Jeffrey Katan

Université de Montréal
M.Sc. candidate

Supervisor: Liliana Perez
Start: 2018-09-04
End: 2021-09-01


Development of a dynamic model linking spatial-temporal trends in climate variability to forest fire regimes in order to predict future behaviour of Canadian Boreal wildfires
Develop a dynamic model that simulates the effects of climate change on forest fires in Canada. The purpose is to predict future forest fire behavior on a large spatial scale, and over the course of many decades.


Fire Ecology, forest management, Canadian forests, Complex Systems Modelling, Agent-based modelling, Agent Based Modeling, complex systems, climate change, changements climatiques, forêt boréale


1- ABWiSE v1.0: toward an agent-based approach to simulating wildfire spread
Katan, Jeffrey, Liliana Perez
2021 Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences

2- Transferring decision boundaries onto a geographic space: Agent rules extracted from movement data using classification trees
Patel, Jugal, Jeffrey Katan, Liliana Perez, Raja Sengupta
2021 Transactions in GIS