Patrick Osei Darko
McGill University
Candidat Ph.D.
superviseur(e): Margaret Kalacska
Pablo Arroyo-Mora, NRC
Début: 2018-09-03
Fin: 2023-09-30
Candidat Ph.D.
superviseur(e): Margaret Kalacska
Pablo Arroyo-Mora, NRC
Début: 2018-09-03
Fin: 2023-09-30
HYPERSPECTRAL REMOTE SENSING OF FOREST SPECIES, FOLIAR TRAITS AND ABOVEGROUND BIOMASS AT MULTIPLE SCALESI am interested in mapping forest trait, species composition and aboveground biomass at multiple scales using hyperspectral remote sensing and related technologies to support global forest conservation efforts and climate change mitigation strategies
hyperspectral, remote sensing, biodiversityPublications
1- Spectral Complexity of Hyperspectral Images: A New Approach for Mangrove ClassificationOsei Darko, Patrick, Margaret Kalacska, J. Pablo Arroyo-Mora, Matthew E. Fagan
2021 Remote Sensing
2- Habitat loss in the restricted range of the endemic Ghanaian cichlid Limbochromis robertsi
Lamboj, Anton, Oliver Lucanus, Patrick Osei Darko, J. Pablo Arroyo‐Mora, Margaret Kalacska
2020 Biotropica