Mikael Larose

Université de Sherbrooke
M.Sc. candidate

Supervisor: Marco Festa Bianchet
Start: 2013-09-09
End: 2016-09-01


Social organization in chamois
The social network theory is a new approach to quantify the social organization. The latter identifies the variables responsible for the organization, increasingly ,many areas, including behavioral ecology , evolutionary biology and conservation use the social network. The main goal of this research project is to quantify and interpret the social organization of chamois (Rupicapra Rupicapra ) of the Italian Alps . By integrating different variables, such as the composition of groups, social interactions and the links of genetic relatedness. The construction of a social network will highlight all of this social organization. To do this, since 2007, 66 males and 127 females were captured and tagged in the Parco Narturale Apli Marittime (Italy). The first aim of this study is to determine whether females form social groups and subsequently to quantify the interannual stability of subgroups. Secondly, using microsatellite DNA analysis of relatedness, we will clarify the genetic relationships between individuals. This will verify if the females are philopatric while determining their association. This study will for the first time to quantify social networks in chamois. The study of these networks will improve the understanding of sociality in this alpine ungulate.