Charles Martin

Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
Ph.D. candidate

Supervisor: Raphaël Proulx
Start: 2016-02-01
End: 2021-09-22


Generalizing the heterogeneity-biodiversity relationship in forest bird communities


1- Shifting song frequencies in response to anthropogenic noise: a meta-analysis on birds and anurans
Roca, Irene T., Louis Desrochers, Matteo Giacomazzo, Andrea Bertolo, Patricia Bolduc, Raphaël Deschesnes, Charles A. Martin, Vincent Rainville, Guillaume Rheault, Raphaël Proulx
2016 Behavioral Ecology

2- An early synthesis of the habitat amount hypothesis
Martin, Charles A.
2018 Landscape Ecology

3- How much biomass do plant communities pack per unit volume?
Proulx, Raphaël, Guillaume Rheault, Laurianne Bonin, Irene Torrecilla Roca, Charles A. Martin, Louis Desrochers, Ian Seiferling
2015 PeerJ

4- Habitat geometry, a step toward general bird community assembly rules in mature forests
Martin, Charles A., Raphaël Proulx
2016 Forest Ecology and Management

5- The biogeography of insects' length-dry mass relationships
Martin, Charles A., Raphaël Proulx, Pierre Magnan,
2014 Insect Conservation and Diversity

6- Plant diversity effect on water quality in wetlands: a meta‐analysis based on experimental systems
Brisson, Jacques, Mariana Rodriguez, Charles A. Martin, Raphaël Proulx
2020 Ecological Applications

7- Bird seasonal beta-diversity in the contiguous USA
Martin, Charles A.
2017 Journal of Ornithology

8- Importance of the study context in community assembly processes: a quantitative synthesis of forest bird communities
Martin, Charles A., Patricia Bolduc, Vincent Rainville, Guillaume Rheault, Louis Desrochers, Matteo Giacomazzo, Irene T. Roca, Andrea Bertolo, Raphaël Proulx
2018 Ecosphere

9- How the relationship between vegetation cover and land-cover variance constrains biodiversity in a human dominated world
Martin, Charles A., Raphaël Proulx, Mark Vellend, Lenore Fahrig
2021 Landscape Ecology

10- Level-2 ecological integrity: Assessing ecosystems in a changing world
Martin, Charles A., Raphaël Proulx
2020 Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation