Valérie Dupont

Université Laval
Postdoctoral fellow candidate

Supervisor: Sophie Lavallée
Monique Poulin
Start: 2019-04-15
End: 2021-04-14


Legal aspects of wetland conservation
My postdoctoral research project aims to analyze the contribution of legal rules to the preservation and offsetting of wetlands in order to ensure their no net loss in a strong sustainability framework. I will work in collaboration with several researchers on different sub-themes. These include the establishment of objectives for the conservation and restoration of wetlands, the legal tools available for their protect ion taking into account pre-existing land ownership arrangements, and biodiversity offset mechanisms (integration of ecological criteria into legal frameworks regulating offsets, functioning and effectiveness of habitat banks and in-lieu fees). Based on an interdisciplinary and comparative approach, this research will provide recommendations on effective legal tools for wetland conservation.


Wetland Conservation, No Net Loss of Wetlands, Mitigation Hierarchy, Biodiversity Offsets