Observing and monitoring biodiversity
Axis 1 Themes
Theme 1.1: Study and understand
QCBS members are pioneers in new methods and technologies for quantifying and assessing changes in biodiversity status. Observations of organisms, their distribution and abundance, functional traits, behavior, and interactions with other organisms all continue to be foundational data on which regional biodiversity assessments depend; monitoring consists of repeated observations over time.
Theme 1.2: Accelerate observations
The development of high-throughput biodiversity monitoring technologies (e.g., bioacoustics, phenology cameras, camera traps, environmental DNA, and participatory science) can greatly accelerate our ability to monitor biodiversity.
Theme 1.3: Collections and data
To fully benefit from the power of these technologies, biological collections and associated open access databases must be enriched with these new types of data, so that sound waves, pixels, or DNA sequences can be translated into biodiversity information, in particular using machine learning.
Theme 1.4: Remote sensing
New statistical approaches are needed to integrate these multi-source observations with airborne and spaceborne remote sensing data. This would provide recurrent and comprehensive estimates of biodiversity at a relevant decision-making scale.
Axis 1 builds on initiatives such as the Canadian Aerial Biodiversity Observatory (CABO) and Canadensys, or those of partners involved in knowledge transfer to the public such as Space for Life and the Redpath Museum.