Paula Perez-Briceno

Pan Quebec Economic Impacts of Climate Change on Agriculture and Adaptation (P-QEICCAA)/Population Perceptions and Digital PlatformsAs the evidence of climate change becomes increasingly unequivocal, it is equally important to have a better understanding of the impacts of climate change and adaptation on resources in general and the agricultural or food production systems. This is urgent as the impacts of climate change on crop production systems are already visible through droughts, crop failures, fires, longer growing seasons inter alia. This project aims at investigating the economic impacts of climate change and adaptation on production systems such as Soybean, Hay, and Maple Syrup across key producing regions of Quebec. The specific objectives and methods employed are deployed in four key work packages. Work package one performs a systematic review of the primary peer review and grey literature on the economic impacts of climate change and adaptation in terms of costs and benefits across Canada. This objective aims at providing a state of the art of the primary literature in this domain as well as to make evident the gaps that must be filled. In work package two, climate data (precipitation, temperature and CO2 flux) from CMIP6 and other climate models will be downscaled to the scale of the study sites and used in conjunction with various RCP scenarios to depict the economic impacts of climate change and adaptation on production systems. The Ricardian approach will be used to obtain the economic equivalents of climate change. In work package three, we will use SSP scenarios to investigate the economic impacts (costs and benefits) of different levels of adaptation actions. Finally, work package four will use digital technologies to ensure that various stakeholders have access to the research findings. This will be done through a Web GIS database for researchers, policy makers and other actors as well as a GSM App for a pilot group of farmers across Quebec. A co-construction component will be deployed here to enhance acceptability. This will enable farmers receive data on the costs and benefits of farming activities in their region and will enhance farm level decision making to alleviate costs and enhance benefits. A provincial portrait of the cost associated to climate change will be released. Through this work, a better understanding of questions like which adaptation options are beneficial and which are not will be responded to?
Platforms, Perceptions, GISPublications
1- ¿Es el pueblo indígena de Suerre del siglo XVI el mismo asentamiento arqueológico de Las Mercedes (1000 - 1500 d.C.) del Período Tardío?Pérez-Briceño, Paula M., Eugenia Ibarra
2021 Cuadernos de Antropología
Lizano, Omar, Paula Perez
2021 Revista Geográfica de Chile Terra Australis
3- Mapping Environmental and Socioeconomic impacts of hydrometeorological hazards across Central America. Study case: Honduras
Alfaro Martínez, Eric Jose, Hugo Hidalgo León, Paula Pérez Briceño
2018 Política Económica para el Desarrollo Sostenible
4- A Tri-dimensional Approach to Climate Sciences
Alfaro, Eric J., Hugo G. Hidalgo, Tito Maldonado, Paula M. Pérez-Briceño, Natalie P. Mora
2018 Caribbean Quarterly
5- Geomorphology of the Caribbean coast of Costa Rica
Quesada-Román, Adolfo, Paula M. Pérez-Briceño
2019 Journal of Maps
6- Dynamical delimitation of the Central American Dry Corridor (CADC) using drought indices and aridity values
Quesada-Hernández, Luis Eduardo, Oscar David Calvo-Solano, Hugo G Hidalgo, Paula M Pérez-Briceño, Eric J Alfaro
2019 Progress in Physical Geography: Earth and Environment