Sergio Vega

Concordia University
M.Sc. candidate

Supervisor: Jean-Philippe Lessard
Start: 2016-05-01
End: 2018-05-01
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Native bee community assemblages based on land-use and its effect on distribution and taxonomy across Quebec
Insect pollinator health is a crucial component of managed and natural landscapes due to their impact on crop pollination and ecosystem equilibrium. Some pollinator populations have experience notable declines, due to changes in habitat size and structure, pests and pathogens, pesticides and toxins present in the environment as well as nutritional quality of forage. An identification of native pollinators as well as assessing the status of pollinator populations, interactions with other native and non-native pollinator species, and habitat use is crucial to inventories to establish baseline conditions to properly address decision-making on pollinator health and conservation. The focus of this research is centered on bee pollinators communities assemblages based on land-use and its effect on distribution and taxonomy across Quebec.


abundance and distribution, ecosystem services, native species, Apis mellifera, agriculture, biodiversity