Trina Du

McGill University
Ph.D. candidate

Supervisor: Hans Larsson
Start: 2011-08-01
End: 2013-08-01
Personal page


Impacts of phenotypic plasticity on morphological variation and the evolution of tetrapods


macroevolution, morphological variation, Morphological disparity, geometric morphometrics, Plasticité phénotypique/Phenotypic plasticity, Dermal skeleton, paleontology


1- Developmental plasticity and the origin of tetrapods
Standen, Emily M., Trina Y. Du, Hans C. E. Larsson
2014 Nature

2- Polypterusand the evolution of fish pectoral musculature
Wilhelm, Benjamin C., Trina Y. Du, Emily M. Standen, Hans C. E. Larsson
2015 Journal of Anatomy

3- Observations of terrestrial locomotion in wildPolypterus senegalusfrom Lake Albert, Uganda
Du, TY, HCE Larsson, EM Standen
2016 African Journal of Aquatic Science

4- First record of a hybodont shark (Chondrichthyes: Hybodontiformes) from the Lower Cretaceous of Colombia
Carrillo-Briceño, Jorge D., Edwin A. Cadena, Alex T. Dececchi, Hans C. E. Larson, Trina Y. Du
2016 Neotropical Biodiversity

5- Locomotor flexibility of Polypterus senegalus across various aquatic and terrestrial substrates
Standen, Emily M., Trina Y. Du, Philippe Laroche, Hans C.E. Larsson
2016 Zoology