Simon Morvan

Postdoctoral fellow candidate

Supervisor: Etienne Yergeau
Start: 2023-09-18
End: 2024-09-17
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Genomics Research for Optimization of constructed treatment Wetlands for water remediation (GROW)
The surface mining of oil sands, while contributing significantly to Canada’s gross domestic product and economic development, produces large volumes of oil sands process-affected water (OSPW). A broad family of constituent organic compounds called naphthenic acids (NAs) are a major contributor to the toxicity of OSPW. This project will apply genomics-based methods toward enhancing the efficacy of constructed wetland treatment systems (CWTS) for the treatment of OSPW. This research will provide insight on the mechanisms of plant-microbe interactions to facilitate the development of a robust, ‘green’ and cost-effective CWTS approach for the remediation of OSPW. (


microbial ecology, bio-informatics, data analysis, Metabarcoding, metagenomics


1- Limited effect of thermal pruning on wild blueberry crop and its root-associated microbiota
Morvan, Simon, Maxime C. Paré, Anne Schmitt, Jean Lafond, Mohamed Hijri
2022 Frontiers in Plant Science

2- Into the wild blueberry ( Vaccinium angustifolium ) rhizosphere microbiota
Morvan, Simon, Hacène Meglouli, Anissa Lounès‐Hadj Sahraoui, Mohamed Hijri
2020 Environmental Microbiology