Juan Pablo Arroyo Mora

Chercheur scientifique,
McGill University

Department of Geography
Courriel: juan.arroyomora@mcgill.ca
Page web de l'institution
Page personnelle


Je suis un scientifique multidisciplinaire du Costa Rica, avec une expérience de recherche en foresterie tropicale, écologie forestière, évaluation de la diversité, SIG, télédétection et écologie du paysage. Je suis actuellement le directeur académique du Centre d'information géographique (CIG), une installation du département de géographie de l'Université McGill, qui soutient les professeurs, les étudiants et les chercheurs sur des sujets liés aux SIG et à la télédétection dans différentes disciplines (conservation, développement socio-économique, santé, etc). Actuellement, je poursuis les recherches que j'ai entamées pendant mon doctorat, en développant un SIG forestier pour le Costa Rica et en évaluant la richesse des espèces (arbres) aux niveaux alpha, bêta et gamma. Ici, à McGill, je travaille avec le Dr Margaret Kalacska sur plusieurs sujets allant de la détection des charniers à l'aide de l'imagerie hyperspectrale à l'utilisation de techniques d'apprentissage automatique. Je collabore également avec le Dr Oliver Coomes sur la caractérisation de divers aspects de la plaine d'inondation du fleuve Amazone dans l'Amazonie péruvienne. En outre, je fais partie d'un GTRC avec le Centre mondial de l'océan Indien qui travaille sur les données et les aspects analytiques liés aux interactions homme-environnement. Mes dernières recherches portent sur la conservation des forêts et des espèces de poissons endémiques dans les régions tropicales.

Exemples d'espèces étudiées

Phragmites australis subsp. australis


27- Phenospectral similarity as an index of ecological integrity
Journal Article
Osei Darko P , Laliberté E , Kalacska M , Arroyo‐Mora J P , Gonzalez A , Zuloaga J ,
2024 Frontiers in Environmental Science (Date Added: 2024-06-13)

26- Exploring the spectral variation hypothesis for α- and β-diversity: a comparison of open vegetation and forests
Journal Article
Wallis C I B , Kothari S , Jantzen J R , Crofts A L , St-Jean S , Inamdar D , Pablo Arroyo-Mora J , Kalacska M , Bruneau A , Coops N C , Laliberté E , Vellend M ,
2024 Environmental Research Letters (Date Added: 2024-05-21)

25- Linking aerial hyperspectral data to canopy tree biodiversity: An examination of the spectral variation hypothesis
Journal Article
Crofts A L , Wallis C I B , St‐Jean S , Demers‐Thibeault S , Inamdar D , Arroyo‐Mora J P , Kalacska M , Laliberté E , Vellend M ,
2024 Ecological Monographs (Date Added: 2024-05-10)

24- Remotely sensed carbon content: The role of tree composition and tree diversity
Journal Article
2023 Remote Sensing of Environment (Date Added: 2024-03-27)

23- Development of a Novel Implementation of a Remotely Piloted Aircraft System over 25 kg for Hyperspectral Payloads
Journal Article
Arroyo-Mora J P , Kalacska M , Lucanus O , Laliberté R , Chen Y , Gorman J , Marion A , Coulas L , Barber H , Borshchova I , Soffer R J , Leblanc G , Lavigne D , Girard L , Bérubé M ,
2023 Drones (Date Added: 2023-12-09)

22- Mapping canopy traits over Québec using airborne and spaceborne imaging spectroscopy
Journal Article
Miraglio T , Coops N C , Wallis C I B , Crofts A L , Kalacska M , Vellend M , Serbin S P , Arroyo-Mora J P , Laliberté E ,
2023 Scientific Reports (Date Added: 2023-10-18)

21- Assessment of UAS Photogrammetry and Planet Imagery for Monitoring Water Levels around Railway Tracks
Journal Article
Arroyo-Mora J , Kalacska M , Roghani A , Lucanus O ,
2023 Drones (Date Added: 2023-10-09)

20- The Ground to Space CALibration Experiment (G-SCALE): Simultaneous Validation of UAV, Airborne, and Satellite Imagers for Earth Observation Using Specular Targets
Journal Article
Russell B J , Soffer R J , Ientilucci E J , Kuester M A , Conran D N , Arroyo-Mora J P , Ochoa T , Durell C , Holt J ,
2023 Remote Sensing (Date Added: 2023-02-06)

19- Spatial response resampling (SR2): Accounting for the spatial point spread function in hyperspectral image resampling
Journal Article
Inamdar D , Kalacska M , Darko P O , Arroyo-Mora J P , Leblanc G ,
2023 MethodsX (Date Added: 2023-01-24)

18- Multi-Temporal Surface Water Classification for Four Major Rivers from the Peruvian Amazon
Journal Data Paper
Kalacska M , Arroyo-Mora J P , Coomes O T , Takasaki Y , Abizaid C ,
2022 Data (Date Added: 2022-02-07)

17- Water column compensation workflow for hyperspectral imaging data
Journal Article
Inamdar D , Rowan G S , Kalacska M , Arroyo-Mora J P ,
2022 MethodsX (Date Added: 2022-01-03)

Conference Proceeding Conference Paper
Arroyo-Mora J P , Kalacska M , Soffer R J , Lucanus O ,
2021 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) (Date Added: 2022-03-19)

15- A practical validation of uncooled thermal imagers for small RPAS
Journal Article
Leblanc G , Kalacska M , Arroyo-Mora J P , Lucanus O , Todd A ,
2021 Drones (Date Added: 2021-11-24)

14- Mapping the Extent of Invasive Phragmites australis subsp. australis From Airborne Hyperspectral Imagery
Journal Article
Elmer K , Kalacska M , Arroyo-Mora J P ,
2021 Frontiers in Environmental Science (Date Added: 2021-11-24)

13- Multi-Scale Spectral Separability of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Species in a Freshwater Ecosystem
Journal Article
Rowan G S L , Kalacska M , Inamdar D , Arroyo-Mora J P , Soffer R ,
2021 Frontiers in Environmental Science (Date Added: 2021-11-11)

12- Geocorrection of airborne mid-wave infrared imagery for mapping wildfires without gps or imu
Journal Article
Ifimov G , Naprstek T , Johnston J M , Arroyo-Mora J P , Leblanc G , Lee M D ,
2021 Sensors (Date Added: 2021-11-05)

11- ReSVA: A MATLAB method to co-register and mosaic airborne video-based remotely sensed data
Journal Article
Naprstek T , Arroyo-Mora J P , Johnston J M , Leblanc G ,
2021 MethodsX (Date Added: 2021-11-05)

10- Hyperspectral data as a biodiversity screening tool can differentiate among diverse Neotropical fishes
Journal Article
Kolmann M A , Kalacska M , Lucanus O , Sousa L , Wainwright D , Arroyo-Mora J P , Andrade M C ,
2021 Scientific Reports (Date Added: 2021-08-17)

9- Spectral complexity of hyperspectral images: A new approach for mangrove classification
Journal Article
Osei Darko P , Kalacska M , Arroyo-Mora J P , Fagan M E ,
2021 Remote Sensing (Date Added: 2021-07-30)

8- Comparing uas lidar and structure-from-motion photogrammetry for peatland mapping and virtual reality (Vr) visualization
Journal Article
Kalacska M , Arroyo-Mora J P , Lucanus O ,
2021 Drones (Date Added: 2021-06-05)

7- Deciphering the many maps of the Xingu River Basin - an assessment of land cover classifications at multiple scales
Journal Article
Kalacska M , Arroyo-Mora J P , Lucanus O , Sousa L , Pereira T , Vieira T ,
2020 Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia (Date Added: 2021-05-18)

6- Asdtoolkit: A novel matlab processing toolbox for asd field spectroscopy data
Journal Article
Elmer, K, Soffer, RJ, Pablo Arroyo-Mora, J, Kalacska, M
2020 Data (Date Added: 2021-05-18)

5- Accuracy of 3d landscape reconstruction without ground control points using different uas platforms
Journal Article
Kalacska, M, Lucanus, O, Arroyo-Mora, JP, Laliberté, , Elmer, K, Leblanc, G, Groves, A
2020 Drones (Date Added: 2020-12-18)

4- Assessing the impact of illumination on UAV pushbroom hyperspectral imagery collected under various cloud cover conditions
Journal Article
Arroyo-Mora, JP, Kalacska, M, Løke, T, Schläpfer, D, Coops, NC, Lucanus, O, Leblanc, G
Remote Sensing of Environment (Date Added: 2021-05-18)

3- High-resolution surface water classifications of the xingu river, brazil, pre and post operationalization of the belo monte hydropower complex
Journal Article
Kalacska, M, Lucanus, O, Sousa, L, Arroyo-Mora, JP
Data (Date Added: 2021-05-18)

2- Habitat loss in the restricted range of the endemic Ghanaian cichlid Limbochromis robertsi
Journal Article
Lamboj, A, Lucanus, O, Osei Darko, P, Arroyo-Mora, JP, Kalacska, M
Biotropica (Date Added: 2021-05-18)

1- Characterizing and mitigating sensor generated spatial correlations in airborne hyperspectral imaging data
Journal Article
Inamdar, D, Kalacska, M, Leblanc, G, Arroyo-Mora, JP
Remote Sensing (Date Added: 2021-05-18)