Personal information

  • Name (as written in your QCBS profile)*

  • University of graduation*

  • Academic Program*

  • Supervisor*

  • Final graduation date*

  • Did you have a co-supervisor for your graduate project? *

  • Where do you currently reside?*

  • What is your current status?*

  • Have you ever been employed after graduation?*

    Yes No

  • First Job

  • What was the time frame between graduation and employment of your first job?

  • Do you consider yourself working in your sector?

    Yes No
  • If not, in what sector are you working?

  • What type of organization are you working for?

  • What is the name of the organization?

  • What is your position in this organization?

  • Is it still your current job?

    Yes No

  • Current Job

  • Do you consider yourself working in your sector?

    Yes No
  • If not, in what sector are you working?

  • What type of organization are you working for?

  • What is the name of the organization?

  • What is your position in this organization?

  • Education

  • Where are you currently studying?

  • What is your program of study?

  • Your time with the QCBS

  • What are the competences that you would like to gain?

  • How often did you engage with QCBS during your studies?

    Training workshops
    Training sessions
    Symposium and workshops
    Awards and grants, Excellence awards
  • Which of your interactions with QCBS were most helpful for your career development?

  • Comments and suggestions: