EDI at the QCBS

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QCBS EDI Survey Results

The QCBS Equity, Diversity, Inclusion (EDI) working group was created in 2019. The EDI Survey was sent to QCBS members in 2021; through this survey, we would like to collect data on EDI issues within the members of QCBS. This will enable us to first draw up a map of the current situation, to identify current needs and then to propose actions that could be implemented within the framework of QCBS.

If you have any concerns, questions, or complaints about this survey or EDI at QCBS, please send an email to edi@qcbs.ca. Your message will remain confidential and will only be viewed by the EDI committee. For more information on EDI at QCBS, see our EDI page.

The current, aggregated results of the EDI survey may be viewed here in detail. Use the sidebar to navigate and view the data.





gender identity

identify as cultural/religious minority

identify as disabled

identify as Indigenous

identify as visible minority

Interactions at the QCBS

positive experiences

negative experiences

Opinions on representation of certain groups in regards to...

permanent members and professors of QCBS

members of the student/post-doc network

invited speakers to the QCBS Symposium

Opinions on possible improvements

EDI initiatives

scientific activities

to improve symposium or other event participation