Veronica Groves

Concordia University
M.Sc. candidate

Supervisor: Grant E. Brown
Start: 2020-09-08
End: 2022-08-22


The effect of abiotic disturbances on neophobia, social cues and learning of Trinidadian guppies


1- Trends in an emerging artisanal fishery of the African cyprinid Rastrineobola argentea in Lake Nabugabo, Uganda
Groves, Veronica, Diana M. T. Sharpe, Winnie Nkalubo, Lauren J. Chapman
2021 Fisheries Management and Ecology

2- The role of donor and receiver size in the response to public cues in Hart’s rivulus, Anablepsoides hartii
Groves, Veronica, Chris K. Elvidge, Grant E. Brown
2022 Behaviour