Élise Filotas

Professeur associé,

Département de science et technologie
Courriel: elise.filotas@teluq.ca
Page web de l'institution
Page personnelle


  • Ph.D. Géographie, 2009 (Université de Montréal)
  • M.Sc. Physique, 2002 (Université McGill)
  • B.Sc. Mathématiques-physique, 2000 (Université de Montréal)


Je m’intéresse à l’application des concepts et des modèles de la science des systèmes complexes à l’étude des écosystèmes forestiers sur de multiples échelles. Mes activités de recherche sont interdisciplinaires et visent à développer des outils de modélisation et d’analyse quantitatifs, théoriques ou appliqués, pour étudier deux thèmes principaux :

La dynamique des communautés écologiques sur les paysages forestiers. Comment les interactions inter- et intra-spécifiques entre les individus, et leur habilité à se disperser, influencent la dynamique de leur population à différentes échelles temporelles et spatiales ? La relation entre l’aménagement des forêts et leurs fonctions écologiques.

Comment les interactions entre les processus écologiques et l’aménagement influencent la dynamique et les fonctions des écosystèmes forestiers?

Étudiants CSBQ

Siddhartha Khare

Postdoctoral fellow
(Début: 2020)
Autre (co-)superviseur membre du CSBQ: Andrew Gonzalez
Impact de l'homme sur la mise à l'échelle de la relation biodiversité-fonctionnement de l'écosystème
Page personnelle

Pierce McNie

Autre (co-)superviseur: Daniel Kneeshaw, UQAM
(Début: 2017)
Metacommunity Dynamics of the Spruce Budworm in Novel Habitats

Anciens étudiants (depuis 2009)

Clément Hardy

(Début: 2018, Fin: 2021)
Comparaison des effets des méthodes équiennes et inéquiennes d’aménagement forestier à de grandes échelles temporelles et spatiales.
Page personnelle


29- Increased unpredictability in spruce budworm outbreaks following habitat loss and landscape fragmentation
Journal Article
2024 Ecological Modelling (Date Added: 2024-05-29)

28- Increased unpredictability in spruce budworm outbreaks following habitat loss and landscape fragmentation
Journal Article
2024 Ecological Modelling (Date Added: 2024-05-29)

24- Network Framework for Forest Ecology and Management
Book Book Chapter
2023 Advances in Global Change Research (Date Added: 2024-05-29)

23- Forecasting wildfire-induced declines in potential forest harvest levels across Québec
Journal Article
2023 Canadian Journal of Forest Research (Date Added: 2024-05-29)

22- TAMM review: On the importance of tap and tree characteristics in maple sugaring
Journal Article
2023 Forest Ecology and Management (Date Added: 2024-05-29)

21- A LANDIS-II extension for simulating forest road networks
Journal Article
Hardy C , Messier C , Valeria O , Filotas E ,
2023 Canadian Journal of Forest Research (Date Added: 2023-08-10)

20- Biodiversity as insurance: from concept to measurement and application
Journal Article
Loreau M , Barbier M , Filotas E , Gravel D , Isbell F , Miller S J , Montoya J M , Wang S , Aussenac R , Germain R , Thompson P L , Gonzalez A , Dee L E ,
2021 Biological Reviews (Date Added: 2021-06-07)

18- Evaluating forest resilience to global threats using functional response traits and network properties
Journal Article
Aquilué N , Filotas ,
2020 Ecological Applications (Date Added: 2020-04-01)

17- Scaling-up biodiversity-ecosystem functioning research
Journal Article
Gonzalez A , Germain R M , Srivastava D S , Filotas E , Dee L E , Gravel D , Thompson P L , Isbell F , Wang S , Kéfi S , Montoya J , Zelnik Y R , Loreau M ,
2020 Ecology Letters (Date Added: 2020-02-10)

15- Disentangling the effect of drought on stand mortality and productivity in northern temperate and boreal forests
Journal Article
Laginha Pinto Correia D , Bouchard M , Filotas ,
2018 Journal of Applied Ecology (Date Added: 2019-01-03)

14- Response diversity, functional redundancy and post-logging productivity in northern temperate and boreal forests
Journal Article
Correia, DLP, Raulier, F, Bouchard, M, Filotas, E
2018 Ecological Applications : a Publication of the Ecological Society of America (Date Added: 2018-05-14)

13- Stand height and cover type complement forest age structure as a biodiversity indicator in boreal and northern temperate forest management
Journal Article
Laginha Pinto Correia, D, Raulier, F, Filotas, , Bouchard, M
2017 Ecological Indicators (Date Added: 2017-09-22)

12- Epidemiological landscape models reproduce cyclic insect outbreaks
Journal Article
Nenzén, HK, Filotas, E, Peres-Neto, P, Gravel, D
2017 Ecological Complexity (Date Added: 2017-05-19)

11- Trade-offs between timber production, carbon stocking and habitat quality when managing woodlots for multiple ecosystem services
Journal Article
Carpentier, S, Filotas, E, Handa, IT, Messier, C
2017 Environmental Conservation (Date Added: 2016-12-05)

10- Dealing with Non-linearity and Uncertainty in Forest Management
Journal Article
Messier, C, Puettmann, K, Filotas, E, Coates, D
2016 Current Forestry Reports (Date Added: 2018-05-14)

9-Faciliter l'intégration des principes d'aménagement multiservice des programmes de certification
Tittler, R, James, P, Filotas, E
2016 ( Date Added: 2018-05-14)

8- Evaluating resilience of tree communities in fragmented landscapes: Linking functional response diversity with landscape connectivity
Journal Article
Craven, D, Filotas, E, Angers, VA, Messier, C
2016 Diversity and Distributions (Date Added: 2017-09-22)

7- From Management to Stewardship: Viewing Forests As Complex Adaptive Systems in an Uncertain World
Journal Article
Messier, C, Puettmann, K, Chazdon, R, Andersson, KP, Angers, VA, Brotons, L, Filotas, E, Tittler, R, Parrott, L, Levin, SA
2015 Conservation Letters (Date Added: 2017-09-22)

6- Maximizing Conservation and Production with Intensive Forest Management: It’s All About Location
Journal Article
Tittler, R, Filotas, , Kroese, J, Messier, C
2015 Environmental Management (Date Added: 2017-09-22)

5- Viewing forests through the lens of complex systems science
Journal Article
Filotas, E, Parrott, L, Burton, PJ, Chazdon, RL, Coates, KD, Coll, L, Haeussler, S, Martin, K, Nocentini, S, Puettmann, KJ, Putz, FE, Simard, SW, Messier, C
2014 Ecosphere (Date Added: 2017-09-22)

4- Positive interactions and the emergence of community structure in metacommunities
Journal Article
Filotas, E, Grant, M, Parrott, L, Rikvold Per Arne, PA
2010 Journal of Theoretical Biology (Date Added: 2017-09-22)

3- The effect of positive interactions on community structure in a multi-species metacommunity model along an environmental gradient
Journal Article
Filotas, E, Grant, M, Parrott, L, Rikvold, PA
2010 Ecological Modelling (Date Added: 2017-09-22)

2- Critical slowing down as an indicator of transitions in two-species models
Journal Article
Chisholm, RA, Filotas, E
2009 Journal of Theoretical Biology (Date Added: 2017-09-22)

1- Community-driven dispersal in an individual-based predator-prey model
Journal Article
Filotas, E, Grant, M, Parrott, L, Rikvold, PA
2008 Ecological Complexity (Date Added: 2017-09-22)