Member's FAQ and GUIDE



FAQ for students


Who is a student member of the QCBS?

You are a student member if you are currently a graduate student or postdoc, your supervisor or co-supervisor is a member of the QCBS (Link to the list of members), and you have a QCBS profile page.


As a student member of QCBS, what resources can I access?

How can I be added to the QCBS database, to my supervisor’s profile page, and obtain my own student profile page?

You simply need to fill this form. We will confirm your submission shortly. Please fill the password recovery form if you have forgotten your existing QCBS ID and/or password.


I have a QCBS profile, but I forgot my QCBS ID or password. How can I retrieve them?

Simply visit this page and enter the email address you used to create your profile. If you don’t receive the email with the details, please check your spam folder.


How can I be removed from the QCBS database and website?

Simply enter your student profile form and click the box at the bottom that specifies that you want your information removed from the website.


How can I contribute to activities of the QCBS?


FAQ for researchers


How do I become a member of the QCBS?

Send the following information to

  • A request letter, including a description of your research and how it relates to one or more of the QCBS’s three biodiversity science research axes
  • A current CV
  • A letter of support from a member of the QCBS

Your application will be evaluated by the QCBS Scientific Council.

Note: To become a QCBS member, you must have the status of researcher (PhD and CE, CHU, CHA or CHG status).


As a member of the QCBS, what resources can I access?


How can I contribute to activities of the QCBS?