Félix Lorrain Landry

Université du Québec en Outaouais
Ph.D. candidate

Supervisor: Jérôme Dupras
Christian Messier, UQÀM
Start: 2019-06-17
End: 2022-07-25


Studying the population-urban forest relationship in the context of global change adaptation
Global change affects many parts of our lives. Cities, now the main habitat of humans, face a specific array of challenges. Indeed, their populaiton density, large amounts of grey infrastructure and the lack of natural elements exposes city-dwellers to climate-related risks such as urban heat island effect and respiratory health problems. To reduce these risks and maximise their population's resilience towards future global change impacts, cities create adaptation plans. Planting more trees is perceived as one of the best solutions, showing a lot of potential co-benefits. This project's objective is to evaluate the urban forest's contribution to the urban socio-ecological system resilience in the context of global change.