn mast hoarding in eastern chipmunks Journal Article Humphries, MM, Thomas, DW, Hall, CL, Speakman, JR, Kramer, DL 2002 Oecologia (Date Added: 2011-04-14) 7- Torpor and digestion in food-storing hibernators Journal Article Humphries, MM, Thomas, DW, Kramer, DL 2001 Physiological and Biochemical Zoology (Date Added: 2011-04-14) 6- Body oxygen stores, aerobic dive limits, and the diving abilities of juvenile and adult muskrats (Ondatra zibethicus) Journal Article MacArthur, RA, Humphries, MM, Fines, GA, Campbell, KL 2001 Physiological and Biochemical Zoology (Date Added: 2011-04-14) 5- The determinants of optimal litter size in free-ranging red squirrels Journal Article Humphries, MM, Boutin, S 2000 Ecology (Date Added: 2011-04-14) 4- Postnatal development of thermoregulation in the semiaquatic muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus) Journal Article MacArthur, RA, Humphries, MM 1999 Canadian Journal of Zoology (Date Added: 2011-04-14) 3- Mass-dependent reproduction or reproduction-dependent mass? A comment on body mass and first-time reproduction in female sciurids Journal Article Humphries, MM, Boutin, S 1999 Canadian Journal of Zoology (Date Added: 2011-04-14) 2- Huddling behavior and the foraging efficiency of muskrats Journal Article Macarthur, RA, Humphries, MM, Jeske, D 1997 Journal of Mammalogy (Date Added: 2011-04-14) 1- Reproductive demands and mass gains: A paradox in female red squirrels (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus) Journal Article Humphries, MM, Boutin, S 1996 Journal of Animal Ecology (Date Added: 2011-04-14) Dans les médiaBridging worlds: the Northern Research Knowledges Lab's collaborative approach to conservation in Canada's North 2023-11-29 Teaching biodiversity at Macdonald Campus 2023-11-29 Ărramăt Project: harnessing Indigenous wisdom for biodiversity conservation and community well-being 2023-11-29 Encyclopedia highlights traditional animal foods of Indigenous Peoples 2017-02-07 Professor Murray Humphries honoured by Alma Mater 2017-01-26 New compendium of Indigenous foods 2017-01-23 Humphries named McGill Northern Research Chair (Jezer-Morton, Kathryn) 2016-11-01 Starvation in Canada: Food insecurity in the north (Kong, Ashley) 2016-01-26 The nature of nurture is all about your mother, study says University of Guelph 2015-03-31 Food challenges in Canadian North complex the western producer (Dan Yates) 2014-03-14 Murray Humphries Conseil des académies canadiennes 2012-08-10 Hibernating Animals Suffer Dangerous Wakeup Calls Due to Warming National Geographic 2010-09-28 Squirrels adopt strays, Canadian study finds CBC News 2010-06-04 Squirrels adopt strays, Canadian study finds Kelowna.com 2010-06-02 Going to the dogs: What can shy dogs teach us about longevity? EurekAlert (Steacey, Kevin) 2010-05-13 |