The 2012 QCBS Symposium was held on December 13 and 14, at the Coeur des Sciences UQAM (200 Sherbrooke West, room SH4800).

The December 12 Workshop was under the honorary presidency of Dr. Braulio Ferreira de Souza Dias, Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Executive Secretary

A summary of the 2012 edition of the QCBS Symposium

See full program

Many prizes

QCBS Special Prize for an integrated biodiversity science: Annie Lalancette “Comprendre la dimension humaine d’une pêcherie autochtone : potentiel et limites de quelques méthodes participatives” Best Poster: Amanda Winegardner “Functional diversity in diatom assemblages exchange across latitudinal gradients and temporal” Poster, second: Jerome Cimon-Morin “The use of ecosystem services for wetland conservation planning in Northern Quebec” Best Presentation: Raphael Royauté “Effets d’une exposition sublétale au phosmet sur les variations individuelles de comportement de l’araignée sauteuse Eris militaris (Araneae: Salticidae)” Presentation, second: Audrée Morin “Séparer les effets des coûts et de l’hétérogénéité individuelle sur le succès reproducteur des femelles chamois” Best photo for the photo contest: Philippe Lamarre “Quel appétit!” Showing the coupling of crab spiders (Thomisidae sp.) on a daisy flower 37% of participants knew about the willing of the QCBS to organize a more eco-responsible Symposium. The 108 participants surveyed allowed the estimation that transport to Symposium generated 36 kg of CO2 per participant. Partners