Saturday October 31, 2015. From 9AM-4:30PM. ICAO, Montréal. 


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0930 Welcome

     QCBS&Future Earth: Andrew Gonzalez
     CBD-SBSTTA Chair: Andrew Bignell andrewbignellthumb
     CBD Secretariat: Braulio Frerreira de Souza Dias

0945 – Setting the ScenePresentation of the organisation, its contribution to realizing their vision and strategic plan, the role it plays in the science-policy-interface and interest in engagement with other ones. 
     Future Earth, Paul Leadley
     GEO BON, Mike Gill
     IPBES, Anne Larigauderie
     S-CBD, David Cooper

1015-1200 Biodiversity and human well beingKey messages from the three themes of the QCBS Symposium, held on October 29-30. Andrew Gonzalez focuses on an exiting potential, urgent and important gaps and unutilized links in order to mainstream biodiversity and contribute to achieving the CBD mission. 
     Theme 1 Biodiversity & Cities
     Theme 2 Biodiversity & health
     Theme 3 Biodiversity & agro-sylvo pastoral systems
     Further discussion in roundtables/world café with facilitators: Identification of key messages and
     questions to be addressed by the research or policy communities

1200-1215  – Wrap Up

annalarigauderiethumb1215-1325 – Lunch

1325-1430 – Introducing Future Earth 

     Speed talks from different Future Earth Core Projects and activities:
     bioDISCOVERY-modelling & scenarios; Paul Leadley
     ecoSERVICES-Brightspot; Ciara Raudsepp-Hearne
     bioGENESIS-building capacity: translating GBO-3 outcomes for the young generation; Melina

Further discussions in roundtable/world café with facilitators: opportunities for extended presentation, followed by discussion and identification of opportunities of cooperation.

1430-1445 – Wrap up

1445-1500 – Coffee break

1500-1600 – CBD and the research agenda

     Introduction: Robert Hoft with Mike Gill GEO BON and Anne Larigauderie, IPBES
     Discussion in roundtables/world café with facilitators:

  • Connecting CBD to Future Earth, GEO BON, IPBES regional assessment
  • Identifying topics/activities/approaches of interest of CBD delegates to achieve the 2025 strategic plan (e.g. tools, engagement platform at different scales, co-design approach, etc., To be defined)

1600-1615 – Wrap up

1615 – Closing remarks
     Future Earth, Paul Leadley 
     QCBS, Andrew Gonzalez 
     CBD, Hesquio Benitez, Mexican representativemelinasakiyama_120