

May 26-31, 2013


Hotel Santa Viviana, Villa de Leyva, Colombia


This course is a comprehensive introduction to the concepts and theories related to the functional traits of organisms, with a particular emphasis on plants. Students use a traitbased approach to examine the response of organisms to environmental gradients, to explore community assembly and to understand how plant functions can be scaled to the ecosystem level. Lectures include application of the approach to understand biotic responses to land use change, to global change and provision of ecosystem services at the landscape scale. A brief introduction to existing trait databases, their correct utilization and to the growing discipline of eco-informatics is presented. This fourth version of the course will take place in the Andean tropics and will include hands-on experience of measurement of functional traits and a field trip to an upper mountain tropical rain forest and a paramo ecosystem. The course is offered in English and is open to graduate students, postdocs, researchers and professors. Candidates should complete the attached form and send a copy of their CV.

Confirmed professors

  • Eric Garnier (CNRS, CEFE, France)
  • Bill Shipley (U. of Sherbrooke, Canada)
  • Alison Munson (U. Laval, Canada)
  • Arne Saatkamp (AMU & IMBE, France)
  • Juan Posada (U. of El Rosario, Colombia)
  • Sandra Lavorel (CNRS, LECA, France)
  • Francesco De Bello (Czech Academy of Sciences and U. of South Bohemia, Czech Republic)

Registration: US $300. Covers lodging in shared rooms (2-4 people), breakfast and transportation to the field

Application deadline: March 15, 2013

Application results: April 1, 2013

Contact and information:

Registration form: Download here

More details:

Note: QCBS student members can apply for an Excellence Award to attend this class. 

Course Poster here