Rowan Barrett

Professeur agrégé,
McGill University

Redpath Museum
Page web de l'institution


  • PhD (Biologie), University of British Columbia, Canada, 2010
  • MSc (Biologie), McGill University, Canada, 2005
  • BSc (Sciences biologiques), University of Guelph, Canada, 2003


Rapid environmental change has been shown to result in elevated extinction rates and thus poses a significant threat to Canadian biodiversity. By using manipulative field experiments to connect fitness-related traits with underlying genetic architecture in relevant ecological scenarios, my research program investigates the evolutionary capabilities of natural populations to adapt to changing environments. My long-term goal is to address several basic questions about the genetics of adaptation that would aid our ability to generate predictive models of evolutionary change; these include but are not limited to: 1) How strong is natural selection on phenotypes, and how does this selection “filter down” to the genetic level? 2) How are regions affected by selection distributed throughout the genome? 3) What are the causal agents of natural selection? 4) What are the mechanisms underlying population responses to environmental change? There is theory addressing several of these questions, but we have few empirical tests in nature. Using two key study systems (stickleback fish and deer mice), my research program combines field-based selection experiments with molecular and computational biology to focus on two key areas: adaptation to changing environments and experimental genomics. The strength of this research program for enabling predictions about how biological systems will respond to environmental change lies in its interdisciplinary nature, integrating methods and knowledge from ecology, evolution and genomics. Solving climate change related problems such as species extinctions, invasive species, and the environmental health of society depends directly on the intersections between these disciplines of biology.

Étudiants CSBQ

Madlen Stange

Postdoctoral fellow
(Début: 2018)
Autre (co-)superviseur membre du CSBQ: Andrew Hendry
Illuminating the genomic basis of adaptation to ionic gradients in Canadian freshwater fishes during invasion of an exotic species in the Ottawa and St. Lawrence rivers
Page personnelle

Lucas Eckert

(Début: 2021)
Autre (co-)superviseur membre du CSBQ: Graham Bell
Testing for Real-Time Parallel Evolution in Threespine Stickleback
Page personnelle

Janay Fox

(Début: 2018)
Interaction entre les facteurs de stress environnementaux et la plasticité dans la méthylation de l'ADN et l'expression des gènes sur plusieurs échelles de temps
Page personnelle

Victoria Marie Glynn

Autre (co-)superviseur: David Kline, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI)
(Début: 2019)
Host-microbe dynamics in Tropical Eastern Pacific corals as a potential source of resilience to environmental stress
Page personnelle

Laura Lardinois

Autre (co-)superviseur: Matthieu Leray, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI)
(Début: 2021)
Les microbes, espèces-clés de la survie des récifs coralliens face au changement climatique?

Charles (Cong) Xu

(Début: 2016)
Discovery, study, and protection of biodiversity via metagenomics
Page personnelle

Anciens étudiants (depuis 2009)

Antoine Paccard

Postdoctoral fellow
(Début: 2014, Fin: 2017)
La génomique de l'adaptation à la tolérance thermique chez l'épinoche à trois épines
Page personnelle

Marc-Olivier Beausoleil

(Début: 2017, Fin: 2022)
L'impact de l'activité anthropique sur l'évolution des pinsons de Darwin sur les îles Galápagos
Page personnelle

Dieta Hanson

Autre (co-)superviseur: Rowan Barrett, McGill University
(Début: 2012, Fin: 2016)
Autre (co-)superviseur membre du CSBQ: Andrew Hendry
Parallelism in ecological speciation of Threespine Stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus)
Page personnelle

Juntao Hu

(Début: 2015, Fin: 2018)
Evolutionary adaptation of threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) to temperature regime

Ananda Regina Pereira Martins

(Début: 2016, Fin: 2022)
Bates Revisited: The origin of wing pattern variation in the Amazon
Page personnelle

Mathilde Salamon

(Début: 2017, Fin: 2022)
Autre (co-)superviseur membre du CSBQ: Alison Derry
Réponses adaptatives du copépode nordique Leptodiaptomus minutus aux perturbations anthropiques des lacs canadiens.

MK Hickox

(Début: 2020, Fin: 2021)
Autre (co-)superviseur membre du CSBQ: Andrew Hendry
Microgeographic Divergence of Darwin's Finches

Exemples d'espèces étudiées

Gasterosteus aculeatus
Cucumis sativus
Spodoptera exigua
Peromyscus leucopus
Peromyscus maniculatus
Poecilia reticulata
Geospiza fortis


70- Counter-gradient variation in gene expression between fish populations facilitates colonization of low-dissolved oxygen environments
Journal Article
Fox J A , Hunt D A G A , Hendry A P , Chapman L J , Barrett R D H ,
2024 Molecular Ecology (Date Added: 2024-06-07)

69- Insights into adaptive behavioural plasticity from the guppy model system
Journal Article
Fox J A , Toure M W , Heckley A , Fan R , Reader S M , Barrett R D H ,
2024 Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences (Date Added: 2024-03-21)

68- The fitness landscape of a community of Darwin’s finches
Journal Article
Beausoleil M , Carrión P L , Podos J , Camacho C , Rabadán-González J , Richard R , Lalla K , Raeymaekers J A M , Knutie S A , De León L F , Chaves J A , Clayton D H , Koop J A H , Sharpe D M T , Gotanda K M , Huber S K , Barrett R D H , Hendry A P ,
2023 Evolution (Date Added: 2023-12-21)

67- Spatiotemporal dynamics in butterfly hybrid zones
Journal Article
Martins A R P , Warren N B , McMillan W O , Barrett R D H ,
2023 Insect Science (Date Added: 2023-09-07)

66- The Difficulty of Predicting Evolutionary Change in Response to Novel Ecological Interactions: A Field Experiment with Anolis Lizards
Journal Article
Thurman T J , Palmer T M , Kolbe J J , Askary A M , Gotanda K M , Lapiedra O , Kartzinel T R , Man in’t Veld N , Revell L J , Wegener J E , Schoener T W , Spiller D A , Losos J B , Pringle R M , Barrett R D H ,
2023 The American naturalist (Date Added: 2023-04-04)

65- Prioritizing taxa for genetic reference database development to advance inland water conservation
Journal Article
Monchamp M , Taranu Z E , Garner R E , Rehill T , Morissette O , Iversen L L , Fugère V , Littlefair J E , da Costa N B , Desforges J E , Sánchez Schacht J R , Derry A M , Cooke S J , Barrett R D , Walsh D A , Ragoussis J , Albert M , Cristescu M E , Gregory-Eaves I ,
2023 Biological Conservation (Date Added: 2023-03-23)

64- Piebaldism and chromatophore development in reptiles are linked to the tfec gene
Journal Article
Garcia-Elfring A , Sabin C E , Iouchmanov A L , Roffey H L , Samudra S P , Alcala A J , Osman R S , Lauderdale J D , Hendry A P , Menke D B , Barrett R D ,
2023 Current biology : CB (Date Added: 2023-03-11)

63- The role of plastic and evolved DNA methylation in parallel adaptation of threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus)
Journal Article
Hu J , Barrett R D H ,
2022 Molecular Ecology (Date Added: 2023-01-11)

62- Scale-dependent environmental effects on phenotypic distributions in Heliconius butterflies
Journal Article
Pereira Martins A R , Martins L P , Ho W , McMillan W O , Ready J S , Barrett R ,
2022 Ecology and Evolution (Date Added: 2022-10-16)

61- Where did the finch go? Insights from radio telemetry of the medium ground finch (Geospiza fortis)
Journal Article
Beausoleil M , Camacho C , Rabadán‐González J , Lalla K , Richard R , Carrion‐Avilés P , Hendry A P , Barrett R D H ,
2022 Ecology and Evolution (Date Added: 2022-05-14)

60- Evolution of thermal physiology alters the projected range of threespine stickleback under climate change
Journal Article
Wuitchik S J S , Mogensen S , Barry T N , Paccard A , Jamniczky H A , Barrett R D H , Rogers S M ,
2022 Molecular Ecology (Date Added: 2022-04-10)

59- Transgenes of genetically modified animals detected non-invasively via environmental DNA
Journal Article
2021 PLoS ONE (Date Added: 2021-09-09)

58- Widespread agrochemicals differentially affect zooplankton biomass and community structure
Journal Article
Hébert M , Fugère V , Beisner B E , Barbosa da Costa N , Barrett R D H , Bell G , Shapiro B J , Yargeau V , Gonzalez A , Fussmann G F ,
2021 Ecological Applications (Date Added: 2021-08-23)

57- Resistance, resilience, and functional redundancy of freshwater bacterioplankton communities facing a gradient of agricultural stressors in a mesocosm experiment
Journal Article
Barbosa da Costa N , Fugère V , Hébert M , Xu C C , Barrett R D , Beisner B E , Bell G , Yargeau V , Fussmann G F , Gonzalez A , Shapiro B J ,
2021 Molecular Ecology (Date Added: 2021-08-21)

56- Using seasonal genomic changes to understand historical adaptation to new environments: Parallel selection on stickleback in highly-variable estuaries
Journal Article
Garcia‐Elfring A , Paccard A , Thurman T J , Wasserman B A , Palkovacs E P , Hendry A P , Barrett R D H ,
2021 Molecular Ecology (Date Added: 2021-04-23)

55- Heritability of DNA methylation in threespine stickleback ( Gasterosteus aculeatus )
Journal Article
Hu J , Wuitchik S J S , Barry T N , Jamniczky H A , Rogers S M , Barrett R D H ,
2021 Genetics (Date Added: 2021-03-14)

54- The importance of genomic variation for biodiversity, ecosystems and people
Journal Article
Stange M , Barrett R D H , Hendry A P ,
2020 Nature Reviews Genetics (Date Added: 2020-10-24)

53- Ecosystem size shapes antipredator trait evolution in estuarine threespine stickleback
Journal Article
Wasserman B A , Paccard A , Apgar T M , Des Roches S , Barrett R D H , Hendry A P , Palkovacs E P ,
2020 Oikos (Date Added: 2020-09-09)

52- Horizon scan of conservation issues for inland waters in Canada
Journal Article
Pérez-Jvostov F , Sutherland W J , Barrett R D , Brown C A , Cardille J A , Cooke S J , Cristescu M E , St-Gelais N F , Fussmann G F , Griffiths K , Hendry A P , Lapointe N W , Nyboer E A , Pentland R L , Reid A J , Ricciardi A , Sunday J M , Gregory-Eaves I ,
2020 Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (Date Added: 2020-05-09)

51- Community rescue in experimental phytoplankton communities facing severe herbicide pollution
Journal Article
Fugère, V, Hébert, M-P, da Costa, NB, Xu, CCY, Barrett, RDH, Beisner, BE, Bell, G, Fussmann, GF, Shapiro, BJ, Yargeau, V, Gonzalez, A
2020 Nature Ecology and Evolution (Date Added: 2020-03-24)

50- Repeatability of Adaptive Radiation Depends on Spatial Scale: Regional Versus Global Replicates of Stickleback in Lake Versus Stream Habitats
Journal Article
Paccard A , Hanson D , Stuart Y E , von Hippel F A , Kalbe M , Klepaker T , Skúlason S , Kristjánsson B K , Bolnick D I , Hendry A P , Barrett R D H ,
2020 The Journal of heredity (Date Added: 2020-02-14)

49- The Epigenetic Signature of Colonizing New Environments in Anolis Lizards
Journal Article
Hu J , Askary A M , Thurman T J , Spiller D A , Palmer T M , Pringle R M , Barrett R D H ,
2020 Molecular biology and evolution (Date Added: 2020-02-14)

47- The Epigenetic Signature of Colonizing New Environments in Anolis Lizards
Journal Article
Hu J , Askary A M , Thurman T J , Spiller D A , Palmer T M , Pringle R M , Barrett R D H ,
2019 Molecular biology and evolution (Date Added: 2019-10-13)

46- Understanding maladaptation by uniting ecological and evolutionary perspectives
Journal Article
Brady S P , Bolnick D I , Barrett R D H , Chapman L , Crispo E , Derry A M , Eckert C G , Fraser D J , Fussmann G F , Gonzalez A , Guichard F , Lamy T , Lane J , McAdam A G , Newman A E M , Paccard A , Robertson B , Rolshausen G , Schulte P M , Simons A M , Vellend M , Hendry A ,
2019 American Naturalist (Date Added: 2019-09-15)

45- Causes of maladaptation
Journal Article
Brady S P , Bolnick D I , Angert A L , Gonzalez A , Barrett R D , Crispo E , Derry A M , Eckert C G , Fraser D J , Fussmann G F , Guichard F , Lamy T , McAdam A G , Newman A E , Paccard A , Rolshausen G , Simons A M , Hendry A P ,
2019 Evolutionary Applications (Date Added: 2019-08-31)

44- Conservation through the lens of (mal)adaptation: Concepts and meta-analysis
Journal Article
Derry A M , Fraser D J , Brady S P , Astorg L , Lawrence E R , Martin G K , Matte J , Negrín Dastis J O , Paccard A , Barrett R D H , Chapman L J , Lane J E , Ballas C G , Close M , Crispo E ,
2019 Evolutionary Applications (Date Added: 2019-08-31)

43- The population genetics of crypsis in vertebrates: recent insights from mice, hares, and lizards
Journal Article
Harris R B , Irwin K , Jones M R , Laurent S , Barrett R D H , Nachman M W , Good J M , Linnen C R , Jensen J D , Pfeifer S P ,
2019 Heredity (Date Added: 2019-08-20)

42- Trophic structure modulates community rescue following acidification
Journal Article
Bell, G, Fugère, V, Barrett, R, Beisner, B, Cristescu, M, Fussmann, G, Shapiro, J, Gonzalez, A
2019 Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences (Date Added: 2019-06-25)

41- Predator-induced collapse of niche structure and species coexistence
Journal Article
Pringle R M , Kartzinel T R , Palmer T M , Thurman T J , Fox-Dobbs K , Xu C C Y , Hutchinson M C , Coverdale T C , Daskin J H , Evangelista D A , Gotanda K M , A Man in ’t Veld N , Wegener J E , Kolbe J J , Schoener T W , Spiller D A , Losos J B , Barrett R D H ,
2019 Nature (Date Added: 2019-06-20)

40- Linking a mutation to survival in wild mice
Journal Article
Barrett R D H , Laurent S , Mallarino R , Pfeifer S P , Xu C C Y , Foll M , Wakamatsu K , Duke-Cohan J S , Jensen J D , Hoekstra H E ,
2019 Science (Date Added: 2019-02-08)

39- (Non)Parallel evolution
Book Review
Bolnick D I , Barrett R D , Oke K B , Rennison D J , Stuart Y E ,
2018 Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics (Date Added: 2019-03-23)

38- Keystone Genes
Journal Article
Skovmand L H , Xu C C , Servedio M R , Nosil P , Barrett R D , Hendry A P ,
2018 Trends in Ecology and Evolution (Date Added: 2018-08-15)

37- Genome-wide DNA methylation signatures of infection status in Trinidadian guppies (Poecilia reticulata)
Journal Article
Hu J , Pérez-Jvostov F , Blondel L , Barrett R D H ,
2018 Molecular Ecology (Date Added: 2018-08-04)

36- Adaptation in temporally variable environments: Stickleback armor in periodically breaching bar-built estuaries
Journal Article
Paccard A , Wasserman B A , Hanson D , Astorg L , Durston D , Kurland S , Apgar T M , El-Sabaawi R W , Palkovacs E P , Hendry A P , Barrett R D H ,
2018 Journal of Evolutionary Biology (Date Added: 2018-04-16)

35- Admixture on the northern front: Population genomics of range expansion in the white-footed mouse (Peromyscus leucopus) and secondary contact with the deer mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus)
Journal Article
Garcia-Elfring A , Barrett R D H , Combs M , Davies T J , Munshi-South J , Millien V ,
2017 Heredity (Date Added: 2017-11-16)

34- Heritable gene expression differences between lake and stream stickleback include both parallel and antiparallel components
Journal Article
Hanson D , Hu J , Hendry A P , Barrett R D H ,
2017 Heredity (Date Added: 2017-10-22)

33- Contrasting effects of environment and genetics generate a continuum of parallel evolution
Journal Article
Stuart Y E , Veen T , Weber J N , Hanson D , Ravinet M , Lohman B K , Thompson C J , Tasneem T , Doggett A , Izen R , Ahmed N , Barrett R D H , Hendry A P , Peichel C L , Bolnick D I ,
2017 Nature Ecology and Evolution (Date Added: 2017-10-01)

32- Epigenetics in natural animal populations
Journal Article
Hu J , Barrett R D H ,
2017 Journal of Evolutionary Biology (Date Added: 2017-09-20)

31- Predicting responses to contemporary environmental change using evolutionary response architectures
Journal Article
Bay R A , Rose N , Barrett R , Bernatchez L , Ghalambor C K , Lasky J R , Brem R B , Palumbi S R , Ralph P ,
2017 American Naturalist (Date Added: 2017-05-06)

30- Multilocus approaches for the measurement of selection on correlated genetic loci
Journal Article
Gompert Z , Egan S P , Barrett R D H , Feder J L , Nosil P ,
2017 Molecular Ecology (Date Added: 2017-02-09)

29- Assessing reproductive isolation using a contact zone between parapatric lake-stream stickleback ecotypes
Journal Article
Hanson, D, Moore, J-S, Taylor, EB, Barrett, RDH, Hendry, AP
2016 Journal of Evolutionary Biology (Date Added: 2016-11-24)

28- The genetic consequences of selection in natural populations
Journal Article
Thurman, TJ, Barrett, RDH
2016 Molecular Ecology (Date Added: 2016-04-26)

27- Testing for parallel allochronic isolation in lake-stream stickleback
Journal Article
Hanson, D, Barrett, RDH, Hendry, AP
2016 Journal of Evolutionary Biology (Date Added: 2016-01-15)

26- Dramatically different strengths of selection on a phenotypic trait and its major underlying gene in threespine stickleback
Journal Article
Rennison, DJ, Heilbron, KA, Barrett, RDH, Schluter, D
2015 American Naturalist (Date Added: 2016-06-21)

25- Evolutionary rescue under environmental change?
Book Chapter
Barrett, RDH, Hendry, AP
2015 Behavioural Responses to a Changing World: Mechanisms and Consequences (Date Added: 2015-08-24)

24- Discriminating Selection on Lateral Plate Phenotype and Its Underlying Gene, Ectodysplasin , in Threespine Stickleback
Journal Article
Rennison, DJ, Heilbron, K, Barrett, RDH, Schluter, D
2015 The American Naturalist (Date Added: 2015-01-15)

23-Molecular plasticity facilitates the colonization of freshwater in threespine stickleback
Journal Article
Morris, M
2014 Molecular Ecology ( Date Added: 2016-06-20)

22- Gene expression plasticity evolves in response to colonization of freshwater lakes in threespine stickleback
Journal Article
Morris, MRJ, Richard, R, Leder, EH, Barrett, RDH, Aubin-Horth, N, Rogers, SM
2014 Molecular Ecology (Date Added: 2014-07-08)

21- Rapid adaptation of multiple traits through multiple mutations in a single gene
Journal Article
Linnen, CR
2013 Science (Date Added: 2016-06-21)

20- Bad coat, ripped genes: cryptic selection on coat colour varies with ontogeny in Soay sheep
Journal Article
Barrett, RDH
2012 Molecular Ecology (Date Added: 2013-09-04)

19- Evolutionary rescue under environmental change?
Book Chapter
Barrett, R, Hendry, A
2012 Behavioural responses to a changing world : mechanisms and consequences (Date Added: 2012-08-10)

18- Molecular spandrels: tests of adaptation at the genetic level
Journal Article
Barrett, RDH, Hoekstra, HE
2011 Nature Reviews Genetics (Date Added: 2013-09-04)

17-Clarifying mechanisms of evolution in stickleback using field studies of natural selection on genes
Book Chapter
Barrett, RDH, Schluter, D
2010 In search of the causes of evolution: from field observations to mechanisms ( Date Added: 2013-09-05)

16- Rapid evolution of cold tolerance in stickleback
Journal Article
Barrett, RDH, Paccard, A, Healy, TM, Bergek, S, Schulte, PM, Schluter, D, Rogers, SM
2010 Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences (Date Added: 2013-09-04)

15- Natural selection and the genetics of adaptation in threespine stickleback
Journal Article
Schluter, D, Marchinko, KB, Barrett, RDH, Rogers, SM
2010 Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences (Date Added: 2013-09-04)

13- Environment specific pleiotropy facilitates divergence at the ectodyplasin locus in threespine stickleback
Journal Article
Barrett, RDH, Rogers, SM, Schluter, D
2009 Evolution (Date Added: 2013-09-04)

12- Should I stay or should I go? The Ectodysplasin locus is associated with behavioural differences in threespine stickleback
Journal Article
Barrett, RDH, Vines, TH, Bystriansky, JS, Schulte, PM
2009 Biology Letters (Date Added: 2013-09-04)

11- Ecology and evolution join forces to good effect
Journal Article
Barrett, RDH, Vamosi, JC
2008 Biology Letters (Date Added: 2013-09-04)

10- Natural Selection on a Major Armor Gene in Threespine Stickleback
Journal Article
Barrett, RDH, Rogers, SM, Schluter, D
2008 Science (Date Added: 2013-09-04)

9- Adaptation from standing genetic variation
Journal Article
Barrett, R, Schluter, D
2008 Trends in Ecology & Evolution (Date Added: 2013-09-04)

8- The Distribution of Beneficial Mutant Effects Under Strong Selection
Journal Article
Barrett, RDH, M'Gonigle, LK, Otto, SP
2006 Genetics (Date Added: 2013-09-04)

7- Mutations of intermediate effect are responsible for adaptation in evolving Pseudomonas fluorescens populations
Journal Article
Barrett, RDH, Craig MacLean, R, Bell, G
2006 Biology Letters (Date Added: 2013-09-04)

6- The dynamics of diversification in evolving pseudomonas populations
Journal Article
Barrett, RDH, Bell, G
2006 Evolution (Date Added: 2013-09-04)

5- Erratum
Journal Article
Barrett, R, MacLean, R, Bell, G
2006 The American Naturalist (Date Added: 2013-09-04)

4- Experimental Evolution of Pseudomonas fluorescens in Simple and Complex Environments
Journal Article
Barrett, R, MacLean, R, Bell, G
2005 The American Naturalist (Date Added: 2013-09-04)

3- Reply to the comment by L. Prendini on "Identifying spiders through DNA barcodes"
Journal Article
Hebert, PDN, Barrett, RDH
2005 Canadian Journal of Zoology (Date Added: 2013-09-04)

2- Identifying spiders through DNA barcodes
Journal Article
Barrett, RDH, Hebert, PDN
2005 Canadian Journal of Zoology (Date Added: 2013-09-04)

1- Interactive Effects of Genotype, Environment, and Ontogeny on Resistance of Cucumber (Cucumis sativus) to the Generalist Herbivore, Spodoptera exigua
Journal Article
Barrett, RDH, Agrawal, AA
2004 Journal of Chemical Ecology (Date Added: 2013-09-04)

Dans les média

McGill’s cycling superstar: Prof. Rowan Barrett holds cycling records from Montreal to Mount Fuji
(Stephanie Wereley) 2024-04-04

Sustainability in research: The Barrett lab on treading lightly in the field
(Maya Willard-Stepan) 2023-02-28

Sustainability in research: The Barrett lab on treading lightly in the field
(Maya Willard-Stepan, Communications Intern) 2023-02-28

Sustainability in research: The Barrett lab on treading lightly in the field
(Maya Willard-Stepan, Communications Intern) 2023-02-28

CRISPR provides new understanding of reptile coloration
(Jake Strickland) 2023-02-15

CRISPR provides new understanding of reptile coloration
(Jake Strickland) 2023-02-15

A new understanding of reptile colouration
(Katherine Gombay, Media Relations Office) 2023-02-03

A new understanding of reptile colouration
(Katherine Gombay) 2023-02-03

The secret lives of Darwin's finches reveal daily commutes the equivalent of 30 soccer fields
(Shirley Cardenas, Media Relations) 2022-06-08

The secret lives of Darwin's finches reveal daily commutes the equivalent of 30 soccer fields
(Shirley Cardenas) 2022-06-08

The secret lives of Darwin's finches reveal daily commutes the equivalent of 30 soccer fields
(Shirley Cardenas, Media Relations) 2022-06-08

Widely Used Weed Killer – Roundup – Contaminates Ecosystems, Harms Biodiversity

A Grand Experiment in Nebraska's Sand Hills Shows Evolution in the Wild

Survival of the Mutated

Canadian Researcher Proves Darwing Right by Jailing Mice in Nebraska

l'évolution mise en lumière

Evolution, Illustrated

Evolution in Real Time

The Wild Experiment That Showed Evolution in Real Time
(Ed Yong) 2019-01-31

Field Test Shows Selection Works in Mysterious Ways
Science (Elizabeth Pennisi) 2013-07-12