David Pelletier

McGill University
Candidat M.Sc.

superviseur(e): Jeffrey Cardille
Début: 2012-01-01
Fin: 2015-08-15


Réseaux de connectivité à l'échelle régionale et continentale


1- Circuit theory emphasizes the importance of edge-crossing decisions in dispersal-scale movements of a forest passerine
St-Louis, V., J. D. Forester, D. Pelletier, M. Bélisle, A. Desrochers, B. Rayfield, M. A. Wulder, J. A. Cardille
2014 Landscape Ecology

2- Applying Circuit Theory for Corridor Expansion and Management at Regional Scales: Tiling, Pinch Points, and Omnidirectional Connectivity
David Pelletier, Melissa Clark, Mark G. Anderson, Bronwyn Rayfield, Michael A. Wulder, Jeffrey A. Cardille
2014 PLoS ONE