Mathis Bernard

Université du Québec à Chicoutimi
M.Sc. candidate

Supervisor: Mathieu Cusson
Christian Nozais
Start: 2024-05-01
End: 2026-04-30


Effect of ice on benthic communities in the coastal environment
Coastal environments support a mosaic of habitats and numerous species which provide a number of ecological functions, but also offer significant benefits through their ecosystem services to local human populations. In a context where climate change is accelerating, the dynamics of coastal icing and the action of free sea ice have been changing for several decades. However, few or no effects of winter regimes and the quality of fast ice have been linked to the health of mid-coastal communities. Particularly because of the duality of protection of the coasts by the foot of ice and the fast ice during the winter period via the thermal insulation (physiological protection) that they provide and protect the habitats during winter storms (wind and waves) as well as as sea ice drifts and the abrasive action that sea ice causes on various coastal habitats. The objective of this project is to characterize mid-littoral benthic communities (taxonomic and functional aspects) of various habitats (sediments, macroalgae, shell beds) subject to the vagaries of coastal ice regimes and dynamics. Field sampling (epi- and infauna, macroalgae, etc.) will be carried out to characterize these latter areas. The benefits of this project are numerous. For example, we will be able to i) estimate the dynamics of coastal habitats using drone images and satellite monitoring (2014-2027) for habitats and ice cover regime and ii) create maps of habitats, vegetation and areas at risk of abrasion. Finally, we will be able to decide on the impact of abrasion (drifting sea ice) but also of the reduction in the insulating effect (fast ice) during periods of extreme cold. This project is the result of a collaboration between UQAC, UQAR and the Côte-Nord and Rive-Nord de l’estuaire ZIPs.


Benthics communities, Sea ice, ice scour, Intertidal ecology