Déclics scientifiques

Introducing the QCBS annual photo contest! You have a chance to share beautiful pictures taken during your hard work, and you have a chance to win one of our sweet photo-contest prizes.

What is your research about? What unforgettable moments have you
experienced in your educational journey? What did you discover? Time to
reflect and dig through your photo archives so that you can share your
story with us.

Deadline : Sunday October 25, 2015 at 11:59 PM

Who can participate?

The contest is open to all QCBS students (undergraduate and graduate) and post-docs registered in the 2015 QCBS annual symposium.

Rules and regulations

All submissions must be sent to: qcbsphotocontest@gmail.com

The pictures should be derived from a research project in which you have participated or that is currently underway. They can be modified with an image editing software, but the composition and scientific content must remain intact.

The images submitted will be competing in one of these three categories:

  • At work: On your computer or in the field, show us what you do!
  • Nature: From micro to macro, show us the beauty of your system!
  • Social life: Show us who enriched your life or work, whether it was unexpected research partners in an exotic land or your colleague in the next office over.

Participants may submit one picture in each category. An original title, as well as a short caption (100 words or less, in English or French) must accompany every picture presented. By submitting a photo, you accept that it may be posted at the 2015 QCBS symposium, posted on the QCBS website, or the QCBS Newsletter, with proper source attribution, but at no charge.


A selection of the best pictures will be exposed at the QCBS annual symposium on October 29 and 30 to select the winners of each category, and the winners will be determined by a popular vote. Prizes will be awarded for the top photo of each of the three categories. Evaluation criteria are: originality, technical quality and scientific interest of the picture.


Awesome prizes will be awarded for the top photo of each of the 3 categories (Nature, At work, Social life).

How to participate?

To participate, send your pictures to qcbsphotocontest@gmail.com

Make sure to include your full name, research institution, the title of the image and its description in English or French.