Mathieu Bélanger Morin

Université de Montréal
M.Sc. candidate

Supervisor: Jacques Brodeur
Christian Hébert
Start: 2009-09-01
End: 2012-01-01


Impact of partial cuts on phloeophagous and xylophagous beetles activity in boreal forests
Short-term responses of phloeophagous and xylophagous beetles (Scolytinae and Cerambycidae) following different partial cut treatments (0, 25 and 40% of basal area cut) were evaluated in a balsam fir – white birch boreal forest in Quebec, Canada, with four replicates of each treatment (total of 12 stands). Abundance and diversity of targeted beetle groups along with their establishment (attack rates) in partially cut stands were assessed with passive flight-interception traps and debarking of exposed, freshly cut boles (balsam fir, white spruce and white birch) the summer following treatments. Forêt boréale, sapinière à bouleau blanc, coupes partielles, traitements sylvicoles alternatifs, aménagement forestier écosystémique, phloeophages, xylophages, Scolytinae, Cerambycidae, sélection d’hôte


forêt boréale, coupes partielles, aménagement forestier écosystémique, xylophage, phloeophage, Scolytinae, Cerambycidae, sélection d'hôte


1- Short-term effect of selection cutting in boreal balsam fir forest on cerambycid and scolytid beetles
Morin, M. B., C. Hébert, R. Berthiaume, É. Bauce, J. Brodeur
2014 Journal of Applied Entomology