For questions, contact
To create a QCBS student profile, click here. To read about the excellence award, click here.
Note: to convert your documents to PDF, you can use Adobe Acrobat or CutePDF (on Windows).

Application Information

Application type
Participation in a non-QCBS workshop
Training in the field or lab
Oral presentation at a conference
Participation in a working group
Collaboration in another QCBS member's lab
Applicant name
Applicant email
Cover letter- PDF format
Please submit only PDF documents. JPEG and PNG formats will not be accepted and may lead to your application being refused.
Upload Transcripts
Please submit only PDF documents. JPEG and PNG formats will not be accepted and may lead to your application being refused.
Student profile number
This number can be found at the end of the URL for your student profile page. Your information will be shown automatically below.
Letter of Support - PDF Format
Please submit only PDF documents. JPEG and PNG formats will not be accepted and may lead to your application being refused.

Project Description

Link with the QCBS

List of Previous QCBS awards


General budget description

Detailed budget

Enter the Events here (workshop name, course name, etc.). You will be specifying the latitude and longitude of each event venue in the next section, Location.

Once you have input all your events above, please make sure to click on the Confirm events button. Then insert your budget items into the rows below (item name: registration fees, travel, etc. ) and identify with which event it is associated. You can have multiple rows associated to a single event.

Event Category Item name Quantity Unitary cost Total cost Amount from other sources Amount requested to QCBS

Total amount requested
0.00 $


Read these instructions before starting. Please add the location(s) where the event(s) will take place on the map below. Drag and drop to move the map. Press the Start Adding Locations button to enable placing a location for your form. You can do this by clicking on the map. You may enter more than one location. The current locations will be listed below the map. Click on a location on the map again to remove it.


What is the acronym of the Quebec Centre for Biodiversity Science?