Alison Derry

Professeure adjointe,
Université du Québec à Montréal

Département de sciences biologiques
Page web de l'institution
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Ph.D. (2007): Dept. Biologie, Queen’s University
M.Sc. (2001): Dept. Sciences biologiques, University of Alberta
B.Sc. (1997): University of Guelph


La diversité génétique et la diversité des communautés à travers les paysages

Nous avons peu de connaissance sur la relation entre la diversité génétique et la diversité des communautés à travers les paysages. Cette relation est importante pour comprendre comment ces niveaux d'organisation biologique interagissent entre eux (“des interactions éco-évolutives). Mes étudiants et moi comparons des modèles de diversité génétique et de diversité des communautés de zooplancton à travers des gradients de lacs qui varient en terme de carbone, de substances nutritives et de latitude. Ces lacs recouvrent des régions influencées par l’agriculture et l’exploitation de bois. Nous ferons des relevés sur le terrain pour comparer les distributions spatiales de la diversité génétique et de la diversité des communautés.

Évolution contemporaine à travers des gradients de paysage

Au cours de la dernière décennie, nous avons appris que l'évolution contemporaine arrive fréquemment sur la même échelle temporelle que les changements écologiques. Ce changement de perspective de la façon dont a voit l’évolution en lien avec l’écologie, a fait ressortir l’importance de considérer des réponses évolutionnaires des populations. La diversité génotypique (la variété de la composition génétique parmi des individus d’une même espèce) est critique parce qu’il permet une meilleure capacité pour certains individus d’une même espèce de s’adapter aux changements environnementaux, et donc peut influencer la composition des communautés. Nous menons des expériences au laboratoire et sur le terrain pour étudier des réponses évolutives aux perturbations environnementales naturelles et anthropiques. Nous travaillons avec les populations de zooplancton qui sont liées par la dispersion entre des habitats hétérogènes à travers le paysage (métapopulations).

Effets évolutifs sur communautés et les écosystèmes

Il y a de plus en plus de preuves que les interactions entre l’écologie et l’évolution sont importantes pour l’entretien de la biodiversité au sein des communautés, ainsi que pour la stabilité et la résilience fonctionnelle des écosystèmes. Nous examinerons si les réponses évolutives influenceront les interactions écologiques sur les communautés et les fonctions des écosystèmes, comme la productivité et le recyclage des substances nutritives. Nous ferons des expériences avec le zooplancton pour voir l’effet de la diversité adaptative sur les interactions compétitives et sur les cascades trophiques.

Étudiants CSBQ

Matthew Yates

Postdoctoral fellow
(Début: 2018)
Autre (co-)superviseur membre du CSBQ: Dylan Fraser
L'ADN environnemental utilisé comme révélateur des conséquences des méthodes de pêche sur la productivité des poissons des écosystèmes lacustres
Page personnelle

Zoë Rabinovitch

(Début: 2023, Fin: 2025)
Autre (co-)superviseur membre du CSBQ: Irene Gregory-Eaves
Response of zooplankton communities following reintroduction of native fish into northern lakes: A paleolimnological study of replicated whole lake experiments

Anciens étudiants (depuis 2009)

Jorge Negrín Dastis

Postdoctoral fellow
(Début: 2018, Fin: 2020)
Autre (co-)superviseur membre du CSBQ: Andrew Gonzalez
Evolutionary rescue in aquatic freshwater metacommunities exposed to multiple stressors
Lien vers mémoire (pdf)

Louis Astorg

(Début: 2016, Fin: 2020)
Autre (co-)superviseur membre du CSBQ: Andrew Hendry

Mélia Lagacé

(Début: 2018, Fin: 2022)
Autre (co-)superviseur membre du CSBQ: Dylan Fraser
Les conséquences écologiques et écosystémiques de l’évolution provoquées par la pêche dans les lacs alpins

Jorge Negrin-Dastis

(Début: 2012, Fin: 2017)
Eco-evolutionary consequences of altered food webs in aquatic ecosystems

Mathilde Salamon

(Début: 2017, Fin: 2022)
Autre (co-)superviseur membre du CSBQ: Rowan Barrett
Réponses adaptatives du copépode nordique Leptodiaptomus minutus aux perturbations anthropiques des lacs canadiens.

Brent Brookes

(Début: 2017, Fin: 2019)
Autre (co-)superviseur membre du CSBQ: Dylan Fraser
Evolutionary and demographic history of introduced Brook trout in national park alpine lakes

Mariane Daneau-Lamoureux

(Début: 2019, Fin: 2021)
Autre (co-)superviseur membre du CSBQ: Andrew Hendry
Conséquences éco-évolutives de l'ensemencement de poisson fourrage - Épinoche à trois épines - dans les réseaux trophiques aquatiques nordiques

Anthony Merante

Autre (co-)superviseur: Dr. Michael Arts, Environment Canada
(Début: 2011, Fin: 2014)
The effects of basal resource manipulation on the nutritional state and fatty acid profiles of freshwater crustacean zooplankton
Page personnelle

Marilyne Robidoux

Autre (co-)superviseur: Paul del Giorgio, Université du Québec à Montréal
(Début: 2011, Fin: 2014)
La sélection de traits et d’espèces parmi les populations et les communautés est-il un processus parallèle? Expérience avec le zooplancton crustacé d’eau douce
Page personnelle

Exemples d'espèces étudiées

Gammarus fasciatus
Pungitius pungitius
Salvelinus fontinalis


59- Ecological impact of a generalist invader in the aquatic food web is mediated by environmental context
Journal Article
Charette C , Derry A M ,
2024 Freshwater Biology (Date Added: 2024-05-10)

58- Environmental DNA for assessing impact and recovery of aquatic communities in an invaded mountain lake
Journal Article
Beaulieu J , Yates M C , Astorg L , Trépanier-Leroux D , Jeon H , Rudko S P , Humphries S , Fraser D J , Cristescu M E , Derry A M ,
2024 Lake and Reservoir Management (Date Added: 2024-03-24)

57- Environmental determinants of round goby invasion refuges at a river scale: implications for conservation of native biodiversity
Journal Article
Morissette O , Charette C , Windle M J , Francis A , Drouin A , Goldsmit J , Derry A M ,
2024 Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (Date Added: 2024-02-18)

56- Corrigendum
Journal Erratum
Haines G E , Moisan L , Derry A M , Hendry A P ,
2024 The American naturalist (Date Added: 2024-01-27)

55- Density-dependent effects of exotic brook trout on aquatic communities in mountain lakes revealed by environmental DNA and morphological taxonomy
Journal Article
Trépanier-Leroux D , Yates M C , Astorg L , Fraser D J , Humphries S , Cristescu M E , Derry A M ,
2023 Hydrobiologia (Date Added: 2023-10-28)

54- Freshwater fishes maintain multi-trait phenotypic stability across an environmental gradient in aqueous calcium
Journal Article
Sanderson S , Astorg L , Haines G E , Beaumont‐Courteau S , Langerhans R B , Derry A M , Hendry A P ,
2023 Journal of Fish Biology (Date Added: 2023-05-28)

53- Prioritizing taxa for genetic reference database development to advance inland water conservation
Journal Article
Monchamp M , Taranu Z E , Garner R E , Rehill T , Morissette O , Iversen L L , Fugère V , Littlefair J E , da Costa N B , Desforges J E , Sánchez Schacht J R , Derry A M , Cooke S J , Barrett R D , Walsh D A , Ragoussis J , Albert M , Cristescu M E , Gregory-Eaves I ,
2023 Biological Conservation (Date Added: 2023-03-23)

51- Dimensionality and Modularity of Adaptive Variation: Divergence in Threespine Stickleback from Diverse Environments
Journal Article
Haines G E , Moisan L , Derry A M , Hendry A P ,
2023 The American naturalist (Date Added: 2023-02-11)

50- Documenting the impacts of increasing salinity in freshwater and coastal ecosystems: Introduction to the special issue
Journal Article
Melles S J , Cañedo‐Argüelles M , Derry A M ,
2023 Limnology And Oceanography Letters (Date Added: 2023-01-12)

49- Widespread variation in salt tolerance within freshwater zooplankton species reduces the predictability of community-level salt tolerance
Journal Article
Arnott S E , Fugère V , Symons C C , Melles S J , Beisner B E , Cañedo‐Argüelles M , Hébert M , Brentrup J A , Downing A L , Gray D K , Greco D , Hintz W D , McClymont A , Relyea R A , Rusak J A , Searle C L , Astorg L , Baker H K , Ersoy Z , Espinosa C , Franceschini J M , Giorgio A T , Göbeler N , Hassal E , Huynh M , Hylander S , Jonasen K L , Kirkwood A , Langenheder S , Langvall O , Laudon H , Lind L , Lundgren M , Moffett E R , Proia L , Schuler M S , Shurin J B , Steiner C F , Striebel M , Thibodeau S , Cordero P U , Vendrell‐Puigmitja L , Weyhenmeyer G A , Derry A M ,
2022 Limnology And Oceanography Letters (Date Added: 2022-09-12)

48- Global Patterns and Controls of Nutrient Immobilization on Decomposing Cellulose in Riverine Ecosystems
Journal Article
Costello D M , Tiegs S D , Boyero L , Canhoto C , Capps K A , Danger M , Frost P C , Gessner M O , Griffiths N A , Halvorson H M , Kuehn K A , Marcarelli A M , Royer T V , Mathie D M , Albariño R J , Arango C P , Aroviita J , Baxter C V , Bellinger B J , Bruder A , Burdon F J , Callisto M , Camacho A , Colas F , Cornut J , Crespo‐Pérez V , Cross W F , Derry A M , Douglas M M , Elosegi A , de Eyto E , Ferreira V , Ferriol C , Fleituch T , Follstad Shah J J , Frainer A , Garcia E A , García L , García P E , Giling D P , Gonzales‐Pomar R K , Graça M A S , Grossart H , Guérold F , Hepp L U , Higgins S N , Hishi T , Iñiguez‐Armijos C , Iwata T , Kirkwood A E , Koning A A , Kosten S , Laudon H , Leavitt P R , Lemes da Silva A L , Leroux S J , LeRoy C J , Lisi P J , Masese F O , McIntyre P B , McKie B G , Medeiros A O , Miliša M , Miyake Y , Mooney R J , Muotka T , Nimptsch J , Paavola R , Pardo I , Parnikoza I Y , Patrick C J , Peeters E T H M , Pozo J , Reid B , Richardson J S , Rincón J , Risnoveanu G , Robinson C T , Santamans A C , Simiyu G M , Skuja A , Smykla J , Sponseller R A , Teixeira‐de Mello F , Vilbaste S , Villanueva V D , Webster J R , Woelfl S , Xenopoulos M A , Yates A G , Yule C M , Zhang Y , Zwart J A ,
2022 Global Biogeochemical Cycles (Date Added: 2022-07-23)

47- Current water quality guidelines across North America and Europe do not protect lakes from salinization
Journal Article
Hintz W D , Arnott S E , Symons C C , Greco D A , McClymont A , Brentrup J A , Cañedo-Argüelles M , Derry A M , Downing A L , Gray D K , Melles S J , Relyea R A , Rusak J A , Searle C L , Astorg L , Baker H K , Beisner B E , Cottingham K L , Ersoy Z , Espinosa C , Franceschini J , Giorgio A T , Göbeler N , Hassal E , Hébert M , Huynh M , Hylander S , Jonasen K L , Kirkwood A E , Langenheder S , Langvall O , Laudon H , Lind L , Lundgren M , Proia L , Schuler M S , Shurin J B , Steiner C F , Striebel M , Thibodeau S , Urrutia-Cordero P , Vendrell-Puigmitja L , Weyhenmeyer G A ,
2022 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (Date Added: 2022-03-07)

46- Neutral and adaptive drivers of genomic change in introduced brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) populations revealed by pooled sequencing
Journal Article
Brookes B , Jeon H , Derry A M , Post J R , Rogers S M , Humphries S , Fraser D J ,
2022 Ecology and Evolution (Date Added: 2022-03-02)

45- Effects of freshwater salinization on a salt-naïve planktonic eukaryote community
Journal Article
Astorg L , Gagnon J , Lazar C S , Derry A M ,
2022 Limnology And Oceanography Letters (Date Added: 2022-02-24)

44- Lake salinization drives consistent losses of zooplankton abundance and diversity across coordinated mesocosm experiments
Journal Article
Hébert M , Symons C C , Cañedo‐Argüelles M , Arnott S E , Derry A M , Fugère V , Hintz W D , Melles S J , Astorg L , Baker H K , Brentrup J A , Downing A L , Ersoy Z , Espinosa C , Franceschini J M , Giorgio A T , Göbeler N , Gray D K , Greco D , Hassal E , Huynh M , Hylander S , Jonasen K L , Kirkwood A , Langenheder S , Langvall O , Laudon H , Lind L , Lundgren M , McClymont A , Proia L , Relyea R A , Rusak J A , Schuler M S , Searle C L , Shurin J B , Steiner C F , Striebel M , Thibodeau S , Urrutia Cordero P , Vendrell‐Puigmitja L , Weyhenmeyer G A , Beisner B E ,
2022 Limnology And Oceanography Letters (Date Added: 2022-02-23)

43- Two decades since first invasion: Revisiting round goby impacts on nearshore aquatic communities in the Upper St. Lawrence River
Journal Article
Astorg L , Charette C , Windle M J , Derry A M ,
2022 Journal of Great Lakes Research (Date Added: 2022-02-12)

42- Integrating physiology and environmental dynamics to operationalize environmental DNA (eDNA) as a means to monitor freshwater macro-organism abundance
Journal Article
Yates M C , Cristescu M E , Derry A M ,
2021 Molecular Ecology (Date Added: 2021-10-27)

41- The evolutionary ecology of fatty-acid variation: Implications for consumer adaptation and diversification
Journal Article
Twining C W , Bernhardt J R , Derry A M , Hudson C M , Ishikawa A , Kabeya N , Kainz M J , Kitano J , Kowarik C , Ladd S N , Leal M C , Scharnweber K , Shipley J R , Matthews B ,
2021 Ecology Letters (Date Added: 2021-06-17)

40- Rotenone for exotic trout eradication: nontarget impacts on aquatic communities in a mountain lake
Journal Article
Beaulieu J , Trépanier-Leroux D , Fischer J M , Olson M H , Thibodeau S , Humphries S , Fraser D J , Derry A M ,
2021 Lake and Reservoir Management (Date Added: 2021-06-02)

39- Allometric scaling of eDNA production in stream-dwelling brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) inferred from population size structure
Journal Article
Yates M C , Wilcox T M , McKelvey K S , Young M K , Schwartz M K , Derry A M ,
2021 Environmental DNA (Date Added: 2021-05-30)

38- Phenotypic stability in scalar calcium of freshwater fish across a wide range of aqueous calcium availability in nature
Journal Article
Sanderson S , Derry A M , Hendry A P ,
2021 Ecology and Evolution (Date Added: 2021-05-11)

37- Environmental RNA: A Revolution in Ecological Resolution?
Journal Article
Yates M C , Derry A M , Cristescu M E ,
2021 Trends in Ecology and Evolution (Date Added: 2021-04-02)

36- A continuum of genetic mixing for conservation management along the (mal)adaptation spectrum: A comment on Hoffmann et al.
Journal Note
Crispo E , Derry A M , Brady S P ,
2021 Evolutionary Applications (Date Added: 2021-02-04)

35- Freshwater zooplankton metapopulations and metacommunities respond differently to environmental and spatial variation
Journal Article
Martin G K , Beisner B E , Chain F J J , Cristescu M E , Giorgio P A , Derry A M ,
2020 Ecology (Date Added: 2020-12-04)

34- Different refuge types dampen exotic invasion and enhance diversity at the whole ecosystem scale in a heterogeneous river system
Journal Article
Astorg L , Sanderson S , Côté-Gravel V , Sorbara F , Windle M J S , Hendry A P , Derry A M ,
2020 Biological Invasions (Date Added: 2020-10-19)

33- The relationship between eDNA particle concentration and organism abundance in nature is strengthened by allometric scaling
Journal Article
Yates M C , Glaser D M , Post J R , Cristescu M E , Fraser D J , Derry A M ,
2020 Molecular Ecology (Date Added: 2020-08-06)

32- Fish growth rates and lake sulphate explain variation in mercury levels in ninespine stickleback (Pungitius pungitius) on the Arctic Coastal Plain of Alaska
Journal Article
Burke S , Zimmerman C , Laske S , Koch J , Derry A , Guernon S , Branfireun B , Swanson H ,
2020 Science of the Total Environment (Date Added: 2020-07-27)

31- Understanding maladaptation by uniting ecological and evolutionary perspectives
Journal Article
Brady S P , Bolnick D I , Barrett R D H , Chapman L , Crispo E , Derry A M , Eckert C G , Fraser D J , Fussmann G F , Gonzalez A , Guichard F , Lamy T , Lane J , McAdam A G , Newman A E M , Paccard A , Robertson B , Rolshausen G , Schulte P M , Simons A M , Vellend M , Hendry A ,
2019 American Naturalist (Date Added: 2019-09-15)

30- Causes of maladaptation
Journal Article
Brady S P , Bolnick D I , Angert A L , Gonzalez A , Barrett R D , Crispo E , Derry A M , Eckert C G , Fraser D J , Fussmann G F , Guichard F , Lamy T , McAdam A G , Newman A E , Paccard A , Rolshausen G , Simons A M , Hendry A P ,
2019 Evolutionary Applications (Date Added: 2019-08-31)

29- Conservation through the lens of (mal)adaptation: Concepts and meta-analysis
Journal Article
Derry A M , Fraser D J , Brady S P , Astorg L , Lawrence E R , Martin G K , Matte J , Negrín Dastis J O , Paccard A , Barrett R D H , Chapman L J , Lane J E , Ballas C G , Close M , Crispo E ,
2019 Evolutionary Applications (Date Added: 2019-08-31)

28- Phenotype–environment mismatch in metapopulations—Implications for the maintenance of maladaptation at the regional scale
Journal Article
Negrín Dastis J O , Milne R , Guichard F , Derry A M ,
2019 Evolutionary Applications (Date Added: 2019-08-22)

27- The coevolution of adult body mass and excretion rate between genetically size-divergent brook trout populations
Journal Article
Guernon S , Yates M C , Fraser D J , Derry A M ,
2019 Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (Date Added: 2019-03-06)

26- Global patterns and drivers of ecosystem functioning in rivers and riparian zones
Journal Article
Tiegs S D , Costello D M , Isken M W , Woodward G , McIntyre P B , Gessner M O , Chauvet E , Griffiths N A , Flecker A S , Acuña V , Albariño R , Allen D C , Alonso C , Andino P , Arango C , Aroviita J , Barbosa M V M , Barmuta L A , Baxter C V , Bell T D C , Bellinger B , Boyero L , Brown L E , Bruder A , Bruesewitz D A , Burdon F J , Callisto M , Canhoto C , Capps K A , Castillo M M , Clapcott J , Colas F , Colón-Gaud C , Cornut J , Crespo-Pérez V , Cross W F , Culp J M , Danger M , Dangles O , de Eyto E , Derry A M , Villanueva V D , Douglas M M , Elosegi A , Encalada A C , Entrekin S , Espinosa R , Ethaiya D , Ferreira V , Ferriol C , Flanagan K M , Fleituch T , Follstad Shah J J , Frainer Barbosa A , Friberg N , Frost P C , Garcia E A , García Lago L , García Soto P E , Ghate S , Giling D P , Gilmer A , Gonçalves J F , Gonzales R K , Graça M A S , Grace M , Grossart H , Guérold F , Gulis V , Hepp L U , Higgins S , Hishi T , Huddart J , Hudson J , Imberger S , Iñiguez-Armijos C , Iwata T , Janetski D J , Jennings E , Kirkwood A E , Koning A A , Kosten S , Kuehn K A , Laudon H , Leavitt P R , Lemes da Silva A L , Leroux S J , LeRoy C J , Lisi P J , MacKenzie R , Marcarelli A M , Masese F O , McKie B G , Oliveira Medeiros A , Meissner K , Miliša M , Mishra S , Miyake Y , Moerke A , Mombrikotb S , Mooney R , Moulton T , Muotka T , Negishi J N , Neres-Lima V , Nieminen M L , Nimptsch J , Ondruch J , Paavola R , Pardo I , Patrick C J , Peeters E T H M , Pozo J , Pringle C , Prussian A , Quenta E , Quesada A , Reid B , Richardson J S , Rigosi A , Rincón J , Rîşnoveanu G , Robinson C T , Rodríguez-Gallego L , Royer T V , Rusak J A , Santamans A C , Selmeczy G B , Simiyu G , Skuja A , Smykla J , Sridhar K R , Sponseller R , Stoler A , Swan C M , Szlag D , Teixeira-de Mello F , Tonkin J D , Uusheimo S , Veach A M , Vilbaste S , Vought L B M , Wang C , Webster J R , Wilson P B , Woelfl S , Xenopoulos M A , Yates A G , Yoshimura C , Yule C M , Zhang Y X , Zwart J A ,
2019 Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics (Date Added: 2019-01-24)

25- A fish-mediated trophic cascade on freshwater calanoid copepod abundance is concealed by food web fatty acid availability, functional traits and population sex ratio
Journal Article
Negrín Dastis J O , Yates M C , Fraser D J , Derry A M ,
2018 Journal of Plankton Research (Date Added: 2018-05-03)

24- Cladoceran diversity dynamics in lakes from a northern mining region: Responses to multiple stressors characterized by alpha and beta diversity
Journal Article
Winegardner A K , Salter N , Aebischer S , Pienitz R , Derry A M , Wing B , Beisner B E , Gregory-Eaves I ,
2017 Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (Date Added: 2017-10-07)

23- Climate alters intraspecific variation in copepod effect traits through pond food webs
Journal Article
Charette C , Derry A M ,
2016 Ecology (Date Added: 2017-03-03)

22- Climate alters intraspecific variation in copepod effect traits through pond food webs
Journal Article
Charette, C, Derry, AM
2016 Ecology (Date Added: 2017-02-21)

21- The impact of regional landscape context on local maladaptive trait divergence: a field test using freshwater copepod acid tolerance
Journal Article
Negrín Dastis, JO, Derry, AM
2016 Evolutionary Ecology (Date Added: 2016-10-11)

20- Coprolalia as a manifestation of epileptic seizures
Journal Article
Massot-Tarrus, A, Mousavi, SR, Dove, C, Hayman-Abello S, S, Hayman-Abello, B, Derry, PA, Diosy, DC, McLachlan, RS, Burneo, JG, Steven, DA, Mirsattari, SM
2016 Epilepsy & Behavior : E&B (Date Added: 2016-10-11)

19- Climate alters intraspecific variation in copepod effect traits through pond food webs
Journal Article
Charette, C, Derry, AM
2016 Ecology (Date Added: 2016-05-31)

18- Exploring the contribution of zooplankton and protists to the top-down regulation of freshwater aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria
Journal Article
Garcia-Chaves, M, Cottrell, MT, Kirchman, DL, Derry, A, Bogard M , del Giorgio P A ,
2015 Aquatic Microbial Ecology (Date Added: 2016-06-27)

17- Effects of humic stress on the zooplankton from clear and DOC-rich lakes
Journal Article
Robidoux, M, del Giorgio, P, Derry, A
2015 Freshwater Biology (Date Added: 2015-07-20)

16- Oxic water column methanogenesis as a major component of aquatic CH4 fluxes
Journal Article
Bogard, MJ, del Giorgio, PA, Boutet, L, Chaves, MCG, Prairie, YT, Merante, A, Derry, AM
2014 Nature Communications (Date Added: 2016-08-09)

15- Ecology in the age of DNA barcoding: the resource, the promise and the challenges ahead
Journal Article
Joly, S, Davies, TJ, Archambault, A, Bruneau, A, Derry, A, Kembel, SW, Peres-Neto, P, Vamosi, J, Wheeler, TA
2014 Molecular Ecology Resources (Date Added: 2014-03-04)

14- Possible influences of plasticity and genetic/maternal effects on species coexistence: native_Gammarus fasciatus_facing exotic amphipods
Journal Article
Derry, AM, Kestrup, M, Hendry, AP, Pfrender, M
2013 Functional Ecology (Date Added: 2016-07-14)

13- The recovery of acid-damaged zooplankton communities in Canadian Lakes: the relative importance of abiotic, biotic and spatial variables
Journal Article
Gray, DK, Arnott, SE, Shead, JA, Derry, AM
2012 Freshwater Biology (Date Added: 2012-09-15)

12- Metacommunity biology as an eco-evolutionary framework for understanding exotic invasion in aquatic ecosystems
Conference Article
Howeth, J, Derry, A, Reitzel, A, Kemp, PF
2010 Eco-DAS VIII Symposium Proceedings (Date Added: 2012-09-15)

11- Evolutionary shifts in copepod acid tolerance in an acid-recovering lake indicated by resurrected resting eggs
Journal Article
Derry, AM, Arnott, SE, Boag, PT
2010 Evolutionary Ecology (Date Added: 2011-04-04)

10- Ecological linkages between community and genetic diversity in zooplankton among boreal shield lakes
Journal Article
Derry, AM, Arnott, SE, Shead, JA, Hebert, PDN, Boag, PT
2009 Ecology (Date Added: 2011-04-04)

8- Variation in calanoid copepod resting egg abundance among lakes with different acidification histories
Journal Article
Chan, EM, Derry, AM, Watson, LA, Arnott, SE
2008 Hydrobiologia (Date Added: 2011-04-04)

7- Zooplankton community response to experimental acidification in boreal shield lakes with different ecological histories
Journal Article
Derry, AM, Arnott, SE
2007 Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (Date Added: 2011-04-04)

6- Adaptive reversals in acid tolerance in copepods from lakes recovering from historical stress
Journal Article
Derry, AM, Arnott, SE
2007 Ecological Applications (Date Added: 2011-04-04)

5- A comparison of zooplankton communities in saline lakewater with variable anion composition
Journal Article
Derry, AM, Prepas, EE, Hebert, PDN
2003 Hydrobiologia (Date Added: 2011-04-04)

4- Evolution of rotifers in saline and subsaline lakes: A molecular phylogenetic approach
Journal Article
Derry, AM, Hebert, PDN, Prepas, EE
2003 Limnology and Oceanography (Date Added: 2011-04-04)

3- Functional diversity and community structure of microorganisms in rhizosphere and non-rhizosphere Canadian arctic soils
Journal Article
Tam, L, Derry, AM, Kevan, PG, Trevors, JT
2001 Biodiversity and Conservation (Date Added: 2011-04-04)

2- Soil nutrients and vegetation characteristics of a Dorset/Thule site in the Canadian arctic
Journal Article
Derry, AM, Kevan, PG, Rowley, SDM
1999 Arctic (Date Added: 2011-04-04)

1- Functional diversity and community structure of microorganisms in uncontaminated and creosote-contaminated soils as determined by sole-carbon-source-utilization
Journal Article
Derry, AM, Staddon, WJ, Trevors, JT
1998 World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology (Date Added: 2011-04-04)

Dans les média

Freshwater ecosystems are becoming increasingly salty. Here’s why this is a concern
(Alison Derry, Miguel Cañedo-Argüelles and Stephanie J Melles) 2023-03-22

St. Lawrence River zones that are hostile to invasive species can be refuges for native fish
(Alison Derry, Cristina Charette and Olivier Morissette) 2022-08-10

Plus de 13 millions en subventions
(Therrien, Nicole) 2018-05-03

De minuscules baromètres du climat dans les lacs - Agence Science-Presse
Agence Science-Presse (Burgun, Isabelle) 2013-05-09

Chercheuse d'eau douce
Journal l'UQAM (Caza, Pierre-Etienne) 2013-04-15

Deux professeures obtiennent 772 000 $ grâce à la Fondation canadienne pour l'innovation
UQAM Nouvelles 2012-07-18