QCBS working groups are intended to facilitate the emergence of new lines of collaborative research amongst QCBS members and their partners. The working groups may arise from various approaches, and pursue various objectives:

  • The emergence of novel research themes, not previously possible, and requiring the input of additional expertise, as well as the establishment of new collaboration.
  • Collaboration between researchers with complementary training and expertise, which aims at making the whole group more competitive at the national and international levels.
  • Improve training environment quality for highly qualified personnel in biodiversity science, and the development of innovative research opportunities able to attract promising students.

Click here to learn about currently funded QCBS working groups. Funding for Working Groups is subject to an annual call for application, each March 1st and September 30th. The call for applications is announced in the QCBS Newsletter, and is always accessible on QCBS website. Members may still submit applications to the QCBS if opportunities arise.


Call for application

The purpose of QCBS working groups is to facilitate the emergence of new lines of collaborative research amongst QCBS members and their partners. The expected outcome is to establish new collaborations among researchers, more precisely among researchers active in different themes, and across axes. The working groups may arise from various approaches, and pursue various objectives:

  • The emergence of novel research themes, not previously possible, and requiring the input of additional expertise, as well as the establishment of new collaboration.
  • Collaboration between researchers with complementary training and expertise, which aims at making the whole group more competitive at the national and international levels.
  • Improve training environment quality for highly qualified personnel in biodiversity science, and the development of innovative research opportunities able to attract promising students.

Value: $5.000 to $10.000 per year per working group. Renewable once (maximum two years).

Who Is eligible: The Principal Investigator of a Working Group has to be a QCBS member. Working groups must involve several QCBS members, and participation of non-QCBS members from Quebec, Canada or other countries is highly recommended. The group must focus on a research question related to the QCBS research axes. The expertise needed to pursue a new research question must be clearly provided by members of the proposed  working group. Members are highly encouraged to invite researchers and partners from government, local administrations, private sector or NGOs. Ideally, the proposed working groups will involve researchers from at least two of the three QCBS research axes (Discovering biodiversityBiodiversity changes and ecosystem servicesManagement and adaptation to biodiversity change)

Application process: Funding for Working Groups is subject to an annual call for applications, each March 1st. The call for applications is announced in the QCBS Newsletter, and is always accessible on the QCBS website. Members may still submit applications to the QCBS if opportunities arise.

  • Application Deadline: March 1st & September 30th of each year
  • Decision Date: April 1st & October 30th of each year



The following paragraphs describe guidelines on information to be provided when applying for a QCBS working group Grant. Following the guidelines will greatly facilitate the evaluation process.

Apply using the online application form.

Working group applications must contain the following items:

a)    Cover letter (maximum 1 page)

The cover letter must include the following information: Names of all applicants and identification of the Principal Investigator which will be the contact person, her/his academic institution, ID, FQRNT NIP and email addresses. The cover letter should be brief and summarize the proposal content, elaborated in the following sections.

b)     Description of proposed activity (maximum 2-6 pages)

The proposal should include the following items:

  • Context and problematic, rationale, and general and specific objectives of the working group  (maximum 4 pages)
  • Relevant literature review, and overview of the proposed scientific collaboration (maximum 2 pages).

c)     CVs for each non-member collaborator

The CV of each member of the team who is not a QCBS member should be included with the working group application (maximum of 3 pages per CV).

d)    Estimated budget (maximum 1 page)

The budget consists in a table describing all the expenses planned under the activities of the Working Group. Please use the following table as a template:

Item Quantity Unitary Cost Total Cost Amount from other sources Amount requested to QCBS

e)    Other funding received from the QCBS

The application must include a list of QCBS grants and awards received since 2009 by members of the Working Group, listed by date awarded and including information on the type, amount, and the title of grants and awards. This list will not include QCBS excellence awards or QCBS prizes received by students supervised or co-supervised by the applicants.


A multi-institution QCBS committee will evaluate applications according to the following criteria:

  • Eligibility of working group;
  • Link between working group expertise and proposed research question
  • Likelihood that proposed working group will lead to a new line of collaborative research;
  • Likelihood that the working group will stimulate collaboration between axes
  • Appropriate justification for funds requested
  • Contribution to graduate students and postdocs training.


Following the review of working group applications by selection committee, successful applicants will receive an email notification from the QCBS, detailing the amount allocated. Following award decisions, recipients will have to follow the administrative procedures established by QCBS and described in the QCBS funding program-working group procedure document that will be made provided by info@qcbs.ca. However, the final fund allocation may be made only after the principal investigator will answer any eventual questions from the selection committee. Once the QCBS Director has approved and signed off on the final budget, no further changes will be allowable. The final budget will be used to assess the eligibility of expenses incurred by the working group team.


Events organization: Organizing public events, such as guest speakers, mini-workshops or seminars is strongly encouraged. Those public events will then be announced through the QCBS media, such as the Monthly Bulletin and the events page of the website.

Communication of activities and results: For each major activity of the working group (meetings, workshops, seminars), the principal investigator should send a short description (two sentences) and the list of participants to info@qcbs.ca. This information will be posted on the working group page of the QCBS website, and will be used to monitor the Working Group activities. Presenting the research results at QCSB Annual Symposium is also highly recommended.

Report: A summary report (10 pages maximum) shall be sent to QCBS two months following the final working group meeting. The report will be released on the QCBS website after revision by the QCBS office. The report shall contain the following sections:

  • A short narrative section (maximum of 5 pages) recalling the context and initial objectives, and explaining how the stated goals of the project have been achieved;
  • The list of the major activities (including participant’s list);
  • The list of products and deliverables produced through the working group activities: grant proposal, publications (papers, literature review, book chapter…) major events;
  • A breakdown of how the funds were allocated and spent.

Original receipts shall remain filed for appropriate period with the researchers’ university administrations.

For questions, contact info@qcbs.ca.