The purpose of this new fund is to support the establishment of hubs of expertise and to facilitate access to this expertise by QCBS members and partners.


  • Foster the emergence of small teams of researchers with shared expertise of strategic relevance to the QCBS 2.0 scientific program
  • Promote the sharing of expertise, infrastructure, and equipment across the QCBS
  • Offer a stimulating training environment for students and postdoctoral fellows

Funding to stimulate the creation and the maintenance of expertise hubs

  • Support Highly Qualified Personnel (HQP) within these hubs of expertise to:
    • Provide training to QCBS students and researchers
    • Provide access to tools, infrastructure, and equipment

The Hubs of Expertise fund may co-fund HQP up to a maximum of 20,000$ (per fiscal year) for up to two years. In addition, the Hub of Expertise will be awarded a 5000$ annual fund in Learning Development Awards (LEADA) to support student initiatives linked to the activities of the Hub.

The fund is subject to an annual call for application.

Up to five Hubs of Expertise funds will be available per year (at least one per research axis).

Applying for a hub of expertise fund


The following paragraphs describe guidelines on information to be provided when applying for a Hub of Expertise fund.

To apply for funding, please send your application PDF by mail to

 Following the guidelines will greatly facilitate the evaluation process.

 Submit an application

The Hub of Expertise fund application must contain the following items:

  1. a) Cover letter (max 1 page)

The cover letter must include the following information: Names of all applicants and identification of the Principal Investigator, which will be the contact person, her/his academic institution, and email address. The cover letter should be brief and summarize the purpose of the request, elaborated in the following sections.

  1. b) Description of the proposed project (max 2 pages)

The proposal should include the following items: Context, rationale, general and specific objectives, description of the hub and services offered (and costs, if applicable), plan to facilitate access to tools, equipment and facilities, training plan, plan to ensure the sustainability of the hub.

  1. c) The list of collaborators for the proposed project (1 table)

The list should include and clearly identify both the QCBS members as well as the external collaborators (if any).

  1. d) Estimated budget (1 table)

The HQP total budget (benefits included) must clearly indicate the amount requested from the QCBS. QCBS contribution is limited to 20,000$ maximum per fiscal year.

If the candidate would like to request the additional 5000$ annual fund (LEADA) to support student initiatives linked to the activities of the Hub, it should be clearly formulate in the budget table and description of the project.

Fund proposal selection and allocation


The Scientific Committee will evaluate applications according to the following criteria: 

  • Eligibility of Hubs of Expertise fund request 
  • The link between the Hubs of Expertise fund request and the QCBS research axes and themes 
  • Quality of the training plan for the entire QCBS community 
  • Quality of the plan to provide broad access to tools, infrastructure, and equipment to the entire QCBS network (across institutions) 
  • Potential to foster collaboration within and between axes 
  • Sustainability of the Hub of Expertise 


Following the review of the Hub of Expertise fund request by the selection committee, successful applicants will receive an email notification from the QCBS with the amount allocated. Following award decisions, recipients will have to follow the administrative procedures for fund transfer established by QCBS. 

The final fund allocation may be made only after the principal investigator will answer any eventual questions from the selection committee. 

Expected deliverables
