Lauriane Belles-Isles

Institut des sciences de la mer de Rimouski
M.Sc. candidate

Supervisor: Christian Nozais
Fanny Noisette (UQAR-ISMER) & Philippe Archambault (Université Laval)
Start: 2023-05-01
End: 2025-05-02


Effects of nutrient enrichment on eelgrass (Zostera marina Linnaeus, 1753) physiological response in a nordic environment
Globally, the economic development of coastal areas and their watersheds has led to an increase in nutrient inputs, especially nitrogen, into nearshore waters. These excessive inputs are the primary cause of coastal eutrophication, which can lead to eelgrass beds degradation through light attenuation entering the water column and sediment organic matter accumulation. Considering that eelgrass beds are home to a significant biodiversity and have major ecological roles in nutrients recycling, food webs functioning and carbon sequestration, their disturbance by eutrophication is a major issue in terms of costal ecosystems management and conservation. This study aims to assess the effects of nutrient enrichment on eelgrass physiological response. Under controlled conditions, eelgrass shoots will be exposed to several nutrient concentrations by means of recreating an environmental nutrient enrichment gradient. The assessment of the shoot’s physiological response (morphological, physiological, and photosynthetic measures) along this gradient will allow us to identify potential tipping points in eelgrass response to this stressor. The microbial diversity in relation with eelgrass roots will also be characterized to better understand the links between eelgrass physiological performances and their microbiome assemblage in the context of coastal eutrophication.


Coastal Eutrophication, Eutrophisation côtière, Zostera marina, Zostère marine, Herbier marin, Eelgrass bed, Environmental stressor, Stresseur environnemental, qualité de l'eau, water quality