Thomas Soudet

Université Laval
M.Sc. candidate

Supervisor: Jean-François Bissonnette
Start: 2022-09-01
End: 2024-09-01


Study of the perception of agroforestry practices by Quebec farmers and French and Quebec agroforestry policies
This project focuses on the study of the perception of agroforestry practices (PAF) by Quebec farmers and stakeholders in the agroforestry sector. Several interviews will be conducted in the regions of the St.Lawrence Valley in Quebec with similar PAF development profiles. This data will be collected using a questionnaire (closed questions) and/or a semi-structured interview grid that we will have previously developed. A textual analysis will be performed on the results of this survey using the NVivo software. The objective of this work is also to conduct a comparison of French and Quebec policies in order to propose ways of improving Quebec’s agroforestry policy. To do this, a study of the existing bibliography will be carried out as well as a series of remote interviews with French agroforestry stakeholders.


agroforesterie, pratiques agroforestières, agriculteurs, perception, politique