Laure Cauchard

Université de Montréal
Ph.D. candidate

Supervisor: Bernard Angers
Neeltje Boogert, University of St Andrews
Start: 2009-09-01
End: 2014-10-31


Interindividual differences in cognitive abilities and their consequences in a wild bird population
The aims of this project are to explore i) the links between problem-solving, learning and fitness and ii) the underlying mechanisms and selective pressures shaping the evolution of cognition in a wild bird population.


Ecologie comportementale/Behavioural ecology, Cognition, Fitness, Plasticité comportementale, evolutionary ecology


1- Innovative foraging behaviour in birds: What characterizes an innovator?
Overington, Sarah E., Laure Cauchard, Kimberly-Ann Côté, Louis Lefebvre
2011 Behavioural Processes

2- Innovation in groups: does the proximity of others facilitate or inhibit performance?
Overington, Sarah, Laure Cauchard, Louis Lefebvre, Julie Morand-Ferron
2009 Behaviour

3- Kleptoparasitism by Grey Kingbirds (Tyrannus dominicensis) in Barbados
Overington, Sarah E., Laure Cauchard, Kimberly-Ann Côté
2008 The Wilson Journal of Ornithology

4- Problem-solving performance is correlated with reproductive success in a wild bird population
Cauchard, Laure, Neeltje J. Boogert, Louis Lefebvre, Frédérique Dubois, Blandine Doligez
2013 Animal Behaviour