The QCBS held its first annual symposium, Biodiversity Science in Quebec: 2010 and Beyond, from November 30 to December 2, 2010 at McGill University in Montreal.

Special sessions of the symposium explored biodiversity assessment for businesses, ecosystem services and biodiversity research, climate change and biodiversity, and opportunities for creating a Quebec-wide biodiversity monitoring network. Among the symposium’s speakers were Dr. Thomas Lovejoy, Biodiversity Chair at the Heinz Center for Science, Economics and the Environment, and Jean Lemire, biologist, oceanographer, and filmmaker. The symposium also provided an opportunity for QCBS students, postdocs, and community members to share their research with one another through presentations and posters.

Participants represented a range of organizations, including academia, international organizations, local and provincial government, NGOs, private business, and the media.

Forty presentations were made by students, postdocs and community members. Eighteen people participated as invited speakers and panelists.

Symposium poster (PDF)
Detailed symposium booklet (PDF)