Pedro Henrique Pereira Braga

Concordia University
Ph.D. candidate

Supervisor: Pedro Peres-Neto
Steven Kembel
Start: 2014-09-02
End: 2023-06-01


Multi-scale ecological and evolutionary diversity determinants and conservation patterns of bats
Ecologists and evolutionary biologists have long been interested in identifying and understanding general processes and mechanisms that generate biodiversity patterns. Understanding underlying processes and mechanisms become particularly important for predicting ecological responses to environmental changes, which are expected to emerge in a scale-dependent fashion. Studying spatial scales and temporal components of ecological and evolutionary drivers is not only scientifically relevant, but also lies between political- and social-environmental scopes. As biodiversity provides essential resources to humans, I have an obligation to protect it to the best of our ability – meaning I should do it at the right scale and with high limitation on resources. My thesis proposal synthesises my research under a biodiversity synthesis framework, integrating phylogenetic comparative methods, geographic distribution estimations, scale-dependence, phylogenetic, life-history traits and biological knowledge of bats, as well as conservation planning approaches.


community ecology, community phylogenetics, biogeography, comparative methods, species distribution models, macroecology, spatial and temporal gradients, Spatial Ecology, phylogenetic comparative methods, scale dependence


1- A synthesis of ecological and evolutionary determinants of bat diversity across spatial scales
Peixoto, Franciele Parreira, Pedro Henrique Pereira Braga, Poliana Mendes
2018 BMC Ecology

2- Global patterns of phylogenetic beta diversity components in bats
Peixoto, Franciele P., Pedro Henrique P. Braga, Marcus Vinicius Cianciaruso, José Alexandre F. Diniz-Filho, Daniel Brito,
2014 Journal of Biogeography

3- Not just for programmers: How GitHub can accelerate collaborative and reproducible research in ecology and evolution
Braga, Pedro Henrique Pereira, Katherine Hébert, Emma J. Hudgins, Eric R. Scott, Brandon P. M. Edwards, Luna L. Sánchez Reyes, Matthew J. Grainger, Vivienne Foroughirad, Friederike Hillemann, Allison D. Binley, Cole B. Brookson, Kaitlyn M. Gaynor, Saeed Shafiei Sabet, Ali Güncan, Helen Weierbach, Dylan G. E. Gomes, Robert Crystal‐Ornelas
2023 Methods in Ecology and Evolution

4- Historical and contemporary processes drive global phylogenetic structure across geographical scales: Insights from bat communities
Braga, Pedro Henrique Pereira, Steven Kembel, Pedro Peres‐Neto
2023 Global Ecology and Biogeography

5- The spatial frequency of climatic conditions affects niche composition and functional diversity of species assemblages: the case of Angiosperms
Fournier, Bertrand, Héctor Vázquez‐Rivera, Sylvie Clappe, Louis Donelle, Pedro Henrique Pereira Braga, Pedro R. Peres‐Neto,
2019 Ecology Letters

6- Life history traits modulate the influence of environmental stressors on biodiversity: The case of fireflies, climate and artificial light at night
Khattar, Gabriel, Stephanie Vaz, Pedro Henrique Pereira Braga, Margarete Macedo, Luiz Felipe Lima da Silveira,
2022 Diversity and Distributions