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For questions, contact
Note: to convert your documents to PDF, you can use Adobe Acrobat or CutePDF (on Windows).

Please note that all fields must be filled in appropriately.

Applicant name
Applicant email
Photo - JPG format
Cover letter - PDF format
Resume - PDF format
Advisor name
You can use the CTRL key to select multiple names
Letter of Support - PDF Format
Project Title
Project Description (350 words)
This Project Description will be posted on the QCBS website if the group proposal is approved.
Link with QCBS
Funding previously received from QCBS
Upload Transcripts- PDF format


Add Training Locations (workshop name, course name, etc.) and specify the latitude and longitude of each event venue.


Budget details: insert rows for each budget item while specifying with which event (e.g. workshop, etc.) it is associated

Item name Quantity Unitary cost Total cost Amount from other sources Amount requested to QCBS

Total amount requested
0.00 $


Please make sure that you have filled all the fields before submitting.

What is the acronym of the Quebec Centre for Biodiversity Science?