Felipe Jovani Tavares Moreira
Université Laval
Ph.D. candidate
Supervisor: Jean-François Bissonnette
Alison Munson
Patricia Raymond
Start: 2022-08-01
End: 2025-12-18
Ph.D. candidate
Supervisor: Jean-François Bissonnette
Alison Munson
Patricia Raymond
Start: 2022-08-01
End: 2025-12-18
Public perception of the population concerned by the assisted forest migration in QuebecThe project will consist in studying the perceptions of certain user groups with regard to the forest migration assisted in Quebec, where the first analysis targets will be fittings, private owners and forest researchers. Research will relate to the effects of climate change, the expectations, values and perceptions of the actors concerned and the general population with regard to the use of reforestation technologies which aim to stimulate the productivity, biodiversity and the health of Quebec forests. The study also aims to verify the communication and dissemination of the MA in the general population of Quebec. Taking into account the importance of participation and social acceptance in the face of environmental proposals which may have an impact on the lifestyle of the inhabitants of the province.