Danielle Dagenais

Associate Professor,
Université de Montréal

Faculté de l’aménagement
E-mail: danielle.dagenais@umontreal.ca
Institution page


  • B.Sc. agriculture, McGill
  • M.Sc.A. environmental engineering, École polytechnique de Montréal
  • Ph.D. urban planning, Université de Montréal


Funded research projects and ongoing research contracts:
  • Urban implementation of extensive green roofs in a Canadian context: social acceptability, design criteria and implementation strategies.
  • Urban implementation of vegetated stormwater source control systems as an adaptation option to climate change: benchmarking of Quebec, Canadian and international practices and development of an implementation framework for southern Quebec municipalities.
  • Design of a vegetated noise barrier adapted to the standards of the Ministère des transports du Québec, documentation and design criteria, vegetation and aesthetics component.
  • Urban climate change adaptation policies: a comparative approach.

  • QCBS students

    Hannah Brown

    (Start: 2023, End: 2025)
    Other QCBS (co-)supervisor: Jacques Brisson
    Impacts of saline runoff on the vitality of urban trees

    Previous students (since 2009)

    henry beral

    Other (co-)supervisor: KÕIV-VAINIK Margit
    (Start: 2019, End: 2022)
    Other QCBS (co-)supervisor: Jacques Brisson

    Catherine Séguin

    Other (co-)supervisor: Philippe Poullaouec-Gonidec
    (Start: 2009, End: 2016)
    Invention paysagère des toits : l’exemple des toits de New York (1980-2012)

    Alexandre Terrigeol

    Other (co-)supervisor: Daniel Fortin
    (Start: 2017, End: 2021)
    Studying the variations in species assemblages (birds, beetles and plants) following climate change in the Northern part of Canada
    Personal page

    Lucile Besson

    Other (co-)supervisor: Franck Scherrer
    (Start: 2010, End: 2012)
    Comment améliorer l’acceptabilité sociale des pratiques de gestion optimale des eaux pluviales végétalisées avec retenue d’eau temporaire ou permanente dans les espaces publics

    Catherine Brouillette

    Other (co-)supervisor: Sandra Breux
    (Start: 2010, End: 2014)
    Représentation des toits verts dans les médias écrits montréalais

    Catherine Fernet

    Other (co-)supervisor: Bernard St-Denis
    (Start: 2007, End: 2011)
    Effet de l’application des principes du Low Impact Development sur le coefficient de ruissellement pondéré d’un développement résidentiel à Laval

    Valérie Tremblay

    Other (co-)supervisor: Gérard Beaudet
    (Start: 2011, End: 2012)
    Vers le haut: La valeur d'usage du toit vert privé dans le contexte montréalais

    Marie Le Mélédo

    Other (co-)supervisor: Julien Blanc, Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France
    (Start: 2012, End: 2014)
    Other QCBS (co-)supervisor: Stéphanie Pellerin
    1 / Influence of Cultural Diversity on Biological Diversity in town ------ 2 / Project Landscape Architecture: ecological and food corridor
    Personal page

    Maude Léonard

    (Start: 2011, End: 2015)
    Utilisation des friches urbaines comme espaces verts

    Caroline Magar

    (Start: 2012, End: 2015)
    Plan de réhabilitation d'une friche urbaine végétalisée en parc nature public. Le cas du Champ des Possibles

    Sabrina Parent

    Other (co-)supervisor: Robert Cory
    (Start: 2009, End: 2011)
    Development of a tool for aesthetic and performance assessment of stormwater management practices

    Andréa Spector

    Other (co-)supervisor:
    (Start: 2010, End: 2013)
    Partage des responsabités entre les acteurs publics et privés dans la gestion des eaux pluviales dans la ville de Toronto


    37- Can we stop reinventing the wheel in blue-green infrastructure planning? Using value-focused thinking to enable transferability of a multicriteria planning support system
    Journal Article
    Lacroix S , Kuller M , Gougeon G , Petrucci J , Lemieux-Chalifour F , Rioux A , Dagenais D , Bichai F ,
    2024 Landscape and Urban Planning (Date Added: 2024-08-31)

    36- Impact of de-icing salt runoff in spring on bioretention efficiency
    Journal Article
    Beral H , Dagenais D , Brisson J , Kõiv-Vainik M ,
    2023 Blue-Green Systems (Date Added: 2023-12-18)

    35- Impact of bioretention cells in cities with a cold climate: modeling snow management based on a case study
    Journal Article
    Gougeon G , Bouattour O , Formankova E , St-Laurent J , Doucet S , Dorner S , Lacroix S , Kuller M , Dagenais D , Bichai F ,
    2023 Blue-Green Systems (Date Added: 2023-07-07)

    34- Plant species contribution to bioretention performance under a temperate climate
    Journal Article
    Beral H , Dagenais D , Brisson J , Kõiv-Vainik M ,
    2023 Science of the Total Environment (Date Added: 2023-01-04)

    33- Stressful, isolated, yet diverse: Green roofs have rich microbiomes that are not dominated by oligotrophic taxa
    Journal Article
    Hénault A , Heim A , Brisson J , Dagenais D , De Bellis T , Chagnon P ,
    2022 Environmental Microbiology Reports (Date Added: 2022-09-15)

    32- Complexifying the urban lawn improves heat mitigation and arthropod biodiversity
    Journal Article
    Francoeur X W , Dagenais D , Paquette A , Dupras J , Messier C ,
    2021 Urban Forestry and Urban Greening (Date Added: 2021-03-24)

    31- A characterization of media representation of biodiversity and implications for public perceptions and environmental policy: the case of Québec, Canada
    Journal Article
    Brunet N D , Dagenais D , Breux S , Handa I T ,
    2018 Environment, Development and Sustainability (Date Added: 2018-09-23)

    30- The role of plants in bioretention systems; does the science underpin current guidance?
    Journal Article
    Dagenais D , Brisson J , Fletcher T D ,
    2018 Ecological Engineering (Date Added: 2018-07-28)

    29- The seven lamps of planning for biodiversity in the city
    Journal Article
    Parris K M , Amati M , Bekessy S A , Dagenais D , Fryd O , Hahs A K , Hes D , Imberger S J , Livesley S J , Marshall A J , Rhodes J R , Threlfall C G , Tingley R , van der Ree R , Walsh C J , Wilkerson M L , Williams N S ,
    2018 Cities (Date Added: 2018-06-27)

    28- Moving forward in implementing green infrastructures: Stakeholder perceptions of opportunities and obstacles in a major North American metropolitan area
    Journal Article
    Bissonnette, J-F, Dupras, J, Messier, C, Lechowicz, M, Dagenais, D, Paquette, A, Jaeger, JAG, Gonzalez, A
    2018 Cities (Date Added: 2018-04-02)

    27-5 Des infrastructures vertes de gestion des eaux pluviales
    Book Chapter
    Dagenais D ,
    2017 La ville résiliente. Comment la construire ( Date Added: 2018-05-11)

    26-Retrofitting Vegetated Stormwater Control Measures in different land-use contexts: challenges and hydrological impacts in the future climate
    Book Chapter
    Bolduc, S
    2017 ( Date Added: 2018-05-10)

    25- Siting green stormwater infrastructure in a neighbourhood to maximise secondary benefits: lessons learned from a pilot project
    Journal Article
    Dagenais, D, Thomas, I, Paquette, S
    2016 Landscape Research (Date Added: 2016-11-28)

    24-Planifier un réseau d’infrastructures vertes pour la Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal : comment augmenter la résilience de la région face aux changements climatiques
    Rayfield, B, Dupras, J, Francoeur, X, Dumitru, M, Dagenais, D, Vachon, J, Paquette, A, Lechowicz, M, Messier, C, Gonzalez, A
    2015 David Suzuki Foundation ( Date Added: 2016-06-28)

    23-Les Infrastructures vertes : Un outil d’adaptation aux changements climatiques pour le Grand Montréal
    Rayfield, B, Dupras, J, Francoeur, X, Dumitru, M, Dagenais, D, Vachon, J, Paquette, A, Lechowicz, M, Messier, C, Gonzalez, A
    2015 ( Date Added: 2016-06-22)

    22-Portland, ville modèle.
    Magazine Article
    Jacques, B, Dagenais, D
    2015 Chronique Phytotechnologie ( Date Added: 2016-06-22)

    21-Adaptation aux changements climatiques et verdissement à Montréal : points de convergence
    Journal Article
    Vachon, J, Houbart, C, Dagenais, D, Scherrer, F
    2015 l’Agence de l’environnement et de la maîtrise de l’énergie ( Date Added: 2016-06-22)

    20- SUDS, LID, BMPs, WSUD and more – The evolution and application of terminology surrounding urban drainage
    Journal Article
    Fletcher, TD, Shuster, W, Hunt, WF, Ashley, R, Butler, D, Arthur, S, Trowsdale, S, Barraud, S, Semadeni-Davies, A, Bertrand-Krajewski, J-L, Mikkelsen, PS, Rivard, G, Uhl, M, Dagenais, D, Viklander, M
    2015 Urban Water Journal (Date Added: 2015-09-23)

    19-Participatory Design of a Decision Aid Tool Integrating Social Aspects for the Implementation of at Source Vegetated Best Management Practices (SVBMPs)
    Journal Article
    Dagenais, D, Paquette, S, Fuamba, M, Servier, E-J, Spector, A, Besson, L, Thomas-Maret, I
    2013 Novatech ( Date Added: 2016-06-22)

    18-Taking Social and Cultural Values into Account in the Process of Managing Biodiversity at the Landscape Scale: a few useful considerations
    Book Chapter
    Dagenais, D
    2013 Tracking Key Trends in Biodiversity Science and Policy ( Date Added: 2016-06-22)

    17-Le verdissement (végétalisation des surfaces) comme adaptation au changement climatique
    Dagenais, D
    2013 l’Agence de l’environnement et de la maîtrise de l’énergie ( Date Added: 2016-06-22)

    16-Conception d’un écran antibruit comportant des matériaux inertes et végétaux adapté aux normes du Ministère des transports du Québec et au contexte autoroutier québécois et suivi d’implantation
    Dagenais, D, Gagnon, C, Poullaouec-Gonidec, P, Côté, V, Brouillette, C, François-Percy, C, Rousseau, C, Fortin, LeZ
    2013 Rapport final déposé au Ministère des transports du Québec ( Date Added: 2016-06-22)

    15-Aesthetic and planting design criteria to improve residents’ acceptance of a new type of effective and economical highway acoustic barrier for narrow right-of-ways
    Dagenais, D, Roberge, Y, Koudachkina, I
    2012 Environmental Concerns in Rights-of-Way Management ( Date Added: 2016-06-22)

    14-Foisonnement de vie
    Magazine Article
    Dagenais, D
    2012 Chronique phytotechnologie ( Date Added: 2016-06-22)

    13-La gestion intégrée des eaux pluviales
    Magazine Article
    Dagenais, D
    2012 Chronique phytotechnologie ( Date Added: 2016-06-22)

    12-Implantation en milieu urbain de systèmes végétalisés de contrôle à la source des eaux pluviales comme option d’adaptation aux changements climatiques : balisage des pratiques québécoises, canadiennes et internationales et développement d’un cadre d’implantation pour les municipalités du sud du Québec,
    Dagenais, D, Paquette, S, Thomas-Maret, I, Besson, L, Chanthalama, K, Jambon, C, Spector, A
    2012 ( Date Added: 2012-09-14)

    11-Conception d’un écran antibruit comportant des matériaux inertes et végétaux adapté aux normes du Ministère des transports du Québec et au contexte autoroutier québécois et suivi d’implantation, Volet végétal, esthétique et d’acceptation sociale.
    Dagenais, D
    2011 ( Date Added: 2012-09-14)

    10-Keys to successful large-scale implementation of vegetated best management practices in the urban environment
    Book Chapter
    Dagenais, D, Paquette, S, Fuamba, M, Thomas-Maret, I
    2011 12th International Conference on Urban Drainage, International Water Association ( Date Added: 2011-08-31)

    9- Aesthetic and planting design criteria to improve residents’ acceptance of a new type of effective and economical highway acoustic barrier for narrow right-of-ways
    Conference Article
    Dagenais, D, Froment, J, Roberge, Y, Koudachkina, I
    2011 Environmental Concerns in Rights-of-Way Management, 9th International Symposium (Date Added: 2011-08-31)

    8- Development of design criteria to improve aesthetic appreciation of extensive green roofs (EGR)
    Book Chapter
    Dagenais, D, Gagnon, C, Pelletier, J-L
    2010 Acta Horticulturae (ISHS) (Date Added: 2011-08-31)

    7- Designing with nature in landscape architecture
    Conference Article
    Dagenais, D
    2008 WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment (Date Added: 2011-04-20)

    5- The garden of movement: Ecological rhetoric in support of gardening practice
    Journal Article
    Dagenais, D
    2004 Studies in the History of Gardens and Designed Landscapes (Date Added: 2011-04-20)

    4- Influence of chemical preconditioning in gravity thickening and dewatering of sludges in facultative aerated lagoons
    Journal Article
    Desjardins, M-A, Bussieres, C, Briere et, FG, Dagenais, D
    1995 Canadian journal of civil engineering (Date Added: 2011-04-20)

    3- Treatment of lead organo-metal complex containing wastewater by ozonation
    Journal Article
    Foukay, K, Hausler, R, Briere, FG, Dagenais, D, Parrot, F
    1994 Science et Techniques de l'Eau (Date Added: 2011-04-20)

    2- Toxicity of industrial wastewaters: the case of the tannery-tawery of Rouiba, Algeria
    Journal Article
    Kerbachi, R, Semsari, S, Dagenais, D, Hausler, R, Briere, FG
    1993 Sciences et Techniques de l'Eau (Date Added: 2011-04-20)

    1- Performance of an activated sludge unit under low organic loading and low biological solid concentration conditions
    Journal Article
    Durocher, A, Briere, FG, Desjardins, R, Dagenais, D
    1988 TRIB. L'EAU (Date Added: 2011-04-20)