Alix Brusseau

Concordia University
Ph.D. candidate

Supervisor: Grant E. Brown
Start: 2021-01-01
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Consequences of multiple stressors on predator prey interactions in freshwater ecosystems


Behavioral Ecology, freshwater, climate change, multiple stressors


1- Exploring the effects of anthropogenic disturbance on predator inspection activity in Trinidadian guppies
Brusseau, Alix J P, Laurence E A Feyten, Adam L Crane, Grant E Brown,
2023 Current Zoology

2- Sex and background risk influence responses to acute predation risk in Trinidadian guppies
Brusseau, Alix J P, Laurence E A Feyten, Veronica Groves, Miguel Eduardo L Felismino, Denis Cao Van Truong, Adam L Crane, Indar W Ramnarine, Grant E Brown,
2023 Behavioral Ecology