Introduction to geostatistics with R

Tuesday, April 4 2023 01:00PM-04:00PM to Wednesday 5 April 2023 13:00-16:00
En ligne
Language of the workshop: English
Access the information for the French workshop here
Anyone who has to deal with spatially distributed data or anyone interested in spatial analysis. This workshop is Free for QCBS members who have a QCBS profile. Non-members of the QCBS will be charged a fee of 50$ (non-QCBS students or Non-profit organizations) or 100$ (others) for attending the workshop, payable online by credit card prior to the workshop. If the number of participants is considered too high, QCBS members will be given priority.DETAILS
This one day workshop offers an introduction to geostatistical methods with R. Geostatistics offer numerous possibilities to characterize the spatial structure of variables, to create continous maps from point data (interpolation), to simulate spatial patterns, for multivariate analysis and for correcting for the effect of autocorrelation in statistical tests. This workshop will be divided in practical sections and oral presentations by the instructor. Participants are encouraged to use their own laptops but computers will be available on the site with the R software. The main R package used for the workshop is Gstat. Note that a basic knowledge of R is required to attend this workshop.TOPICS COVERED
- Dealing with spatial objects in R
- Variograms. Characterizing spatial structure.
- Random functions and unconditional simulations.
- Variogram modeling.
- Interpolation and kriging.
- Conditional simulations.
- Multivariate analyses and correlation tests corrected for the effect of spatial autocorrelation.