Juliette Barbeau

Université de Sherbrooke
M.Sc. candidate

Supervisor: Dany Garant
Start: 2023-01-04


Telomere length dynamics in female Tree Swallows
Telomere length (TL) is a useful tool for elucidating complex notions of life history traits. Telomeres usually shorten with an individual's age but this trait varies substantially among individuals of the same population, as it is influenced by individual factors and environmental stressors. On the other hand, TL partially explains individual performances, such as an association of longer telomeres with better reproductive success. In this study, we assess the effects of individual (reproductive effort, mass, etc.) and environmental (climate, habitat, etc.) factors on intra- and between season variation in TL of female Tree Swallows (Tachycineta bicolor). We also assess if TL variation explains the heterogeneity of reproductive success among females. The study will provide a better understanding of telomere dynamics in natural populations and their relevance as biomarkers of reproductive performance.


Sénescence, Télomère, Hirondelle bicolore , Vieillissement, Histoire de vie, Compromis, reproduction