François Briau

Université de Sherbrooke
M.Sc. candidate

Supervisor: Patrick Bergeron
Dany Garant
Start: 2022-01-06
End: 2024-04-30


Effects of food availability and vitamin B3 on Eastern chipmunk (Tamias striatus) reproduction
Pulsed food resources are essential for the reproduction and survival of Eastern chipmunks (Tamias striatus) in southern Québec. Chipmunks seem to anticipate the irregular fructification of American beech (Fagus grandifolia) in the fall, as they reproduce during the summer preceding a beech mast. Adults and newborn juveniles rely heavily on beech seed hoards during hibernation to survive winter. No proximal cue has yet been found to explain anticipatory reproduction. However, red maple (Acer rubrum) seeds, rich in proteins and vitamin B3, are consumed primarily right before reproduction. Using food and vitamin B3 supplementation, our project evaluated if red maple seeds could act as a cue for upcoming beech mast or if it provides the hoards and body condition needed for reproduction. Our preliminary results highlight the importance of food availability in chipmunk reproductive phenology and contributes to understanding the mechanisms modulating small mammal reproduction in fluctuating ecosystems.


Écophysiologie, Ecologie comportementale, Écologie évolutive, Ecologie forestière