Eduardo Gonzalez-Sargas

Université Laval
Postdoctoral fellow candidate

Supervisor: Monique Poulin
Rochefort, Line
Start: 2011-10-01
End: 2013-06-01
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Drivers of revegetation in abandoned and restored bogs
Different methods of peatland restoration have been developed and implemented by the scientific community in collaboration with the peat industry during the last few decades. In the Canadian provinces of Quebec and New Brunswick, two of the most important peat production regions of the world, restoration works started during the early 1990’s. Since then, the Peatland Ecology Restoration Group based at the Université Laval (Québec City) has been monitoring the vegetation structure and composition in a broad number of restored bogs previously exploited by the vacuum extraction technology. The main objective of my postdoctoral stage at the Peatland Ecology Research Group is to assess the success of those restoration works. In particular, I am interested in (1) developing new evaluation criteria of success, (2) finding early indicators of desired ecosystem trajectories and (3) identifying the factors that most contribute to success (and failure). A second objective is to study the spontaneous revegetation in abandoned peatlands that were exploited by the traditional block-cut method. We expect that patterns of secondary succession will help to identify sites that need human intervention to recover the key ecological functions of carbon-accumulation and preservation of regional biodiversity.


Corenblit, D., J. Steiger, E. Tabacchi, E. González, A-M Planty-Tabacchi
2012 River Research and Applications

2- Forecasting functional implications of global changes in riparian plant communities
Kominoski, John S, Jennifer J Follstad Shah, Cristina Canhoto, Dylan G Fischer, Darren P Giling, Eduardo González, Natalie A Griffiths, Aitor Larrañaga, Carri J LeRoy, Madeleine M Mineau, Yvonne R McElarney, Susan M Shirley, Christopher M Swan, Scott D Tiegs
2013 Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment

3- Abrupt Drops in Water Table Level Influence the Development of Populus nigra and Salix alba Seedlings of Different Ages
Guilloy, Hélène, Eduardo González, Etienne Muller, Francine M. R. Hughes, Nadia Barsoum
2011 Wetlands

4- Effectiveness of a Newly Created Oxbow Lake to Mitigate Habitat Loss and Increase Biodiversity in a Regulated Floodplain
Gallardo, Belinda, Álvaro Cabezas, Eduardo Gonzalez, Franciso A. Comín
2012 Restoration Ecology

5- Wetland Restoration: Integrating Scientific-Technical, Economic, and Social Perspectives
Comin, F. A., M. Menendez, C. Pedrocchi, S. Moreno, R. Sorando, A. Cabezas, M. Garcia, V. Rosas, D. Moreno, E. Gonzalez, B. Gallardo, J. A. Herrera, C. Ciancarelli
2005 Ecological Restoration

6- The effect of anthropogenic disturbance on the hydrochemical characteristics of riparian wetlands at the Middle Ebro River (NE Spain)
Cabezas, Alvaro, Mercedes Garcia, Belinda Gallardo, Eduardo Gonzalez, Maria Gonzalez-Sanchis, Francisco A. Comin
2008 Hydrobiologia

7- Factors controlling litter production in a large Mediterranean river floodplain forest
González, Eduardo, Etienne Muller, Belinda Gallardo, Francisco Antonio Comín, María González-Sanchis
2010 Canadian Journal of Forest Research

8- Seed dispersal, germination and early seedling establishment of Populus alba L. under simulated water table declines in different substrates
González, Eduardo, Francisco Antonio Comín, Etienne Muller
2009 Trees

9- Hydrologic thresholds for riparian forest conservation in a regulated large Mediterranean river
González, E., M. González-Sanchis, F. A. Comín, E. Muller
2012 River Research and Applications

10- Effects of hydrological connectivity on the substrate and understory structure of riparian wetlands in the Middle Ebro River (NE Spain): Implications for restoration and management
Cabezas, Álvaro, Eduardo González, Belinda Gallardo, Mercedes García, María González, Francisco A. Comín
2008 Aquatic Sciences

11- Recent Changes in the Riparian Forest of a Large Regulated Mediterranean River: Implications for Management
González, Eduardo, María González-Sanchis, Álvaro Cabezas, Francisco A. Comín, Etienne Muller
2010 Environmental Management

12- Macroinvertebrate patterns along environmental gradients and hydrological connectivity within a regulated river-floodplain
Gallardo, Belinda, Mercedes García, Álvaro Cabezas, Eduardo González, María González, Cecilia Ciancarelli, Francisco A. Comín
2008 Aquatic Sciences

13- Can indicator species predict restoration outcomes early in the monitoring process? a case study with peatlands
González, E., L. Rochefort, S. Boudreau, S. Hugron, M. Poulin
2013 Ecological Indicators

14- Leaf nutrient concentration as an indicator of Populus and Tamarix response to flooding
González, Eduardo, Etienne Muller, Francisco Antonio Comín, María González-Sanchis
2010 Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics